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Test Coverage
 * The default theme palette
 * primary: indigo 500 #3f51b5
 * accent: pink 500 #e91e63
 * theme: light
 * It can be used just before importing the Vue Material stylesheet
 * ---
 * @access public
 * @type colormap
 * @group themes

$md-default-palette: (
  primary: md-get-palette-color(blue, A200),
  accent: md-get-palette-color(red, A200),
  theme: "light"
) !default;

 * Temporary variable to store all themable values
 * ---
 * @access private
 * @type map
 * @group themes
$md-theme-palette: ();

 * Map variable to store all themes to be processed by each component
 * ---
 * @access private
 * @type map
 * @group themes
$md-themes: ();

 * Store the current theme name
 * ---
 * @access private
 * @type string
 * @group themes

$md-current-theme: null;

 * Store the newly registered theme name for comparison, used for checking just called md-register-theme's theme name
 * ---
 * @access private
 * @type string
 * @group themes

$md-theme-name: null;

 * The color contrast values
 * ---
 * @access private
 * @type map
 * @group themes

$md-color-levels: (
  light: (
    background: #fff,
    background-variant: #fafafa,
    text-primary: rgba(#000, .87),
    text-accent: rgba(#000, .54),
    text-hint: rgba(#000, .38),
    disabled: rgba(#000, .26),
    disabled-background: rgba(#000, .12),
    highlight: rgba(#000, .12),
    icon: rgba(#000, .54),
    icon-disabled: rgba(#000, .38),
    divider: rgba(#000, .12),
    scrollbar: #757575,
    scrollbar-background: darken(#eee, 5%),
    tooltip: #616161
  dark: (
    background: #424242,
    background-variant: #303030,
    text-primary: #fff,
    text-accent: rgba(#fff, .7),
    text-hint: rgba(#fff, .5),
    disabled: rgba(#fff, .3),
    disabled-background: rgba(#fff, .12),
    highlight: rgba(#fff, .12),
    icon: #fff,
    icon-disabled: rgba(#fff, .5),
    divider: rgba(#fff, .12),
    scrollbar: #9E9E9E,
    scrollbar-background: #212121,
    tooltip: #fff