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Test Coverage
 * Copyright 2018 Vizor Games LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#include "GrpcUriValidator.h"
#include "InfraworldRuntime.h"
#include "Misc/DefaultValueHelper.h"

class FGrpcUriValidator_Internal
    static bool ValidatePort(const FString& MaybePort, FString& OutError);
    static bool ValidateIp(const FString& MaybeIpAddress, FString& OutError);
    static bool ValidateDomainName(const FString& MaybeDomainName, FString& OutError);
    static bool DoesHostLookLikeIp(const FString& MaybeIpAddress);
    static bool TCharIsLetter(TCHAR character);
    static bool TCharIsDigit(TCHAR character);

/// FGrpcUriValidator_Internal interface

bool FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::ValidatePort(const FString& MaybePort, FString& OutError)
    int32 PortAsInteger;
    if (FDefaultValueHelper::ParseInt(MaybePort, PortAsInteger))
        const TRange<int32> ValidPortRange(0, 0xFFFF);
        if (!ValidPortRange.Contains(PortAsInteger))
            OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("Invalid port number: \"%d\", must be within [%d - %d)"), PortAsInteger, 0, 0xFFFF);
            return false;
        OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("Can not parse port \"%s\" into an integer. The format is invalid."), *MaybePort);
        return false;
    return true;

bool FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::ValidateIp(const FString& MaybeIpAddress, FString& OutError)
    TArray<FString> Octets;
    MaybeIpAddress.ParseIntoArray(Octets, TEXT("."));
    if (Octets.Num() == 4)
        const TRange<int32> OctetRange(0, 0xFF);
        for (const FString& Octet : Octets)
            int32 Out;
            if (FDefaultValueHelper::ParseInt(Octet, Out))
                if (!OctetRange.Contains(Out))
                    OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("An octet \"%s\" in the IPv4 address (which is \"%s\") is of range [0 - 256)"), *Octet, *MaybeIpAddress);
                    return false;
                OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("\"%s\" in \"%s\" does not seems to be int32"), *Octet, *MaybeIpAddress);
                return false;
        OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("Can not parse IPv4 address (which is \"%s\") into TArray<FString>, or invalid number of octets"), *MaybeIpAddress);
        return false;
    return true;

bool FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::ValidateDomainName(const FString& MaybeDomainName, FString& OutError)
    for (TCHAR Character : MaybeDomainName)
        if (!TCharIsLetter(Character) && !TCharIsDigit(Character) && (Character != TEXT('-')) && (Character != TEXT('.')))
            OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("\"%s\" domain name contains forbidden character: \"%c\""), *MaybeDomainName, Character);
            return false;
    return true;

bool FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::DoesHostLookLikeIp(const FString& MaybeIpAddress)
    for (TCHAR Character : MaybeIpAddress)
        if (!TCharIsDigit(Character) && (Character != TEXT('.')))
            return false;
    return true;

bool FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::TCharIsLetter(TCHAR character)
    const bool bUpperCase = (character >= TEXT('A')) && (character <= TEXT('Z'));
    const bool bLowerCase = (character >= TEXT('a')) && (character <= TEXT('z'));
    return bUpperCase || bLowerCase;

bool FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::TCharIsDigit(TCHAR character)
    return (character >= TEXT('0')) && (character <= TEXT('9'));

/// FGrpcUriValidator interface

bool FGrpcUriValidator::Validate(const FString& MaybeGrpcUri, FString& OutError)
    static const FString SchemeSeparator(TEXT("://"));
    const int32 IndexOfSchemeSeparator = MaybeGrpcUri.Find(SchemeSeparator);
    if (IndexOfSchemeSeparator >= 0)
        const FString& Scheme = MaybeGrpcUri.Mid(0, IndexOfSchemeSeparator);
        OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("GRPC URI \"%s\" must not contain a URL scheme (\"%s\" provided). GRPC forbids explicit schemes."), *MaybeGrpcUri, *Scheme);
        return false;
    const int32 PathSeparatorIndex = MaybeGrpcUri.Find(TEXT("/"));
    const bool bHasPathSeparator = PathSeparatorIndex >= 0;
    const int32 PortSeparatorIndex = MaybeGrpcUri.Find(TEXT(":"), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromEnd, (PathSeparatorIndex >= 0) ? PathSeparatorIndex : INDEX_NONE);
    const bool bHasPortSeparator = PortSeparatorIndex >= 0;
    FString GrpcHostName = TEXT("");
    FString GrpcPort = TEXT("80");
    if (bHasPortSeparator)
        GrpcHostName = MaybeGrpcUri.Mid(0, PortSeparatorIndex);
        const int32 PortSubstringStart = PortSeparatorIndex + 1;
        if (bHasPathSeparator)
            GrpcPort = MaybeGrpcUri.Mid(PortSubstringStart, (PathSeparatorIndex - PortSubstringStart));
            GrpcPort = MaybeGrpcUri.Mid(PortSubstringStart);
        if (bHasPathSeparator)
            GrpcHostName = MaybeGrpcUri.Mid(0, PathSeparatorIndex);
            GrpcHostName = MaybeGrpcUri;
    if (bHasPathSeparator)
        const FString& RestOfAddress = MaybeGrpcUri.Mid(PathSeparatorIndex);
        if (!RestOfAddress.IsEmpty())
            OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("Path of the \"%s\" uri, must be empty. Actually it is: \"%s\""), *MaybeGrpcUri, *RestOfAddress);
            return false;
    if (FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::DoesHostLookLikeIp(GrpcHostName))
        // Validate as IP address
        if (!FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::ValidateIp(GrpcHostName, OutError))
            return false;
        // Validate as domain name
        if (!FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::ValidateDomainName(GrpcHostName, OutError))
            return false;
    // Anyway, validate port
    if (!FGrpcUriValidator_Internal::ValidatePort(GrpcPort, OutError))
        return false;
    return true;