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return [
    'add_formfield'                     => 'Add Formfield',
    'add_formfield_to_layout'           => 'Add a formfield to this layout by selecting one from the formfields dropdown',
    'add_layout'                        => 'Add Layout',
    'badge_color'                       => 'Badge color',
    'badge_color_hint'                  => 'Shows a colored badge with the amount of items in the navigation. Select none to hide.',
    'bigger'                            => 'Bigger',
    'border_color'                      => 'Border color',
    'bread_already_exists'              => 'A BREAD for table ":table" already exists!',
    'bread_backed_up'                   => 'BREAD successfully backed-up as ":name"',
    'bread_does_no_exist'               => 'BREAD ":table" does not exist!',
    'bread_rolled_back'                 => 'BREAD rolled back to :date!',
    'bread_saved_successfully'          => 'BREAD was saved successfully!',
    'cannot_link'                       => 'Can not link to relationship without BREAD',
    'clone_layout'                      => 'Clone Layout',
    'computed_properties'               => 'Computed properties',
    'columns'                           => 'Columns',
    'computed'                          => 'Computed',
    'controller'                        => 'Controller',
    'could_not_generate_model'          => 'Could not generate model ":model"',
    'create_layout_first'               => 'Create a layout first',
    'create_model'                      => 'Create model',
    'create_select_layout'              => 'Please select or create a Layout',
    'delete_bread_confirm'              => 'Are you sure you want to delete the BREAD for table ":bread"?',
    'delete_bread_success'              => 'BREAD for table ":bread" deleted successful!',
    'delete_formfield_confirm'          => 'Do you want to delete this formfield?',
    'delete_layout_confirm'             => 'Do you want to delete this layout?',
    'delete_layout'                     => 'Delete Layout',
    'enter_name'                        => 'Enter the name',
    'enter_new_name'                    => 'Enter the new name',
    'formfields_more'                   => 'Looking for more formfields?',
    'global_search_display_field'       => 'Global search field',
    'global_search_display_field_hint'  => 'This field will be shown in the global search',
    'layout_field_warning'              => 'There are formfields without assigned fields.\nThis might lead to unexpected behaviour!\n\nDo you want to save anyway?',
    'links_to_bread'                    => 'Links to related BREAD',
    'link_to'                           => 'Link to',
    'list'                              => 'List',
    'lists'                             => 'Lists',
    'model'                             => 'Model',
    'model_already_exists'              => 'Model ":model" already exists!',
    'model_created'                     => 'Model ":model" created successfully!',
    'name_already_exists'               => 'This name already exists!',
    'name_plural'                       => 'Name plural',
    'name_singular'                     => 'Name singular',
    'new_breads_prop_warning'           => 'Please enter a model name and click "Reload properties" to see columns, scopes, computed properties and relationships!',
    'operators'                         => [
        'equals'        => 'equals',
        'not_equals'    => 'not equals',
        'bigger_than'   => 'bigger than',
        'bigger'        => 'bigger',
        'smaller_than'  => 'smaller than',
        'smaller'       => 'smaller',
        'like'          => 'like',
    'orderable'                         => 'Orderable',
    'order_default'                     => 'Ordered by default',
    'order_field'                       => 'Order field',
    'order_field_hint'                  => 'The field where the order of your items is stored.',
    'policy'                            => 'Policy',
    'reload_properties'                 => 'Reload properties',
    'rename_layout'                     => 'Rename Layout',
    'rollback'                          => 'Rollback',
    'scope'                             => 'Scope',
    'searchable'                        => 'Searchable',
    'show_menu_badge'                   => 'Show badge in menu',
    'show_soft_deleted'                 => 'Show soft-deleted',
    'smaller'                           => 'Smaller',
    'validate_all_locales'              => 'Validate all locales',
    'validate_current_locale'           => 'Validate current locale',
    'validate_locales'                  => 'Validate locales',
    'value_or_scope'                    => 'Value or scope-name',
    'view'                              => 'View',
    'views'                             => 'Views',