

1 hr
Test Coverage
package cli

import (



const (
    // FolderRestore indicates that a restore to a folder should be performed.
    FolderRestore RestoreType = cfg.RestoreTypeFolder
    // S3Restore indicates that a restore to a S3 endpoint should be performed.
    S3Restore RestoreType = cfg.RestoreTypeS3

// RestoreType defines the type for a restore.
type RestoreType string

// RestoreOptions holds options for a single restore, like type and destination.
type RestoreOptions struct {
    RestoreType   RestoreType
    RestoreDir    string
    RestoreFilter string
    Verify        bool
    S3Destination S3Bucket

type S3Bucket struct {
    Endpoint  string
    AccessKey string
    SecretKey string
    Cert      S3Cert

type S3Cert struct {
    CACert     string
    ClientCert string
    ClientKey  string

type fileNode struct {
    Name       string    `json:"name"`
    Type       string    `json:"type"`
    Path       string    `json:"path"`
    UID        int       `json:"uid"`
    GID        int       `json:"gid"`
    Size       int64     `json:"size"`
    Mode       int       `json:"mode"`
    Mtime      time.Time `json:"mtime"`
    Atime      time.Time `json:"atime"`
    Ctime      time.Time `json:"ctime"`
    StructType string    `json:"struct_type"`

// Restore triggers a restore of a snapshot
func (r *Restic) Restore(snapshotID string, options RestoreOptions, tags ArrayOpts) error {
    restorelogger := r.logger.WithName("restore")

    restorelogger.Info("restore initialised")

    if len(tags) > 0 {
        restorelogger.Info("loading snapshots", "tags", tags.String)
    } else {
        restorelogger.Info("loading all snapshots from repository")

    err := r.Snapshots(tags)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    latestSnap, err := r.getLatestSnapshot(snapshotID, restorelogger)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var stats *RestoreStats
    switch options.RestoreType {
    case FolderRestore:
        err = r.folderRestore(options.RestoreDir, latestSnap, options.RestoreFilter, options.Verify, restorelogger)
        stats = &RestoreStats{
            RestoreLocation: options.RestoreDir,
            RestoredFiles:   []string{"not supported for folder restores"},
            SnapshotID:      latestSnap.ID,

    case S3Restore:
        stats = &RestoreStats{}
        err = r.s3Restore(restorelogger, options.S3Destination, latestSnap, stats)
        err = fmt.Errorf("no valid restore type")

    if stats != nil && err == nil {
        err = r.statsHandler.SendWebhook(stats)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return err

func (r *Restic) getLatestSnapshot(snapshotID string, log logr.Logger) (dto.Snapshot, error) {
    snapshot := dto.Snapshot{}

    if len(r.snapshots) == 0 {
        err := fmt.Errorf("no snapshots available")
        log.Error(err, "no snapshots available")
        return snapshot, err

    if snapshotID == "" {
        log.Info("no snapshot defined, using latest one")
        snapshot = r.snapshots[len(r.snapshots)-1]
        log.Info("found snapshot", "date", snapshot.Time)
        return snapshot, nil

    for i := range r.snapshots {
        // Doing substrings so we can also use short IDs here.
        if strings.HasPrefix(r.snapshots[i].ID, snapshotID) {
            return r.snapshots[i], nil

    err := fmt.Errorf("no Snapshot found with ID %v", snapshotID)
    log.Error(err, "the snapshot does not exist")
    return snapshot, err

func (r *Restic) folderRestore(restoreDir string, snapshot dto.Snapshot, restoreFilter string, verify bool, log logr.Logger) error {
    var linkedDir string

    singleFile, err := r.isRestoreSingleFile(log, snapshot)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !singleFile && cfg.Config.RestoreTrimPath {
        restoreRoot, err := r.linkRestorePaths(snapshot, restoreDir)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        defer func(path string) {
            err := os.RemoveAll(path)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error(err, "unable to clean up the files", "path", path)
        linkedDir = restoreRoot
    } else {
        linkedDir = restoreDir

    log.Info("folder restore",
        "restoreDir", restoreDir,
        "trimPath", cfg.Config.RestoreTrimPath,
        "linkedDir", linkedDir,
        "restoreFilter", restoreFilter,
        "snapshotID", snapshot.ID)

