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# movile-messaging 📲

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### Unofficial Node.js wrapper for [Movile's SMS Messaging API](http://doc-messaging.movile.com/sms-v1.html).

** Read carefully through Movile Messaging's official documentation (link above) before using this module. It will *NOT* attempt to validate or sanitize your parameters before sending requests, so make sure you're sending what they are expecting to receive. **

You will need your own `UserName` and `AuthenticationToken` to make API calls.

Note that most optional parameters are missing in this module, I'm working on it. PR's are welcome as well 😉

## Usage example:
const Movile = require('movile-messaging');
const sms = new Movile('YOUR_USER_NAME', 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN');

.then(response => console.log(response.data))   // do something with this data
.catch(err => console.error(err));              // your error handling


## Methods:
### send(destination, messageText)
Send SMS message to a single endpoint.
* `destination`: Phone number with country code and area code. Example: `'5519998765432'`
* `messageText`: The message string to be sent. If it's too long, it will be split into multiple messages.

sms.send('5519998765432', 'Your text here')
.then(response => console.log(response.data))   // do something with this data
.catch(err => console.error(err));              // your error handling

Expected response body:

### sendBulk(numbers, messageText)
Send the same SMS message to many endpoints at once.
* `numbers`: Array of phone numbers, just like `destination` in the `send` method.
* `messageText`: The message string to be sent. If it's too long, it will be split into multiple messages.

sms.sendBulk(['5519988887777', '5535989890000'], 'Your text here')
.then(response => console.log(response.data))   // do something with this data
.catch(err => console.error(err));              // your error handling

Expected response body:

### getStatus(id)
Check the delivery status of a single message.
* `id`: ID of a message, obtained when it is sent.

.then(response => console.log(response.data))   // do something with this data
.catch(err => console.error(err));              // your error handling

Expected response body:

### listReceived()
Retrieve messages sent to your LA's (i. e. a client replied to your SMS).

.then(response => console.log(response.data))   // do something with this data
.catch(err => console.error(err));              // your error handling

Expected response body:
  "total": 1,
  "start": "2016-09-04T11:12:41Z",
  "end": "2016-09-08T11:17:39.113Z",
  "messages": [
      "id": "25950050-7362-11e6-be62-001b7843e7d4",
      "subAccount": "iFoodMarketing",
      "campaignAlias": "iFoodPromo",
      "carrierId": 1,
      "carrierName": "VIVO",
      "source": "5516981562820",
      "shortCode": "28128",
      "messageText": "Eu quero pizza",
      "receivedAt": 1473088405588,
      "receivedDate": "2016-09-05T12:13:25Z",
      "mt": {
        "id": "8be584fd-2554-439b-9ba9-aab507278992",
        "correlationId": "1876",
        "username": "iFoodCS",
        "email": "customer.support@ifood.com"
      "id": "d3afc42a-1fd9-49ff-8b8b-34299c070ef3",
      "subAccount": "iFoodMarketing",
      "campaignAlias": "iFoodPromo",
      "carrierId": 5,
      "carrierName": "TIM",
      "source": "5519987565020",
      "shortCode": "28128",
      "messageText": "Meu hamburguer está chegando?",
      "receivedAt": 1473088405588,
      "receivedDate": "2016-09-05T12:13:25Z",
      "mt": {
        "id": "302db832-3527-4e3c-b57b-6a481644d88b",
        "correlationId": "1893",
        "username": "iFoodCS",
        "email": "customer.support@ifood.com"

### searchReceived(start, end)
Search for messages received in a time interval (between `start` and `end`, as one would expect).
* `start`: ISO8601-formatted string. Defaults to 5 days ago from current date.
* `end`: ISO8601-formatted string. Defaults to current date.

sms.listReceived('2016-09-04T11:12:41Z', '2016-09-08T11:17:39.113Z')

Expected response body: *same format as listReceived()*

* Note that phone numbers from `OI` and `Sercomtel` carriers will not return `DELIVERED_SUCCESS` status even if the SMS was successfully received.
* Data is only retained in Movile's end for a few days, so you may want to store this data somewhere else.

Special thanks to [@mCodex](https://github.com/mCodex/)