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Image conversion and optimization cli tool


imgSharp is image optimization utility based on [sharp](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sharp) package. It currently supports optimization for:
- png
- jpg/jpeg

and resize ability

# Usage
imgSharp is simple cli utility tool.
$ npm install -g imgsharp
$ imgsharp [options]

## Options
#### --quality or -q : 
Define quality of images[1-100].  

Type: `number`  
Default: `75`  

#### --progressive, -p : 
If you want progressive.[true/false]  

Type: `boolean`  
Default: `true`  

#### --outputDir or -o  
Default: `Current Directory`  
Define output folder name(Default: replace files with optimized ones at same location.  

#### --inputDir or -i  
Default: `Current Directory`  
Define images folder name(Default: traverse all sub-directories in current directory).  

#### --resize or -r
Default: `true`
Tells imgsharp if you want resize functionality.

#### --minify or -m
Default: `false`
Tells imgsharp if you want image minification/optimization functionality.
if true imgsharp will also optimize the images else will continue with basic functionality of resize.

#### --width or -w: 
Define image width to resize to.  

Type: `number`  
Default: `auto`  

#### --height or --hi: 
Define image height to resize to.  

Type: `number`  
Default: `auto`  

#### --resizeAll or --ra
If you want to resize all images in folder to specified width or height. If undefined only images greater than specified height or width will be resized

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

### Development

Want to contribute? Great!
Create a pull request now!



**Free Software, Hell Yeah!**