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# Gooseberry: Common Packages for Go Microservices

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Gooseberry is a collection of common Go packages that Voicera uses in microservices.
It's an incomplete library, named after a fruit that looks like an ungrown clementine.

## Features
* Lightweight REST clients, web client with built-in pluggable debug logging (useful for new projects), basic auth support, etc.
* Container structs like immutable maps, priority queues, sets, etc.
* Error aggregation (multiple errors into one with a header message)
* Leveled logger with a prefix and a wrapper for zap
* Polling with an exponential backoff and Bernoulli trials for resetting the backoff
* Uniform Resource Name struct that implements [RFC8141](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8141) and URN helper functions generator

## Quick Start
To get the latest version: `go get -u github.com/voicera/gooseberry`

### REST Client and Polling Example
The example below creates a RESTful Twilio client to make a phone call and to poll for call history. The client uses a debug logger for requests and responses and keeps polling for calls made using an exponential backoff poller.

package main

import (


const (
    baseURL    = "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/"
    accountSid = "AC072dcbab90350495b2c0fabf9a7817bb"

type call struct {
    SID    string `json:"sid"`
    Status string `json:"status"`

type receiver struct {
    restClient rest.Client

func main() {
    gooseberry.Logger = zap.DefaultLogger
    gooseberry.Logger.Info("starting example")
    transport := web.NewBasicAuthRoundTripper(
            log.NewPrefixedLeveledLogger(gooseberry.Logger, "TWL:")),
        accountSid, authToken)
    httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: transport}
    twilioClient := rest.NewURLEncodedRequestJSONResponseClient(httpClient).
        WithBaseURL(baseURL + accountSid)
    go makeCall(twilioClient)
    go poll(&receiver{twilioClient})
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

func makeCall(twilioClient rest.Client) {
    parameters := map[string]string{
        "From": "+15005550006",
        "To":   "+14108675310",
        "Url":  "http://demo.twilio.com/docs/voice.xml",
    call := &call{}
    if _, err := twilioClient.Post("Calls.json", parameters, &call); err != nil {
        gooseberry.Logger.Error("error making a call", "err", err)
    } else {
        gooseberry.Logger.Debug("made a call", "sid", call.SID)

func poll(receiver *receiver) {
    poller, err := polling.NewBernoulliExponentialBackoffPoller(
        receiver, "twilio", 0.95, time.Second, time.Minute)
    if err != nil {
        gooseberry.Logger.Error("error creating a poller", "err", err)
    go poller.Start()
    for batch := range poller.Channel() {
        calls := batch.([]*call)
        gooseberry.Logger.Debug("found calls", "callsCount", len(calls))

func (r *receiver) Receive() (interface{}, bool, error) {
    calls := []*call{}
    _, err := r.restClient.Get("Calls", nil, &calls)
    return calls, len(calls) > 0, err

Running the above example produces output that looks like the following (which was heavily edited for brevity):

{"level":"info","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:22Z","caller":"runtime/proc.go:198","msg":"starting example"}
{"level":"debug","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:22Z","caller":"web/web.go:90","msg":"TWL:Request","request":"GET /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC072dcbab90350495b2c0fabf9a7817bb/Calls HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: api.twilio.com\r\nUser-Agent: gooseberry\r\nAuthorization: *******STRIPPED OUT*******\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-fo...
{"level":"debug","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:22Z","caller":"web/web.go:90","msg":"TWL:Request","request":"POST /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC072dcbab90350495b2c0fabf9a7817bb/Calls.json HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: api.twilio.com\r\nUser-Agent: gooseberry\r\nContent-Length: 89\r\nAuthorization: *******STRIPPED OUT*******\r\nConten...
{"level":"debug","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:22Z","caller":"web/web.go:108","msg":"TWL:Response","response":"HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED\r\nContent-Length: 293\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Authorization, Content-Type, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match,...
{"level":"error","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:22Z","caller":"runtime/asm_amd64.s:2361","msg":"HTTP Status Code 401: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<TwilioResponse><RestException><Code>20003</Code><Detail>Your AccountSid or AuthToken was incorrect.</Detail><Message>Authenticate</Message><MoreInfo>https://...
{"level":"debug","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:22Z","caller":"web/web.go:108","msg":"TWL:Response","response":"HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED\r\nContent-Length: 171\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Authorization, Content-Type, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match,...
{"level":"error","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:22Z","caller":"runtime/asm_amd64.s:2361","msg":"error making a call","err":"HTTP Status Code 401: {\"code\": 20003, \"detail\": \"Your AccountSid or AuthToken was incorrect.\", \"message\": \"Authenticate\", \"more_info\": \"https://www.twilio.com/docs/errors/20003\",...
{"level":"debug","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:23Z","caller":"web/web.go:90","msg":"TWL:Request","request":"GET /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC072dcbab90350495b2c0fabf9a7817bb/Calls HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: api.twilio.com\r\nUser-Agent: gooseberry\r\nAuthorization: *******STRIPPED OUT*******\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-fo...
{"level":"debug","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:23Z","caller":"web/web.go:108","msg":"TWL:Response","response":"HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED\r\nContent-Length: 293\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Authorization, Content-Type, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match,...
{"level":"error","ts":"2018-04-02T20:54:23Z","caller":"runtime/asm_amd64.s:2361","msg":"HTTP Status Code 401: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<TwilioResponse><RestException><Code>20003</Code><Detail>Your AccountSid or AuthToken was incorrect.</Detail><Message>Authenticate</Message><MoreInfo>https://...

