

Test Coverage
   k8up restic

   k8up restic [command options] [arguments...]

   Start k8up in restic mode

   --check                                    Set, if the container should do a check (default: false)
   --prune                                    Set, if the container should do a prune (default: false)
   --restore                                  Set, if the container should attempt a restore (default: false)
   --archive                                  Set, if the container should do an archive (default: false)
   --tag value [ --tag value ]                List of tags to consider for given operation
   --backupCommandAnnotation value            Defines the command to invoke when doing a backup via STDOUT. [$BACKUPCOMMAND_ANNOTATION]
   --fileExtensionAnnotation value            Defines the file extension to use for STDOUT backups. [$FILEEXTENSION_ANNOTATION]
   --backucontainerannotation value           set the annotation name that specify the backup container inside the Pod (default: "") [$BACKUP_CONTAINERANNOTATION]
   --skipPreBackup                            If the job should skip the backup command and only backup volumes. (default: false) [$SKIP_PREBACKUP]
   --promURL value                            Sets the URL of a prometheus push gateway to report metrics. [$PROM_URL]
   --webhookURL value, --statsURL value       Sets the URL of a server which will retrieve a webhook after the action completes. [$STATS_URL]
   --backupDir value                          Set from which directory the backup should be performed. (default: "/data") [$BACKUP_DIR]
   --restoreDir value                         Set to which directory the restore should be performed. (default: "/data") [$RESTORE_DIR]
   --restoreFilter value                      Simple filter to define what should get restored. For example the PVC name
   --restoreSnap value                        Snapshot ID, if empty takes the latest snapshot
   --restoreType value                        Type of this restore, 'folder' or 's3'
   --restoreS3AccessKey value                 S3 access key used to connect to the S3 endpoint when restoring [$RESTORE_ACCESSKEYID]
   --restoreS3SecretKey value                 S3 secret key used to connect to the S3 endpoint when restoring [$RESTORE_SECRETACCESSKEY]
   --restoreS3Endpoint value                  S3 endpoint to connect to when restoring, e.g. 'https://minio.svc:9000/backup [$RESTORE_S3ENDPOINT]
   --restoreCaCert value                      The certificate authority file path using for restore [$RESTORE_CA_CERT_FILE]
   --restoreClientCert value                  The client certificate file path using for restore [$RESTORE_CLIENT_CERT_FILE]
   --restoreClientKey value                   The client private key file path using for restore [$RESTORE_CLIENT_KEY_FILE]
   --verifyRestore                            If the restore should get verified, only for PVCs restore (default: false)
   --trimRestorePath                          If set, strips the value of --restoreDir from the lefts side of the remote restore path value (default: enabled) [$TRIM_RESTOREPATH]
   --resticBin value                          The path to the restic binary. (default: "/usr/local/bin/restic") [$RESTIC_BINARY]
   --resticRepository value                   The restic repository to perform the action with [$RESTIC_REPOSITORY]
   --resticOptions value                      Additional options to pass to restic in the format 'key=value,key2=value2' [$RESTIC_OPTIONS]
   --keepLatest value                         While pruning, keep at the latest snapshot (default: 0) [$KEEP_LAST, $KEEP_LATEST]
   --keepHourly value                         While pruning, keep hourly snapshots (default: 0) [$KEEP_HOURLY]
   --keepDaily value                          While pruning, keep daily snapshots (default: 0) [$KEEP_DAILY]
   --keepWeekly value                         While pruning, keep weekly snapshots (default: 0) [$KEEP_WEEKLY]
   --keepMonthly value                        While pruning, keep monthly snapshots (default: 0) [$KEEP_MONTHLY]
   --keepYearly value                         While pruning, keep yearly snapshots (default: 0) [$KEEP_YEARLY]
   --keepTags                                 While pruning, keep tagged snapshots (default: false) [$KEEP_TAG, $KEEP_TAGS]
   --keepWithinHourly value                   While pruning, keep hourly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h' [$KEEP_WITHIN_HOURLY]
   --keepWithinDaily value                    While pruning, keep daily snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h' [$KEEP_WITHIN_DAILY]
   --keepWithinWeekly value                   While pruning, keep weekly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h' [$KEEP_WITHIN_WEEKLY]
   --keepWithinMonthly value                  While pruning, keep monthly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h' [$KEEP_WITHIN_MONTHLY]
   --keepWithinYearly value                   While pruning, keep yearly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h' [$KEEP_WITHIN_YEARLY]
   --keepWithin value                         While pruning, keep tagged snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h' [$KEEP_WITHIN]
   --targetPods value [ --targetPods value ]  Filter list of pods by TARGET_PODS names [$TARGET_PODS]
   --sleepDuration value                      Sleep for specified amount until init starts (default: 0s) [$SLEEP_DURATION]
   --varDir value                             The var directory is stored k8up metadata files and temporary files (default: "/k8up")
   --caCert value                             The certificate authority file path [$CA_CERT_FILE]
   --clientCert value                         The client certificate file path [$CLIENT_CERT_FILE]
   --clientKey value                          The client private key file path [$CLIENT_KEY_FILE]
   --help, -h                                 show help (default: false)