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    <div id="content"><div id='filecontents'><h1>Lazyeval</h1>

<p>Homepage: <a href=""></a></p>

<p>This GEM allows to call methods lazily. The actual work will not be performed
until the result is used. There's no promise/force semantics, just a single
call (or block) is stored and executed the first time the (lazy) result is


<h3>simple lazy call</h3>

<pre class="code"><span class='user identifier id'>user</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='User constant id'>User</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='lazy identifier id'>lazy</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='find identifier id'>find</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='symbol val'>:first</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span> <span class='comment val'># will not access a db</span>
<span class='puts identifier id'>puts</span> <span class='user identifier id'>user</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='name identifier id'>name</span> <span class='comment val'># this will actually perform the find and then get the name from</span>
               <span class='comment val'># the result</span>

<h3>example for a lazy block</h3>

<pre class="code"><span class='user_name identifier id'>user_name</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='User constant id'>User</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='lazy identifier id'>lazy</span> <span class='lbrace token'>{</span> <span class='bitor op'>|</span><span class='user identifier id'>user</span><span class='bitor op'>|</span> <span class='user identifier id'>user</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='find identifier id'>find</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='symbol val'>:first</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='user_name identifier id'>user_name</span> <span class='rbrace token'>}</span> <span class='comment val'># no db access</span>
<span class='puts identifier id'>puts</span> <span class='user_name identifier id'>user_name</span> <span class='comment val'># db will be accessed here</span>

<h2>Note on Patches/Pull Requests</h2>

<li>Fork the project.</li>
<li>Make your feature addition or bug fix.</li>
<li>Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version
<li>Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
(if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a
commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)</li>
<li>Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.</li>


<p>Copyright (c) 2010 Vitaly Kushner. See LICENSE for details.</p></div></div>
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  Generated on Tue May 11 16:34:44 2010 by 
  <a href="" title="Yay! A Ruby Documentation Tool">yard</a>
  0.5.3 (ruby-1.8.6).
