Feature: Manage proposition units
In order to locate propositions
An organization owner
wants to manage proposition units
Given a user named "user"
And an organization named "organization 1" assigned to me
And I log in as "user"
Scenario: Create unit
Given I am on the new proposition unit page
When I fill in "Name" with "Dummy"
And I press "Create Proposition Unit"
Then I should see "Creation successful"
Scenario: Edit unit
Given a proposition unit named "Dummy" assigned to my organization
And I am on the edit proposition unit page
When I fill in "Name" with "Dummy 2"
And I press "Update Proposition Unit"
Then I should see "Update successful"
Scenario: Destroy unit
Given a proposition unit named "Dummy" assigned to my organization
And I am on the proposition unit page
When I follow "Actions"
And I follow "Destroy"
Then I should see "Resource destroyed successfully."