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# Dfweb.no Portfolio Version 4

Fourth version of my personal portfolio website with Next.js, Framer Motion, Sanity.io and Typescript.

## Table of Contents
- [Live URL](#live-url)
- [Frontend](#frontend)
- [Backend](#backend)
- [Google Lighthouse](#google-lighthouse)
- [Features](#features)
  - [General](#general)
  - [Design](#design)
  - [Accessibility](#accessibility)
  - [Devops and Code quality](#devops-and-code-quality)

## Live URL


## Frontend (Next.js)

<img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/958aaa13-0f82-405d-b1d2-ff99588cf7c4" alt="Frontend Image" />

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## Backend (Sanity headless CMS)

<img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/67099a89-0cda-458a-9fcd-ab09b016ace4" alt="Backend Image" />

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## Google Lighthouse


## Features

### General

- Clean, modern, responsive and Matrix-inspired design
- The application is 100% typescript
- Matrix canvas rain effect on front page
- Custom 404 page with Matrix rain effect
- Next.js 15 with Typescript and App router
- Sanity headless cms for all of the content, projects and navigation links
- Ladle for component documentation
- Animations with Framer Motion
- React testing library for unit testing
- Cypress for E2E testing
- Playwright for cross-browser E2E testing
- Contact form with Email.js
- Polymorphic components
- Automatic sitemap generation (see /api/siteMapGenerator.ts)
- Google rich results for each individual page
- 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% score in Google Lighthouse
- React Hook Form with Typescript and Zod for efficient form handling and validation
- Reusable GenericForm component for easy form creation and management
- Error handling with react-error-boundary for improved user experience and easier debugging

### Design

- Fully responsive design tested on all devices
- React Icons for project icons
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- Animated reusable input fields

### Accessibility

- WCAG accessibility tested
- Accessibility testing with Cypress Axe
- Builds will fail if any a11y errors are found

### Devops and Code quality

- Continuous Integration with CircleCI
- CircleCI will warn before deploy if tests fail (setup for React testing library)
- Github action workflow for Cypress
- Code quality analysis with Codacy, Sonarcloud and Codeclimate
- E2E testing with Cypress integrated with Github actions
- E2E testing with Playwright for cross-browser compatibility, integrated with Github actions
- Unit testing with Jest and React Testing Library integrated with CircleCI
- Test coverage setup with Codecov
- 100% test coverage with Jest and React testing library