
Test Coverage
# K8up Project Governance

Please note: K8up is a young Open Source project, evolved from the project sponsor [VSHN](
As such, we're in the process of setting up a proper project governance.
If you have any wish, let use know via a [GitHub Discussion](

## Principles

The K8up community adheres to the following principles:

- Open: K8up is open source.
- Welcoming and respectful: See [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct).
- Transparent and accessible: Changes to the K8up organization, K8up code repositories,
  and CNCF related activities (e.g. level, involvement, etc.) are done in public.
- Merit: Ideas and contributions are accepted according to their technical merit and alignment with
  project objectives, scope, and design principles.

## Roadmap and Planning

The K8up roadmap is on GitHub, see [Projects -> Roadmap](

## Contributing

Every contribution is welcome.
Please see our [Contribution Guide]( how to best contribute.

## GitHub Project Administration

The __k8up-io__ GitHub project maintainers team reflects the list of Maintainers.

## K8up and CNCF

K8up is a CNCF sandbox project.
As such, K8up might be involved in CNCF (or other CNCF projects) related marketing, events, or activities.

## Code of Conduct

Please read our code of conduct here: [](

The code of conduct is overseen by the K8up project maintainers.
Possible code of conduct violations should be emailed to the project maintainers

If the possible violation is against one of the project maintainers, that member will be recused from voting on the issue.
Such issues must be escalated to the appropriate CNCF contact, and CNCF may choose to intervene.

## DCO and Licenses

The following licenses and contributor agreements will be used for K8up projects:

* [Apache 2.0]( for code
* [Developer Certificate of Origin]( for new contributions