

3 hrs
Test Coverage
// Job handles the internal representation of a job and it's context.

package job

import (

    k8upv1 "github.com/k8up-io/k8up/v2/api/v1"
    batchv1 "k8s.io/api/batch/v1"
    corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    controllerruntime "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime"

const (
    // K8uplabel is a label that is required for the operator to differentiate
    // batchv1.job objects managed by k8up from others.
    K8uplabel = "k8upjob"
    // K8upExclusive is needed to determine if a given job is considered exclusive or not.
    K8upExclusive = "k8upjob/exclusive"

// Config represents the whole context for a given job. It contains everything
// that is necessary to handle the job.
type Config struct {
    Client     client.Client
    Obj        k8upv1.JobObject
    Repository string

// NewConfig returns a new configuration.
func NewConfig(client client.Client, obj k8upv1.JobObject, repository string) Config {
    return Config{
        Client:     client,
        Obj:        obj,
        Repository: repository,

// MutateBatchJob mutates the given Job with generic spec applicable to all K8up-spawned Jobs.
func MutateBatchJob(batchJob *batchv1.Job, jobObj k8upv1.JobObject, config Config) error {
    batchJob.Labels = labels.Merge(batchJob.Labels, labels.Set{
        K8uplabel:                  "true",
        k8upv1.LabelK8upType:       jobObj.GetType().String(),
        k8upv1.LabelK8upOwnedBy:    jobObj.GetType().String() + "_" + jobObj.GetName(),
        k8upv1.LabelRepositoryHash: Sha256Hash(config.Repository),

    batchJob.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds = config.Obj.GetActiveDeadlineSeconds()
    batchJob.Spec.Template.Labels = labels.Merge(batchJob.Spec.Template.Labels, labels.Set{
        K8uplabel: "true",
    batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.RestartPolicy = corev1.RestartPolicyOnFailure
    batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.SecurityContext = jobObj.GetPodSecurityContext()

    containers := batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers
    if len(containers) == 0 {
        containers = make([]corev1.Container, 1)
    containers[0].Name = config.Obj.GetType().String()
    containers[0].Image = cfg.Config.BackupImage
    containers[0].Command = cfg.Config.BackupCommandRestic
    containers[0].Resources = config.Obj.GetResources()
    batchJob.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers = containers

    return controllerruntime.SetControllerReference(jobObj, batchJob, config.Client.Scheme())

func ReconcileJobStatus(ctx context.Context, key types.NamespacedName, client client.Client, obj k8upv1.JobObject) error {
    log := controllerruntime.LoggerFrom(ctx)
    log.V(1).Info("reconciling job", "key", key)

    batchJob := &batchv1.Job{}
    err := client.Get(ctx, key, batchJob)
    if err != nil {
        if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
            return fmt.Errorf("unable to get job: %w", err)
        log.V(1).Info("job not found", "key", key)
        return nil

    UpdateStatus(ctx, batchJob, obj)

    log.V(1).Info("updating status")
    if err := client.Status().Update(ctx, obj); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("obj status update failed: %w", err)
    return nil

// UpdateStatus retrieves status of batchJob and sets status of obj accordingly.
func UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, batchJob *batchv1.Job, obj k8upv1.JobObject) {
    // update status conditions based on Job status
    objStatus := obj.GetStatus()
    message := fmt.Sprintf("job '%s' has %d active, %d succeeded and %d failed pods",
        batchJob.Name, batchJob.Status.Active, batchJob.Status.Succeeded, batchJob.Status.Failed)

    if HasSucceeded(batchJob.Status.Conditions) {
        SetSucceeded(ctx, batchJob.Name, batchJob.Namespace, obj.GetType(), &objStatus, message)
    if HasFailed(batchJob.Status.Conditions) {
        SetFailed(ctx, batchJob.Name, batchJob.Namespace, obj.GetType(), &objStatus, message)
    if HasStarted(batchJob.Status.Conditions) {

func HasSucceeded(conditions []batchv1.JobCondition) bool {
    successCond := FindStatusCondition(conditions, batchv1.JobComplete)
    return successCond != nil && successCond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue
func HasFailed(conditions []batchv1.JobCondition) bool {
    failedCond := FindStatusCondition(conditions, batchv1.JobFailed)
    return failedCond != nil && failedCond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue
func HasStarted(conditions []batchv1.JobCondition) bool {
    successCond := FindStatusCondition(conditions, batchv1.JobComplete)
    failedCond := FindStatusCondition(conditions, batchv1.JobFailed)
    return successCond == nil && failedCond == nil

func SetSucceeded(ctx context.Context, name, ns string, typ k8upv1.JobType, objStatus *k8upv1.Status, message string) {
    log := controllerruntime.LoggerFrom(ctx)

    if !objStatus.HasSucceeded() {
        // only increase success counter if new condition
        monitoring.IncSuccessCounters(ns, typ)
        log.Info("Job succeeded")
    objStatus.SetFinished(fmt.Sprintf("job '%s' completed successfully", name))
func SetFailed(ctx context.Context, name, ns string, typ k8upv1.JobType, objStatus *k8upv1.Status, message string) {
    log := controllerruntime.LoggerFrom(ctx)

    if !objStatus.HasFailed() {
        // only increase fail counter if new condition
        monitoring.IncFailureCounters(ns, typ)
        log.Info("Job failed")
    objStatus.SetFinished(fmt.Sprintf("job '%s' has failed", name))

// FindStatusCondition finds the condition with the given type in the batchv1.JobCondition slice.
// Returns nil if not found.
func FindStatusCondition(conditions []batchv1.JobCondition, conditionType batchv1.JobConditionType) *batchv1.JobCondition {
    for _, condition := range conditions {
        if condition.Type == conditionType {
            return &condition
    return nil

// Sha256Hash returns the SHA256 hash string of the given string
// Returns empty string if v is empty.
// The returned hash is shortened to 63 characters to fit into a label.
func Sha256Hash(v string) string {
    if v == "" {
        return ""
    h := sha256.New()
    return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))[:63]