

0 mins
Test Coverage
package kubernetes

import (

    k8upv1 ""
    metav1 ""

// SyncSnapshotList will take a k8upv1.SnapshotList and apply them to the k8s cluster.
// It will remove any snapshots on the cluster that are not present in the list.
func SyncSnapshotList(ctx context.Context, list []dto.Snapshot, namespace, repository string) error {

    newList := filterAndConvert(list, namespace, repository)
    oldList := &k8upv1.SnapshotList{}

    kube, err := NewTypedClient()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = kube.List(ctx, oldList, &client.ListOptions{Namespace: namespace})
    if err != nil {
        return err

    oldList = filterByRepo(oldList, repository)

    err = createNewSnapshots(ctx, newList, oldList, kube)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return deleteOldSnapshots(ctx, newList, oldList, kube)

// createNewSnapshots is a wrapper for the diff function to correctly pass the right order and function
func createNewSnapshots(ctx context.Context, newList, oldList *k8upv1.SnapshotList, kube client.Client) error {
    return diff(newList, oldList, func(snap k8upv1.Snapshot) error {
        return kube.Create(ctx, &snap)

// deleteOldSnapshots is a wrapper for the diff function to correctly pass the right order and function
func deleteOldSnapshots(ctx context.Context, newList, oldList *k8upv1.SnapshotList, kube client.Client) error {
    return diff(oldList, newList, func(snap k8upv1.Snapshot) error {
        return kube.Delete(ctx, &snap)

// diff will execute a given function for each element that is in a but not b
// it assumes that both lists belong to the same namespace and repository
func diff(a, b *k8upv1.SnapshotList, diffFunc func(snap k8upv1.Snapshot) error) error {

    snapMap := listToMap(b)

    for _, snapshot := range a.Items {
        // Avoid pointer bug
        snapshot := &snapshot
        if _, ok := snapMap[*snapshot.Spec.ID]; !ok {
            err := diffFunc(*snapshot)
            if err != nil {
                return err

    return nil


func listToMap(list *k8upv1.SnapshotList) map[string]bool {

    finalMap := map[string]bool{}

    for _, snap := range list.Items {
        finalMap[*snap.Spec.ID] = true

    return finalMap

// filterAndConvert removes snapshots that don't belong to the same namespace
// and it converts them to the k8up snapshot CR.
func filterAndConvert(list []dto.Snapshot, namespace, repository string) *k8upv1.SnapshotList {

    finalList := &k8upv1.SnapshotList{Items: []k8upv1.Snapshot{}}

    for _, snapshot := range list {
        // Avoid pointer bug
        snapshot := snapshot

        // we don't want snapshots that belong to another namespace in here.
        if snapshot.Hostname != namespace {

        finalList.Items = append(finalList.Items, k8upv1.Snapshot{
            ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                Name:      snapshot.ID[:8],
                Namespace: namespace,
            Spec: k8upv1.SnapshotSpec{
                ID:         &snapshot.ID,
                Date:       &metav1.Time{Time: snapshot.Time},
                Paths:      &snapshot.Paths,
                Repository: &repository,

    return finalList

// filterByRepo will filter the list according to the given repository.
func filterByRepo(list *k8upv1.SnapshotList, repo string) *k8upv1.SnapshotList {
    filteredList := &k8upv1.SnapshotList{Items: []k8upv1.Snapshot{}}

    for _, snap := range list.Items {
        snap := snap
        if *snap.Spec.Repository == repo {
            filteredList.Items = append(filteredList.Items, snap)

    return filteredList