

Test Coverage
= Schedule Specification

K8up comes with its own integrated scheduler and supports more advanced schedule specifications.
The standard Cron syntax (for example `0 */12 * * *`) is supported (see[Wikipedia])

All interpretation and scheduling is done in the machine's local time zone, as provided by the[Go time package].

The following non-standard schedules are supported:

.Non-Standard schedule specification
|Entry in Spec|Description|Equivalent to

|`@yearly` or `@annually`
|Run once a year, midnight, Jan. 1st
|`0 0 1 1 *`

|Run once a month, midnight, first of month
|`0 0 1 * *`

|Run once a week, midnight between Sat/Sun
|`0 0 * * 0`

|`@daily` or `@midnight`
|Run once a day, midnight
|`0 0 * * *`

|Run once an hour, beginning of hour
|`0 * * * *`

|`@every <duration>`
|Run once at fixed intervals, starting at the time it's added or K8up is started up.
 `<duration>` is a string accepted by[`time.ParseDuration`] (for example `1h30m`).

.K8up-specific schedule specification
|Entry in Spec|Description|Equivalent to

|`@yearly-random` or `@annually-random`
|Run once a year, randomized start time and date
|`52 4 26 5 *` (example)

|Run once a month, randomized start time and date
|`52 4 26 * *` (example)

|Run once a week, randomized start time and weekday
|`52 4 * * 4` (example)

|Run once a day, randomized start time
|`52 4 * * *` (example)

|Run once an hour, randomized minute
|`52 * * * *` (example)

The day-of-month in the `@monthly-random` or `@yearly-random` is capped at the number 27.
This is because there are months that have between 27 and 31 days.
Cron skips a job when the day-of-month is higher than the current month has  days in it.
This is to prevent skipping backups and alerts from being fired.