### URN Example
The following example uses `scripts/urns/main.go` and the `urn` package
to autogenerate helper functions for input URN namespace IDs:

go run scripts/urns/main.go -m "User=user Email=email" > urns.go

The above command results in the following go file:

package urns // auto-generated using make - DO NOT EDIT!

import (


// NewEmailURN creates a new URN with the "email"
// namespace ID.
func NewEmailURN(namespaceSpecificString string) *urn.URN {
    return urn.NewURN("email", namespaceSpecificString)

// IsEmailURN determines whether the specified URN uses
// "email" as its namespace ID.
func IsEmailURN(u *urn.URN) bool {
    return strings.EqualFold(u.GetNamespaceID(), "email")

// IsEmailURNWithValue determines whether the specified URN uses
// "email" as its namespace ID and the specified
// namespaceSpecificString as its namespace-specific string.
func IsEmailURNWithValue(u *urn.URN, namespaceSpecificString string) bool {
    return IsEmailURN(u) && strings.EqualFold(u.GetNamespaceSpecificString(), namespaceSpecificString)

// NewUserURN creates a new URN with the "user"
// namespace ID.
func NewUserURN(namespaceSpecificString string) *urn.URN {
    return urn.NewURN("user", namespaceSpecificString)

// IsUserURN determines whether the specified URN uses
// "user" as its namespace ID.
func IsUserURN(u *urn.URN) bool {
    return strings.EqualFold(u.GetNamespaceID(), "user")

// IsUserURNWithValue determines whether the specified URN uses
// "user" as its namespace ID and the specified
// namespaceSpecificString as its namespace-specific string.
func IsUserURNWithValue(u *urn.URN, namespaceSpecificString string) bool {
    return IsUserURN(u) && strings.EqualFold(u.GetNamespaceSpecificString(), namespaceSpecificString)

### Inspecting Logging Calls
Logging using loosely typed key-value pairs context is convenient; for example:

log.Error("failed to run command", "exitCode", exitCode, "command", command)

However, this way of constructing arguments is susceptible to runtime issues;
since the logger expects a key to be a string, the following will fail:

log.Error("failed to run command", exitCode, command)

To prevent such issues, which we've seen happen, run the following script
to check that log calls are made as expected:

go run scripts/inspector/main.go -v -i .

## Motivation
Common software libraries help us be more productive: saving us from reinventing the wheel; increasing transferrable knowledge across projects; and allowing us to become experts as we build them once and use them often. Moreover, they tend to have fewer bugs as they're better battle-tested and maintained. Using a common collection of libraries is a good thing for teams, companies, and the entire OSS community.

Nowadays, our ability to build complex software systems has significantly increased thanks to the growth of OSS. When we started [Voicera](https://www.voicera.com), we intended to contribute back to the OSS community whenever possible; so when the time came to build our Go microservices, we created common packages that were intentionally designed to be OSS. After a year of using those packages in production, we felt it's time to share them with the Go community. We called the repo Gooseberry: Go is in the name; it's named after a fruit that looks like an ungrown clementine — just like our incomplete library; and it sounds like a fun name to say! With the community's help, we'd like to build gooseberry to be as commonly used as Guava is for Java.

So, nothing earth-shattering here; just a bunch of common code that we think the vast majority of Go developers should reuse in their projects. We welcome your contributions and feedback. Happy coding!

## Learn More
The following can also be found at <https://godoc.org/github.com/voicera/gooseberry>