

0 mins
Test Coverage
package logging

import (


type BackupSummary struct {
    MessageType         string  `json:"message_type"`
    FilesNew            int     `json:"files_new"`
    FilesChanged        int     `json:"files_changed"`
    FilesUnmodified     int     `json:"files_unmodified"`
    DirsNew             int     `json:"dirs_new"`
    DirsChanged         int     `json:"dirs_changed"`
    DirsUnmodified      int     `json:"dirs_unmodified"`
    DataBlobs           int     `json:"data_blobs"`
    TreeBlobs           int     `json:"tree_blobs"`
    DataAdded           int64   `json:"data_added"`
    TotalFilesProcessed int     `json:"total_files_processed"`
    TotalBytesProcessed int     `json:"total_bytes_processed"`
    TotalDuration       float64 `json:"total_duration"`
    SnapshotID          string  `json:"snapshot_id"`

type BackupEnvelope struct {
    MessageType string `json:"message_type,omitempty"`

type BackupStatus struct {
    PercentDone  float64  `json:"percent_done"`
    TotalFiles   int      `json:"total_files"`
    FilesDone    int      `json:"files_done"`
    TotalBytes   int      `json:"total_bytes"`
    BytesDone    int      `json:"bytes_done"`
    CurrentFiles []string `json:"current_files"`
    ErrorCount   int      `json:"error_count"`

// SummaryFunc takes the summed up status of the backup and will process this further like
// logging, metrics and webhooks.
type SummaryFunc func(summary BackupSummary, errorCount int, folder string, startTimestamp, endTimestamp int64)

// PercentageFunc should format and print the given float.
type PercentageFunc func(logr.Logger, float64)

type BackupOutputParser struct {
    log            logr.Logger
    errorCount     int
    summaryFunc    SummaryFunc
    percentageFunc PercentageFunc
    folder         string

type BackupError struct {
    Error struct {
        Op   string `json:"Op"`
        Path string `json:"Path"`
        Err  int    `json:"Err"`
    } `json:"error"`
    During string `json:"during"`
    Item   string `json:"item"`

type outFunc func(string)

// New creates a writer which directly writes to the given logger function.
func New(out outFunc) io.Writer {
    return &writer{out}

// NewInfoWriter creates a writer with the name "stdout" which directly writes to the given logger using info level.
// It ensures that each line is handled separately. This avoids mangled lines when parsing
// JSON outputs.
func NewInfoWriter(l logr.Logger) io.Writer {
    return New((&LogInfoPrinter{l}).out)

// NewErrorWriter creates a writer with the name "stderr" which directly writes to the given logger using info level.
// It ensures that each line is handled seperately. This avoids mangled lines when parsing
// JSON outputs.
func NewErrorWriter(l logr.Logger) io.Writer {
    return New((&LogErrPrinter{l}).out)

type writer struct {
    out outFunc

func (w writer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(p))

    for scanner.Scan() {

    return len(p), nil

type LogInfoPrinter struct {
    log logr.Logger

func (l *LogInfoPrinter) out(s string) {

type LogErrPrinter struct {
    Log logr.Logger

func (l *LogErrPrinter) out(s string) {

func NewBackupOutputParser(logger logr.Logger, folderName string, summaryFunc SummaryFunc) io.Writer {
    bop := &BackupOutputParser{
        log:            logger,
        folder:         folderName,
        summaryFunc:    summaryFunc,
        percentageFunc: PrintPercentage,
    return New(bop.out)

func NewStdinBackupOutputParser(logger logr.Logger, folderName string, summaryFunc SummaryFunc) io.Writer {
    bop := &BackupOutputParser{
        log:            logger,
        folder:         folderName,
        summaryFunc:    summaryFunc,
        percentageFunc: IgnorePercentage,
    return New(bop.out)

func (b *BackupOutputParser) out(s string) {
    envelope := &BackupEnvelope{}

    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), envelope)
    if err != nil {
        b.log.Info("restic output", "msg", s)

    switch envelope.MessageType {
    case "error":
        b.log.Error(fmt.Errorf("error occurred during backup"), envelope.Item+" during "+envelope.During+" "+envelope.Error.Op)
    case "status":
        b.percentageFunc(b.log, envelope.PercentDone)
    case "summary":
        b.log.Info("backup finished", "new files", envelope.FilesNew, "changed files", envelope.FilesChanged, "errors", b.errorCount)
        b.log.Info("stats", "time", envelope.TotalDuration, "bytes added", envelope.DataAdded, "bytes processed", envelope.TotalBytesProcessed)
        b.summaryFunc(envelope.BackupSummary, b.errorCount, b.folder, 1, time.Now().Unix())

func PrintPercentage(logger logr.Logger, p float64) {
    percent := p * 100
    logger.Info("progress of backup", "percentage", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", percent))

func IgnorePercentage(_ logr.Logger, _ float64) {
    // NOOP