# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is
# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See
# the COPYRIGHT file.
defaults: &defaults
# Environment Configuration
## Set the hostname of the machine you're running Diaspora on, as seen
## from the internet. This should be the URL you want to use to
## access the pod. So if you plan to reverse proxy it, it should be
## the URL the proxy listens on.
## However changing http to https is okay and has no consquences.
## If you do change it you have to start over as it's hardcoded into
## the database.
pod_url: "http://localhost:3000/"
## Setting the bundle of certificate authorities (CA) certificates.
## This is operating system specific.
## Examples, uncomment one or add your own:
ca_file: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt'
## Name of your pod
pod_name: "Volontari.at*"
# Email Configuration
## First you need to enable it ;)
mailer_on: false
## Sender address used in mail send by Diaspora
#sender_address: 'no-reply@example.org'
## This selects which mailer should be used. Take 'smtp' for a smtp
## connection, 'sendmail' to use the sendmail binary or
## 'messagebus' to use the messagebus service.
mailer_method: 'smtp'
# Address/port to smtp server handling outgoing mail.
smtp_address: 'smtp.example.com'
smtp_port: '587'
#API key if you are using message bus
message_bus_api_key: ''
# The path to the sendmail binary. Ignored if mailer_method is not set to sendmail
sendmail_location: '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
# Set this to true if you want to use exim and sendmail
sendmail_exim_fix: false
# Authentication required to send mail. Use one of 'plain',
# 'login' or 'cram_md5'. Use 'none' if server does not support
# authentication
smtp_authentication: 'plain'
# Automatically enable TLS? Ignored if smtp_authentication is set to none
smtp_starttls_auto: true
# OpenSSL verify mode used when connecting to a SMTP server with TLS.
# Set this to none if you have a self signed certificate, keep it empty (not '') for the default
# Possible values: none, peer, client_once, fail_if_no_peer_cert
# Domain of smtp server.
# This should match the common name of the certificate
# the SMTP server sends. If he sends one
smtp_domain: 'example.com'
# Credentials to log in to the SMTP server - may be necessary if
# smtp_authentication is not 'none'
smtp_username: 'smtp_username'
smtp_password: 'secret'
# Sender address in Diaspora's outgoing mail.
smtp_sender_address: 'no-reply@volontari.at'
# Social Service Configuration
## OAuth credentials for Facebook:
facebook_app_id: ''
facebook_app_secret: ''
#this will be the namespace for your object, it should be configured in your FB app
open_graph_namespace: ''
## OAuth credentials for Twitter:
twitter_consumer_key: ''
twitter_consumer_secret: ''
## OAuth credentials for Tumblr
tumblr_consumer_key: ''
tumblr_consumer_secret: ''
# Debugging Service Tool Integration
## Resque is the background processing sysem used by Diaspora
## Resque web is an admin tool for it. This settings decides wheter
## or not to inline it into Diaspora.
mount_resque_web: true
## If you use Airbrake provide your API key here:
airbrake_api_key: ''
## If you use NewRelic provide your credentials here:
new_relic_app_name: ''
# Overrides
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
# FEDERATION LOGGER ##############################
# Do not touch unless you know what you're doing!#
<<: *defaults
pod_url: "http://localhost:9887/"
socket_port: 8081
<<: *defaults
pod_url: "http://localhost:3001/"
<<: *defaults
pod_url: "http://localhost:3002/"