    args := []string{snapshot.ID, "--target", linkedDir}
    if restoreFilter != "" {
        args = append(args, "--include", restoreFilter)

    if verify {
        args = append(args, "--verify")

    resticRestoreLogger := log.WithName("restic")
    opts := CommandOptions{
        Path:   r.resticPath,
        Args:   r.globalFlags.ApplyToCommand("restore", args...),
        StdOut: logging.NewInfoWriter(resticRestoreLogger),
        StdErr: logging.NewErrorWriter(resticRestoreLogger),

    cmd := NewCommand(r.ctx, log, opts)

    return nil

// linkRestorePaths will trim away the first two levels of the snapshotpath
// then create the first level as a folder in the temp dir and the second
// level as a symlink pointing to the mounted volume (usually /restore). It
// returns that temp path as the string used for the actual restore.This way the
// root of the backed up PVC will be the root of the restored PVC thus creating
// a carbon copy of the original and ready to be used again.
func (r *Restic) linkRestorePaths(snapshot dto.Snapshot, restoreDir string) (string, error) {
    // restic snapshots only every contain exactly one path
    snapshotPath := snapshot.Paths[0]
    splitted := strings.Split(snapshotPath, "/")
    joined := filepath.Join(splitted[:3]...)
    restoreRoot := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "restore")

    absolute := filepath.Join(restoreRoot, joined)
    makePath := filepath.Dir(absolute)

    err := os.MkdirAll(restoreDir, os.ModeDir+os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    err = os.MkdirAll(makePath, os.ModeDir+os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    err = os.Symlink(restoreDir, absolute)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return restoreRoot, nil

func (r *Restic) isRestoreSingleFile(log logr.Logger, snapshot dto.Snapshot) (bool, error) {
    buf := bytes.Buffer{}

    opts := CommandOptions{
        Path:   r.resticPath,
        Args:   r.globalFlags.ApplyToCommand("ls", "--json", snapshot.ID),
        StdOut: &buf,

    cmd := NewCommand(r.ctx, log, opts)
    capturedStdOut := buf.String()

    stdOutLines := strings.Split(capturedStdOut, "\n")

    if len(stdOutLines) == 0 {
        err := fmt.Errorf("no list exist for snapshot %v", snapshot.ID)
        log.Error(err, "the snapshot list is empty")
        return false, err

    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdOutLines[0]), &dto.Snapshot{})
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    count := 0
    for i := 1; i < len(stdOutLines); i++ {
        if len(stdOutLines[i]) == 0 {

        node := &fileNode{}
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdOutLines[i]), node)
        if err != nil {
            return false, err
        if node.Type == "file" {
        if node.Type == "dir" {
            count = 0
        if count >= 2 {

    if count == 1 {
        return true, nil

    return false, nil

func (r *Restic) parsePath(paths []string) string {
    return path.Base(paths[len(paths)-1])

func (r *Restic) s3Restore(log logr.Logger, s3Options S3Bucket, snapshot dto.Snapshot, stats *RestoreStats) error {
    log.Info("S3 chosen as restore destination")
    cleanupCtx, cleanup := context.WithCancel(r.ctx)
    defer cleanup()

    snapDate := snapshot.Time.Format(time.RFC3339)
    PVCName := r.parsePath(snapshot.Paths)
    fileName := fmt.Sprintf("backup-%v-%v-%v.tar.gz", snapshot.Hostname, PVCName, snapDate)

    stats.RestoreLocation = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", s3Options.Endpoint, fileName)
    stats.SnapshotID = snapshot.ID

    s3TransmissionErrorChannel, s3writer, err := r.s3Connect(r.ctx, s3Options, fileName)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    go func(ctx context.Context, log logr.Logger, s3writer *io.PipeWriter) {
        <-ctx.Done() // whenever cleanup() is called or the parent context is cancelled
        err := s3writer.Close()
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "unable to close the s3writer")
    }(cleanupCtx, log, s3writer)

    go func(log logr.Logger, stats *RestoreStats, s3writer *io.PipeWriter) {
        err = r.s3Transmission(log, stats, s3writer)
        if err != nil {
            s3TransmissionErrorChannel <- err

