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# Ignorify 
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A simple command line tool to pull and save .gitignore files!


- Peek into .gitignore files before downloading them (v1.2.0)

## Changelog

### v1.1.1 (12-02-2015)

- Add search command to filter files.
- Check for existing gitignore and prompt to overwrite.

### v1.0.1 (15-01-2015)

- Fix some issues with the Ruby gem install.
- Changed main executable path to relative.

### v1.0.0 (15-01-2015)

- First release with all core functionality 

## Installation

Install using gem

`gem install ignorify`

Or clone the repository and build a gem:
`gem build ignorify.gemspec`

And then install the gem.

Alternatively, use
`rake install`

## Running Tests

You can run the test suite using `rspec`

## Docs

### How it works

Ignorify crawls the github/gitignore repository to get the lastest gitignore files.
It then downloads and creates a .gitignore file in the directory.
The file is fetched using cURL.
But, if cURL is not installed, it manually grabs by crawling.

### Available commands

- `list`: Shows a list of all available files.
- `help`: Shows available commands.
- `version`: Returns the current version number.
- `search <filename>`: Searches for a gitignore and returns results.
- `create <filename>`: Places a .gitignore file in the current directory.

### Usage

`ignorify create java`

will return

Fetching gitignore...
######################################################################## 100.0%
.gitignore created
If there is an already existing .gitignore in the directory, you may choose to overwrite it.
If you dont want to, the command will exit without changing any files.

If the file searched for is not available, an error message will be shown.

`File was not found in the git repository`

### Dependencies

- Thor: Library to build CLI's.
- Nokogiri: A web crawler.
- Colorize: Easily adds colours to the terminal.
- Rspec: Ruby's favourite testing tool.
- Codeclimate-Test-Reporter: Test coverage reporter.

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request