

Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script restores the contents of a backup to its rightful PVCs.
# After the pods that perform the restore operation are "Completed",
# execute the '' script,
# and after that the '' script.

source scripts/

# Set Minikube context
kubectl config use-context minikube

# Restore WordPress PVC
SNAPSHOT_ID=$(restic snapshots --json --last --path /data/wordpress-pvc | jq -r '.[0].id')
yq e '.spec.snapshot="'${SNAPSHOT_ID}'"' restore/wordpress.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

# Read SQL data from Restic into file
SNAPSHOT_ID=$(restic snapshots --json --last --path /default-mariadb | jq -r '.[0].id')

# Restore MariaDB data
MARIADB_POD=$(kubectl get pods -o custom-columns="" --no-headers -l "app=wordpress,tier=mariadb")
# the environment variable should come from the pod - not from the local shell.
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
restic dump "${SNAPSHOT_ID}" /default-mariadb | kubectl exec -i "$MARIADB_POD" -- /bin/bash -c 'mysql -uroot --password="${MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD}"'