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Test Coverage
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

### [3.0.1]( (2022-09-25)

### Bug Fixes

* add bin folder to ignroe list ([239d3ae](

### Refactor

* yarn -> npx + deploy pages on release ([eedc021](

## [3.0.0]( (2022-09-22)

### Chore

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([69fce8f](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([9264f48](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([5b77c26](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([366f761](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([8b1b4bf](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([b97bc66](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([e4bc71c](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([b6343d1](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([87dfd79](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([c5d684e](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([81f5290](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([93bc4d0](
* **deps:** update actions/cache action to v3 ([cf74789](
* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v3 ([a4c84e9](
* **deps:** update actions/setup-node action to v3 ([74373cc](
* **deps:** update codecov/codecov-action action to v3 ([7e21727](
* **deps:** update dependency @commitlint/cli to v17 ([8b94cb9](
* **deps:** update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to v17 ([803616e](
* **deps:** update dependency @types/jest to v28 ([4388b68](
* **deps:** update dependency @types/node to v18 ([91e77c8](
* **deps:** update dependency babel-jest to v28 ([669bb6e](
* **deps:** update dependency babel-jest to v29 ([32eccda](
* **deps:** update dependency copy-webpack-plugin to v11 ([595f7b3](
* **deps:** update dependency dotenv to v15 ([b0f099a](
* **deps:** update dependency dotenv to v16 ([6249d53](
* **deps:** update dependency husky to v8 ([126a8bf](
* **deps:** update dependency lint-staged to v13 ([be1dfc1](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v17.6.0 ([c5c72b2](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v17.7.1 ([3ba8d50](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v17.7.2 ([581094b](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v17.8.0 ([18fa9f7](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v17.9.0 ([687aa87](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18 ([1184f39](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18.1.0 ([b26bd00](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18.2.0 ([64b136f](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18.3.0 ([679c764](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18.4.0 ([173aa49](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18.5.0 ([7fdba47](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18.6.0 ([78dbe19](
* **deps:** update dependency node to v18.7.0 ([22c0b40](
* **deps:** update dependency pinst to v3 ([9439906](
* **deps:** update dependency postcss-loader to v7 ([9c7da4f](
* **deps:** update dependency react-redux to v8 ([4a801e7](
* **deps:** update dependency sass-loader to v13 ([9ea4b62](
* **deps:** update dependency source-map-loader to v4 ([0af6804](
* **deps:** update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v25 ([3c4812a](
* **deps:** update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v26 ([fdd907d](
* **deps:** update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v27 ([1a3ca11](
* **deps:** update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v28 ([12f838e](
* **deps:** update dependency ts-jest to v28 ([052a6f4](
* **deps:** update dependency ts-jest to v29 ([e1d4379](
* **deps:** update dependency web-vitals to v3 ([65d1399](
* **deps:** update dependency webpack-manifest-plugin to v5 ([f8f561e](
* **deps:** update github/codeql-action action to v2 ([0cd9a44](
* **deps:** update node docker tag to v17.5.0 ([1a37408](
* **deps:** update node docker tag to v18.8.0 ([f6b83bb](
* **deps:** update node docker tag to v18.9.0 ([86ac22d](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.14.0 ([3ce41b2](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.14.1 ([3cdb70d](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.14.2 ([0877956](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.15.0 ([d96b460](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.15.1 ([f1acc6a](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.16.0 ([c47e68d](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.17.0 ([fa7df50](
* **deps:** update yarn to v3.2.0 ([df0415d](
* **deps:** update yarn to v3.2.1 ([df95b16](
* **deps:** update yarn to v3.2.2 ([e31a254](
* **deps:** update yarn to v3.2.3 ([4cae7ee](
* upgrade dependencies ([dea1a8a](

### Build

* **deps:** bump react-router-dom from 6.4.0 to 6.4.1 ([#158]( ([04f026a](

### Docs

* fix typos ([c74236f](
* improve readme ([6f607e7](
* remove spaces between badges ([117bec3](

### Refactor

* change to hash router ([7394c6e](
* cmd -> bin ([0cd47a7](
* rename libs ([a5bdea2](
* rename project folders ([83aa55a](
* restructure ([3712998](
* simplify configurations ([21b261d](
* use named exports only ([afcf3f4](
* use npm + improve ci scripts + remove yarn2 ([29b78b0](
* use trailing comma ([12e5332](

