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return [
    'add_group'                 => 'Add group',
    'add_setting'               => 'Add setting',
    'click_setting'             => 'Click the title of a setting to display usage information!',
    'clone'                     => 'Clone',
    'enter_group_name'          => 'Enter the name of the group',
    'generate_key'              => 'Generate key',
    'key'                       => 'Key',
    'name'                      => 'Name',
    'no_group'                  => 'No group',
    'no_name'                   => 'No name',
    'no_settings'               => 'There are no settings. Maybe you want to run `php artisan voyager:install`?',
    'no_settings_match'         => 'No settings match your search',
    'no_settings_title'         => 'No settings found',
    'no_settings_in_group'      => 'There are no settings in this group',
    'search_settings'           => 'Search settings by name',
    'search_warning'            => 'Try to clear your search query to see all settings in this group',
    'setting'                   => 'Setting',
    'settings'                  => 'Settings',
    'settings_saved'            => 'Settings have been saved!',
    'usage_information'         => 'Use the following code to use this setting in your code (double click to copy):',
    'validation_errors'         => 'There were errors validating your input.',
    'validation_no_key'         => 'There is at least one setting in this group without a key. Settings must have a key to be identifiable!',