

Test Coverage
helm_docs_bin := $(WORK_DIR)/helm-docs

# Prepare binary
# We need to set the Go arch since the binary is meant for the user's OS.
$(helm_docs_bin): export GOOS = $(shell go env GOOS)
$(helm_docs_bin): export GOARCH = $(shell go env GOARCH)
    @mkdir -p $(WORK_DIR)
    cd charts && go build -o $@

# This executes `make clean prepare` for every dir found in charts/ that has a Makefile.
.PHONY: chart-prepare
chart-prepare: release-prepare ## Prepare the Helm charts
    @find charts -type f -name Makefile | sed 's|/[^/]*$$||' | xargs -I '%' make -C '%' clean prepare

.PHONY: chart-docs
chart-docs: $(helm_docs_bin) ## Creates the Chart READMEs from template and values.yaml files
    @$(helm_docs_bin) \
        --template-files ./.github/ \
        --template-files \
        --template-files ./.github/

.PHONY: chart-lint
chart-lint: chart-prepare chart-docs ## Lint charts
    @echo 'Check for uncommitted changes ...'
    git diff --exit-code

.PHONY: chart-test
chart-test:  ## Run unit tests for charts
    cd charts && go test ./...