### [2.0.2]( (2022-01-22)

### Refactor

* remove unnecessary eslint deps ([b810190](
* yarn.lock adjust ([bdd8f20](

### [2.0.1]( (2022-01-22)

### Refactor

* remove babel dependencies ([0452eaa](
* remove express dependency ([0bc8eea](
* remove unused eslint dependencies ([324f140](

## [2.0.0]( (2022-01-22)

### Features

* add docker to published lib version ([d8e8a0d](

### Chore

* upgrade deps ([cf660cc](

### Docs

* fix prettier badge ([3d5d9b0](

### Refactor

* improve logger test ([d074565](
* remove [@app]( mappings ([bb84818](
* remove unnecessary default exports + reorganize some modules ([ae0d451](
* rename _test-setup.config.ts ([75fd916](
* rename some components ([152af5f](
* simplify folder structure ([6adf096](
* use typescript for configs + adjust typings + remove any ([4a95870](

### Build

* remove codecov dep + add codecov GitHub action step ([53b17af](
* simplify code formatter command ([7bbb51e](

## [1.0.0]( (2022-01-20)

### Chore

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([37c7da5](
* **deps:** update dependency eslint-plugin-promise to v6 ([a591fee](
* **deps:** update node docker tag to v17.3.0 ([46ba101](
* **deps:** update node docker tag to v17.4.0 ([#83]( ([f71d286](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.13.2 ([#81]( ([147e96e](
* fix yarn.lock ([d72125e](
* **release:** 1.0.0 ([3b02570](
* reset version ([46a3ed3](
* upgrade deps + add more utility commands to makefile ([4e4b12e](
* upgrade yarn to latest + fix package.json bin entry ([438a3ba](

### [0.0.3]( (2021-12-16)

### Chore

* add more keywords ([d43e6b4](
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([#73]( ([b7dc881](
* **deps:** update dependency @types/node to v17 ([08e28e5](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to v7 ([439d401](
* **deps:** update dependency react-app-polyfill to v3 ([9aaccdf](
* **deps:** update node docker tag to v17.2.0 ([150f37d](
* **deps:** update node.js to v16.13.1 ([d9b23ee](
* **deps:** update yarn to v3.2.0-rc.7 ([a2055b4](
* **deps:** update yarn to v3.2.0-rc.8 ([32bc533](

### [0.0.2]( (2021-12-01)

### Refactor

* update deps + upgrade example structure to use a clean approach ([#67]( ([e2321bd](

### Chore

* **deps:** update node docker tag to v17 ([#69]( ([b285e72](

### Build

* change commit types for standard-version ([a463b4d](

### [0.0.2-alpha.1]( (2021-07-19)

### Bug Fixes

* redux utils ([b7aec2c](

### 0.0.2-alpha.0 (2021-07-16)

### Features

* add create-react-ts-web-starter bin script ([ef0913a](
* add several fixes and improvements ([ca34f1b](
* add standard-version to manage releases ([0ba0274](
* add typescript ([ff6e286](
* improve starter project ([9158dd0](
* improve starter project ([3dc62e0](
* improve starter project ([3cf5c52](
* new toolkit model ([695db33](
* upgrading starter project ([3ef3e01](

### Bug Fixes

* add additional configs to e2e tests ([10f1206](
* add missing codecov dep ([1884f79](
* add missing commands to tests ([cffd0f9](
* apply fixes in ci script ([a63f372](
* fix tests and remove unused config files ([2c81b5f](
* github actions and travis ([4475469](
* lint and ignore submodule in eslintignore ([c5fc62f](
* **lint:** remove scss and sass + add ignore from stylelint + ignore coverage dir + fix readme ([332fd54](
* prettier config ([9f8781e](
* remove --maxWorkers option from e2e ci command ([4fca07f](
* remove externals for now ([a4e126d](
* remove externals for now ([75aabdf](
* remove optional deps and update lock ([c0344fe](
* remove some env vars from travis ci script ([b1a1762](
* remove test code from html template ([5be6f88](
* submodule url ([1c1d602](
* submodules ([38885cc](