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# Plugin development

This section shows you how to develop plugins which can be used in Voyager.

## Setting up your development environment

This chapter shows you the easiest way to develop your plugin.

Choose one of the [templates](#templates) we provide and create a repository from it.
Open `composer.json` and change `name` to whatever you want.  
Next, push your changes to Github.  
Now you are ready to require your package to your base Laravel installation.  
Go to your Laravel installation, open `composer.json` and add the following:

"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
    "your/name": "*"
"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "path/to/your/plugin"

`your/name` is the name you used in the `composer.json` file of your plugin.  
Next run `composer update` in your laravel installation.  
After that you are able to simply reload your page and immediately see any changes you made.

## Basics

Each plugin requires some steps to be recognized by Voyager.  

**Service Provider**  
Registers the plugin(s):


namespace My\Plugin;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Voyager\Admin\Manager\Plugins as PluginManager;

class MyPluginServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(PluginManager $pluginmanager)

::: info
One package can provide multiple plugins.  
For example, a plugin could provide multiple themes or even different types of plugins like authorization and authentication.  
All plugins can be enabled/disabled independently. Make sure they don't depend on each other!

**Plugin class**

The plugin class represents the actual plugin and its methods:


namespace My\Plugin;

use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\GenericPlugin;

class MyPlugin implements GenericPlugin
    public $name = 'My plugin';
    public $description = 'This is my plugin!';
    public $repository = 'my/plugin';
    public $website = '';

    // Methods depending on your plugin-type, providers and filters.

    public function __construct() {
        // Optionally provide a README file that can be displayed in the plugin UI
        $this->readme = realpath(dirname(__DIR__, 1).'/');


To be able to find your plugin through Voyagers UI you have to provide the tag `voyager2-plugin` in your composer.json file:

    "keywords": ["voyager2-plugin"],

## Types

Plugins can be of various types:

| **Type**       | **Class**                                                                                                                                          | **Description**                                                            |
| Authentication | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\AuthenticationPlugin]( | Handles authentication of users inside Voyager (login, password reset etc) |
| Authorization  | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\AuthorizationPlugin](                                                                                              | Handles permissions for users and actions                                  |
| Formfield      | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\FormfieldPlugin](                                                                                               | Provides one or many formfields                                            |
| Generic        | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\GenericPlugin](                                                                                                     | A plugin that doesn't fit the other types                                  |
| Theme          | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\ThemePlugin](                                                                                                       | Provides one or many themes                                                |

Each type has individual methods you have to implement in your plugin class.  
Check the Github link to find out more about those methods.

::: info
Because the plugin type classes are interfaces you can implement multiple types in one plugin!

## Providers

Voyager uses provider traits to provide various things. 
Those are:

| **Type**          | **Class**                                                                                                                                                                               | **Description**                                      | **Documentation**                    |
| CSS               | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\CSS](                             | Provides CSS in plain text                           | [Here](/plugins/assets#css)          |
| FrontendRoutes    | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\FrontendRoutes](       | Provides routes used on the frontend                 | [Here](/plugins/routes#frontend)     |
| JS                | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\JS](                               | Provides JS in plain text                            | [Here](/plugins/assets#javascript)   |
| MenuItems         | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\MenuItems](                 | Provide menu items                                   | [Here](/plugins/menu-items)          |
| ProtectedRoutes   | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\ProtectedRoutes](     | Provides protected routes inside Voyager             | [Here](/plugins/routes#protected)    |
| Settings          | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\Settings](                   | Provides additional settings                         | [Here](/plugins/settings)            |
| SettingsComponent | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\SettingsComponent]( | Provides a settings component shown in the plugin UI | [Here](/plugins/components#settings) |
| Widgets           | [\Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\Widgets](                     | Provides widgets for the dashboard                   | [Here](/plugins/widgets)             |

## Filter

Filter allow a plugin to filter and manipulate various data displayed in Voyager:

| **Type**  | **Class**                                                 | **Description**                              | **Documentation**                 |
| Layouts   | Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Filter\Layouts   | Filter the layouts for a given BREAD         | [Here](/plugins/filter#layouts)   |
| MenuItems | Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Filter\MenuItems | Filter menu-items for the main and user-menu | [Here](/plugins/filter#menuitems) |
| Widgets   | Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Filter\Widgets   | Filter widgets shown on the dashboard        | [Here](/plugins/filter#widgets)   |
| Media     | Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Filter\Media     | Filter media files in the current directory  | [Here](/plugins/filter#media)     |

## Templates

We created templates for all types of plugins on Github to get you started easily:

| Type           | Link                                                        |
| Authentication | |
| Authorization  |  |
| Formfield      |      |
| Generic        |        |
| Theme          |          |

## Readme

You can specify a markdown file that will be shown in a modal on the plugins page.  
To do so, provide an absolute path `$readme` pointing to your markdown file.  
Whenever you use image in this file, you have to provide a URL `$readme_assets_path` pointing where the browser can access them.  
For example:

use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\GenericPlugin;

class MyPlugin implements GenericPlugin
    public function __construct()
        $this->readme = realpath(dirname(__DIR__, 1).'/');
        $this->readme_assets_path = '';