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Test Coverage
package v1

import (
    metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

type (
    // JobType defines what job type this is.
    JobType string

    // ConditionType defines what condition type this is.
    ConditionType string

    // ConditionReason is a static/programmatic representation of the cause of a status condition.
    ConditionReason string

    // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false

    // ScheduleSpecInterface represents a Job for internal use.
    ScheduleSpecInterface interface {
        GetDeepCopy() ScheduleSpecInterface
        GetRunnableSpec() *RunnableSpec
        GetSchedule() ScheduleDefinition

    // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false


// The job types that k8up deals with
const (
    BackupType   JobType = "backup"
    CheckType    JobType = "check"
    ArchiveType  JobType = "archive"
    RestoreType  JobType = "restore"
    PruneType    JobType = "prune"
    ScheduleType JobType = "schedule"

    // ConditionCompleted is given when the resource has completed its main function.
    ConditionCompleted ConditionType = "Completed"
    // ConditionReady is given when all preconditions are met.
    ConditionReady ConditionType = "Ready"
    // ConditionScrubbed is given when the resource has done its housework to clean up similar but outdated resources.
    ConditionScrubbed ConditionType = "Scrubbed"
    // ConditionProgressing is given when the resource is in the process of doing its main function.
    ConditionProgressing ConditionType = "Progressing"
    // ConditionPreBackupPodReady is True if Deployments for all Container definitions were created and are ready
    ConditionPreBackupPodReady ConditionType = "PreBackupPodReady"

    // ReasonReady indicates the condition is ready for work
    ReasonReady ConditionReason = "Ready"
    // ReasonStarted indicates the resource has started progressing
    ReasonStarted ConditionReason = "Started"
    // ReasonFinished indicates the resource has finished the work without specifying its success.
    ReasonFinished ConditionReason = "Finished"
    // ReasonSucceeded indicates the condition is succeeded
    ReasonSucceeded ConditionReason = "Succeeded"
    // ReasonFailed indicates there was a general failure not further categorized
    ReasonFailed ConditionReason = "Failed"
    // ReasonCreationFailed indicates that a dependent resource could not be created
    ReasonCreationFailed ConditionReason = "CreationFailed"
    // ReasonUpdateFailed indicates that a dependent resource could not be created
    ReasonUpdateFailed ConditionReason = "UpdateFailed"
    // ReasonDeletionFailed indicates that a dependent resource could not be deleted
    ReasonDeletionFailed ConditionReason = "DeletionFailed"
    // ReasonRetrievalFailed indicates that dependent resource(s) could not be retrieved for further processing
    ReasonRetrievalFailed ConditionReason = "RetrievalFailed"

    // ReasonNoPreBackupPodsFound is given when no PreBackupPods are found in the same namespace
    ReasonNoPreBackupPodsFound ConditionReason = "NoPreBackupPodsFound"
    // ReasonWaiting is given when PreBackupPods are waiting to be started
    ReasonWaiting ConditionReason = "Waiting"

    // LabelK8upType is the label key that identifies the job type
    LabelK8upType = "k8up.io/type"
    // LabelK8upOwnedBy is a label used to indicated which resource owns this resource to make it easy to fetch owned resources.
    LabelK8upOwnedBy = "k8up.io/owned-by"
    // Deprecated: LegacyLabelK8upType is the former label key that identified the job type
    LegacyLabelK8upType = "k8up.syn.tools/type"
    // LabelManagedBy identifies the tool being used to manage the operation of a resource
    LabelManagedBy = "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by"
    // LabelRepositoryHash is the label key that identifies the Restic repository
    LabelRepositoryHash = "k8up.io/repository-hash"

    // AnnotationK8upHostname is an annotation one can set on RWO PVCs to try to back up them on the specified node.
    AnnotationK8upHostname = "k8up.io/hostname"

// String casts the value to string.
// "aJobType.String()" and "string(aJobType)" are equivalent.
func (j JobType) String() string {
    return string(j)

// String casts the value to string.
// "c.String()" and "string(c)" are equivalent.
func (c ConditionType) String() string {
    return string(c)

// String casts the value to string.
// "r.String()" and "string(r)" are equivalent.
func (r ConditionReason) String() string {
    return string(r)

// MapToNamespacedName translates the given object meta into NamespacedName object
func MapToNamespacedName(obj metav1.Object) types.NamespacedName {
    return types.NamespacedName{Name: obj.GetName(), Namespace: obj.GetNamespace()}