

2 hrs
Test Coverage
package checkcontroller

import (

    batchv1 "k8s.io/api/batch/v1"
    corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    controllerruntime "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime"

    k8upv1 "github.com/k8up-io/k8up/v2/api/v1"

// CheckExecutor will execute the batch.job for checks.
type CheckExecutor struct {
    check *k8upv1.Check

// NewCheckExecutor will return a new executor for check jobs.
func NewCheckExecutor(config job.Config) *CheckExecutor {
    return &CheckExecutor{
        Generic: executor.Generic{Config: config},
        check:   config.Obj.(*k8upv1.Check),

// GetConcurrencyLimit returns the concurrent jobs limit
func (c *CheckExecutor) GetConcurrencyLimit() int {
    return cfg.Config.GlobalConcurrentCheckJobsLimit

// Exclusive should return true for jobs that can't run while other jobs run.
func (*CheckExecutor) Exclusive() bool {
    return true

// Execute creates the actual batch.job on the k8s api.
func (c *CheckExecutor) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
    batchJob := &batchv1.Job{}
    batchJob.Name = c.jobName()
    batchJob.Namespace = c.check.Namespace

    _, err := controllerruntime.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, c.Client, batchJob, func() error {
        mutateErr := job.MutateBatchJob(batchJob, c.check, c.Config)
        if mutateErr != nil {
            return mutateErr

        batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Env = c.setupEnvVars(ctx)
        batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts = c.attachTLSVolumeMounts()
        batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes = utils.AttachTLSVolumes(c.check.Spec.Volumes)
        batchJob.Labels[job.K8upExclusive] = "true"

        batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Args = c.setupArgs()

        return nil
    if err != nil {
        c.SetConditionFalseWithMessage(ctx, k8upv1.ConditionReady, k8upv1.ReasonCreationFailed, "could not create job: %v", err)
        return err
    c.SetStarted(ctx, "the job '%v/%v' was created", batchJob.Namespace, batchJob.Name)
    return nil

func (c *CheckExecutor) jobName() string {
    return k8upv1.CheckType.String() + "-" + c.check.Name

func (c *CheckExecutor) setupArgs() []string {
    args := []string{"-varDir", cfg.Config.PodVarDir, "-check"}
    if c.check.Spec.Backend != nil {
        args = append(args, utils.AppendTLSOptionsArgs(c.check.Spec.Backend.TLSOptions)...)

    return args

func (c *CheckExecutor) setupEnvVars(ctx context.Context) []corev1.EnvVar {
    log := controllerruntime.LoggerFrom(ctx)
    vars := executor.NewEnvVarConverter()

    if c.check != nil {
        if c.check.Spec.Backend != nil {
            for key, value := range c.check.Spec.Backend.GetCredentialEnv() {
                vars.SetEnvVarSource(key, value)
            vars.SetString(cfg.ResticRepositoryEnvName, c.check.Spec.Backend.String())

    vars.SetString("PROM_URL", cfg.Config.PromURL)

    err := vars.Merge(executor.DefaultEnv(c.Obj.GetNamespace()))
    if err != nil {
        log.Error(err, "error while merging the environment variables", "name", c.Obj.GetName(), "namespace", c.Obj.GetNamespace())

    return vars.Convert()

func (c *CheckExecutor) cleanupOldChecks(ctx context.Context, check *k8upv1.Check) {
    c.CleanupOldResources(ctx, &k8upv1.CheckList{}, check.Namespace, check)

func (c *CheckExecutor) attachTLSVolumeMounts() []corev1.VolumeMount {
    var tlsVolumeMounts []corev1.VolumeMount
    if c.check.Spec.Backend != nil && !utils.ZeroLen(c.check.Spec.Backend.VolumeMounts) {
        tlsVolumeMounts = append(tlsVolumeMounts, *c.check.Spec.Backend.VolumeMounts...)

    return utils.AttachTLSVolumeMounts(cfg.Config.PodVarDir, &tlsVolumeMounts)