

Test Coverage
= K8up Status and Conditions

The following resources support `.status.conditions`.
Conditions are like a multi-state state-machine and give high-level information about the resources.

Each condition also contains a human-readable message that describes the status and reason.

.Conditions for `Schedule`
| Condition | Reasons | Description

.5+| `Ready`
| Ready
| The jobs have been created and added to the cron scheduler.

| Failed
| The jobs could not be added to the cron scheduler.

| CreationFailed
| Dependent resources could not be created.

| UpdateFailed
| Dependent resources could not be updated.

| DeletionFailed
| Dependent resources could not be deleted.


.Conditions for `Archive`, `Backup`, `Check`, `Prune`, `Restore`
| Condition | Reasons | Description

.2+| `Ready`
| Ready
| All dependent resource are successfully created, the resource is ready for its main function.

| CreationFailed
| Dependent resources could not be created.

.2+| `Progressing`
| Started
| This is given when the resource is in the process of doing its main function. This condition is true after reaching Ready condition and reset when it's finished.

| Finished
| The resource is done with its main function. It does not give indication about its success.

.2+| `Completed`
| Succeeded
| The resource could successfully finish its main function.

| Failed
| A not further categorized failure happened during progression.

.3+| `Scrubbed` (does not apply to `Check`)
| RetrievalFailed
| The resource could not retrieve the resources it's supposed to clean up.

| DeletionFailed
| The resource could not delete one or more resources during cleanup.

| Succeeded
| The resource successfully cleaned up old resources.


.Additional Conditions for `Backup`
| Condition | Reasons | Description

.7+| `PreBackupPodsReady`
| NoPreBackupPodsFound
| No PreBackupPod definitions have been found, backups are created without them.

| RetrievalFailed
| `PreBackupPod` definitions could not be retrieved from Kubernetes

| Waiting
| The `Backup` is waiting for `PreBackupPod` deployments to become ready.

| CreationFailed
| `PreBackupPod` deployments could not be created.

| Failed
| `PreBackupPod` deployments failed with an unknown error.

| Ready
| `PreBackupPod` deployments ready.

| Finished
| `PreBackupPod` deployments cleaned up after backup finished.
