

Test Coverage
= IDE Integration

We don't require or recommend any specific IDE to develop for K8up.
Here's just some documentation to help you setting-up K8up in some specific IDEs that are in use by the K8up developers.

== JetBrains GoLand

You can basically just open the root directory in GoLand and you'll be mostly ready.
Just in order to run the integration tests you will need to do some extra configuration:

. Before you can run an integration test from GoLand, you need to run `make integration-test`.
. You need to tell GoLand to consider the _integration_ build tag when building:
.. Go to _Preferences_ → _Go_ → _Build Tags & Vendoring_
.. Put `integration` into _Custom tags_
. Now try to run a specific integration test.

You can use all the usual shortcuts to quickly run a test (for example kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+D] to debug a specific test method).
If it doesn't work, check the following:

. Check that the _Custom tags_ field in _Preferences_ → _Go_ → _Build Tags & Vendoring_ contains to term `integration`.
. Make sure the _Working directory_ of your test's _Run Configuration_ points to the directory where your test lies, for example `/home/your_user/projects/k8up/controllers`.
. Try to tick _Use all custom build tags_ checkbox in your test's _Run Configuration_.

Remember that you need to re-run `make integration-test` when you ran `make clean` or when you deleted the `./integration-test` directory.

If you're in doubt about your configuration, check whether `make clean integration-test` succeeds.
If it does, the trouble is probably within your IDE configuration.
Otherwise, you've likely broken the tests or something else.
Check your `git diff` for a start.

== Visual Studio Code

Example VSCode run configuration:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Launch",
      "type": "go",
      "request": "launch",
      "mode": "auto",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/operator/main.go",
      "env": {
        "BACKUP_IMAGE": "",
        "BACKUP_GLOBALS3BUCKET": "somebucket",
        "BACKUP_GLOBALSECRETACCESSKEY": "replacewithaccesskey",
        "BACKUP_GLOBALACCESSKEYID": "replacewithkeyid",
        "BACKUP_GLOBALREPOPASSWORD": "somepassword"
      "args": []