

Test Coverage
   k8up operator

   k8up operator [command options] [arguments...]

   Start k8up in operator mode

   --annotation value                                  the annotation to be used for filtering (default: "") [$BACKUP_ANNOTATION]
   --backupcommandannotation value                     set the annotation name that identify the backup commands on Pods (default: "") [$BACKUP_BACKUPCOMMANDANNOTATION]
   --fileextensionannotation value                     set the annotation name where the file extension is stored for backup commands (default: "") [$BACKUP_FILEEXTENSIONANNOTATION]
   --global-failed-jobs-history-limit value            set the number of old, failed jobs to keep when cleaning up, applies to all job types (default: 3) [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_FAILED_JOBS_HISTORY_LIMIT]
   --global-successful-jobs-history-limit value        set the number of old, successful jobs to keep when cleaning up, applies to all job types (default: 3) [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_SUCCESSFUL_JOBS_HISTORY_LIMIT]
   --global-concurrent-archive-jobs-limit value        set the limit of concurrent archive jobs (default: unlimited) [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_CONCURRENT_ARCHIVE_JOBS_LIMIT]
   --global-concurrent-backup-jobs-limit value         set the limit of concurrent backup jobs (default: unlimited) [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_CONCURRENT_BACKUP_JOBS_LIMIT]
   --global-concurrent-check-jobs-limit value          set the limit of concurrent check jobs (default: unlimited) [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_CONCURRENT_CHECK_JOBS_LIMIT]
   --global-concurrent-prune-jobs-limit value          set the limit of concurrent prune jobs (default: unlimited) [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_CONCURRENT_PRUNE_JOBS_LIMIT]
   --global-concurrent-restore-jobs-limit value        set the limit of concurrent restore jobs (default: unlimited) [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_CONCURRENT_RESTORE_JOBS_LIMIT]
   --globalrestores3accesskeyid value                  set the global restore S3 accessKeyID for restores [$BACKUP_GLOBALRESTORES3ACCESKEYID, $BACKUP_GLOBALRESTORES3ACCESSKEYID]
   --globalrestores3bucket value                       set the global restore S3 bucket for restores [$BACKUP_GLOBALRESTORES3BUCKET]
   --globalrestores3endpoint value                     set the global restore S3 endpoint for the restores (needs the scheme 'http' or 'https') [$BACKUP_GLOBALRESTORES3ENDPOINT]
   --globalrestores3secretaccesskey value              set the global restore S3 SecretAccessKey for restores [$BACKUP_GLOBALRESTORES3SECRETACCESSKEY]
   --globalrepopassword value                          set the restic repository password to be used globally [$BACKUP_GLOBALREPOPASSWORD]
   --globalaccesskeyid value                           set the S3 access key id to be used globally [$BACKUP_GLOBALACCESSKEYID]
   --globalsecretaccesskey value                       set the S3 secret access key to be used globally [$BACKUP_GLOBALSECRETACCESSKEY]
   --globals3bucket value                              set the S3 bucket to be used globally [$BACKUP_GLOBALS3BUCKET]
   --globals3endpoint value                            set the S3 endpoint to be used globally [$BACKUP_GLOBALS3ENDPOINT]
   --global-cpu-request value                          set the CPU request for scheduled jobs [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_CPU_REQUEST]
   --global-cpu-limit value                            set the CPU limit for scheduled jobs [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_CPU_LIMIT]
   --global-memory-request value                       set the memory request for scheduled jobs [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_MEMORY_REQUEST]
   --global-memory-limit value                         set the memory limit for scheduled jobs [$BACKUP_GLOBAL_MEMORY_LIMIT]
   --image value                                       URL of the restic image (default: "") [$BACKUP_IMAGE]
   --command-restic value [ --command-restic value ]   The command that is executed for restic backups. (default: "/usr/local/bin/k8up", "restic") [$BACKUP_COMMAND_RESTIC]
   --restic-options value [ --restic-options value ]   Pass custom restic options in the form 'key=value,key2=value2'. See [$BACKUP_RESTIC_OPTIONS]
   --datapath value, --mountpath value                 to which path the PVCs should get mounted in the backup container (default: "/data") [$BACKUP_DATAPATH]
   --globalstatsurl value                              set the URL to post metrics globally [$BACKUP_GLOBALSTATSURL]
   --metrics-bindaddress value                         set the bind address for the prometheus endpoint (default: ":8080") [$BACKUP_METRICS_BINDADDRESS]
   --promurl value                                     set the operator wide default prometheus push gateway (default: "") [$BACKUP_PROMURL]
   --restartpolicy value                               set the RestartPolicy for the backup jobs. According to, this should be 'OnFailure' for jobs that terminate (default: "OnFailure") [$BACKUP_RESTARTPOLICY]
   --podfilter value                                   the filter used to find the backup pods (default: "backupPod=true") [$BACKUP_PODFILTER]
   --podexecaccountname value, --serviceaccount value  set the service account name that should be used for the pod command execution (default: "pod-executor") [$BACKUP_PODEXECACCOUNTNAME]
   --podexecrolename value                             set the role name that should be used for pod command execution (default: "pod-executor") [$BACKUP_PODEXECROLENAME]
   --enable-leader-election                            enable leader election within the operator Pod (default: enabled) [$BACKUP_ENABLE_LEADER_ELECTION]
   --skip-pvcs-without-annotation                      skip selecting PVCs that don't have the BACKUP_ANNOTATION (default: disabled) [$BACKUP_SKIP_WITHOUT_ANNOTATION]
   --checkschedule value                               the default check schedule (default: "0 0 * * 0") [$BACKUP_CHECKSCHEDULE]
   --operator-namespace value                          set the namespace in which the K8up operator itself runs [$BACKUP_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE]
   --vardir value                                      the var data dir for read/write k8up data or temp file in the backup pod (default: "/k8up") [$VAR_DIR]
   --help, -h                                          show help (default: false)