

Test Coverage
= Operator Configuration Reference

The `k8up operator` can be configured in two ways:

. Per namespace backups. Optimal for shared clusters.
. Global settings with namespaced schedules. Optimal for private clusters.

== Arguments and Environment Variables

You need to define `BACKUP_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE` (or `--operator-namespace` respectively), but everything else can be left to their default values.

See `k8up operator --help` for all the options:


== Global Settings

Each variable starting with `BACKUP_GLOBAL*` can be used to declare a global default for all namespaces.
For example, if you configure the S3 bucket and credentials here, you won’t have to specify them in the Schedule or Backup resource definitions.

NOTE: It is always possible to overwrite the global settings. Simply declare the specific setting in the relevant resource definition and it will be applied instead of the global default.