    }(log, stats, s3writer)

    return <-s3TransmissionErrorChannel

func (r *Restic) s3Transmission(log logr.Logger, stats *RestoreStats, s3writer *io.PipeWriter) error {
    latestSnap, err := r.getLatestSnapshot(stats.SnapshotID, log)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    snapRoot, tarHeader := r.getSnapshotRoot(latestSnap, log, stats)

    tgzWriter, err := r.tgzWriter(s3writer, tarHeader)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func(log logr.Logger, tgzWriter io.WriteCloser) {
        err := tgzWriter.Close()
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Unable to close the TarGzipWriter")
    }(log, tgzWriter)

    log.Info("starting restore", "s3 filename", stats.RestoreLocation)
    r.doRestore(log, latestSnap, snapRoot, tgzWriter)
    log.Info("restore finished")

    return nil

func (r *Restic) tgzWriter(uploadWritePipe *io.PipeWriter, tarHeader *tar.Header) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
    if tarHeader == nil {
        gzipWriter := gzip.NewWriter(uploadWritePipe)
        return gzipWriter, nil

    tgzWriter := common.NewTarGzipWriter(uploadWritePipe)
    err := tgzWriter.WriteHeader(tarHeader)
    if err != nil {
        _ = tgzWriter.Close()
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to write the given tar header: %w", err)

    return tgzWriter, nil

func (r *Restic) doRestore(log logr.Logger, latestSnap dto.Snapshot, snapRoot string, finalWriter io.WriteCloser) {
    opts := CommandOptions{
        Path:   r.resticPath,
        Args:   r.globalFlags.ApplyToCommand("dump", latestSnap.ID, snapRoot),
        StdOut: finalWriter,
        StdErr: logging.NewErrorWriter(log.WithName("restic")),

    cmd := NewCommand(r.ctx, log, opts)

func (r *Restic) s3Connect(ctx context.Context, s3Options S3Bucket, fileName string) (chan error, *io.PipeWriter, error) {
    s3Client := s3.New(
    err := s3Client.Connect(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    uploadReadPipe, uploadWritePipe := io.Pipe()

    errorChannel := make(chan error)
    go func() {
        errorChannel <- s3Client.Upload(
                Name:         fileName,
                ObjectStream: uploadReadPipe,
    return errorChannel, uploadWritePipe, nil

// getSnapshotRoot will return the correct root to trigger the restore. If the
// snapshot was done as a stdin backup it will also return a tar header.
func (r *Restic) getSnapshotRoot(snapshot dto.Snapshot, log logr.Logger, stats *RestoreStats) (string, *tar.Header) {
    buf := bytes.Buffer{}

    opts := CommandOptions{
        Path:   r.resticPath,
        Args:   r.globalFlags.ApplyToCommand("ls", "--json", snapshot.ID),
        StdOut: &buf,

    cmd := NewCommand(r.ctx, log, opts)
    capturedStdOut := buf.String()

    amountOfFiles, lastNode := r.extractFileNodes(capturedStdOut, stats)
    if amountOfFiles == 1 {
        return lastNode.Path, r.getTarHeaderFromFileNode(lastNode)
    return snapshot.Paths[len(snapshot.Paths)-1], nil

func (r *Restic) getTarHeaderFromFileNode(file *fileNode) *tar.Header {
    filePath := strings.Replace(file.Path, "/", "", 1)
    return &tar.Header{
        Name:       filePath,
        Size:       file.Size,
        Mode:       int64(file.Mode),
        Uid:        file.UID,
        Gid:        file.GID,
        ModTime:    file.Mtime,
        AccessTime: file.Atime,
        ChangeTime: file.Ctime,

func (r *Restic) extractFileNodes(capturedStdOut string, stats *RestoreStats) (int, *fileNode) {
    // A backup from stdin will always contain exactly one file when executing ls.
    // This logic will also work if it's not a stdin backup. For the sake of the
    // dump this is the same case.
    stdOutLines := strings.Split(capturedStdOut, "\n")

    count := 0
    lastNode := &fileNode{}
    for _, fileJSON := range stdOutLines {
        node := &fileNode{}
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(fileJSON), node)
        if err != nil {
        if node.Type == "file" {
            lastNode = node
            stats.RestoredFiles = append(stats.RestoredFiles, node.Path)
    return count, lastNode