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RTFM - A new format for your README files.

!!!!! Installation

Coming soon (will be a NodeJS package).

!!!!! Goal

This is just for kicks. It's a new format, similar to Markdown and Textile, but specifically aimed at README files.

As the name implies, this is a format for //manuals//. The interpreter will output any {{*.rtfm}} file given to it and compile it either to HTML or Markdown. The HTML version is much more fun, though.

!!!!! Syntax

!!!! Headings

There are 6 levels of heading. A heading is prefixed with {{!}}, the number of which determine the hierarchy.

For a first level heading, use 6 {{!}}:


For a second level heading, use 5 {{!}}:

!!!!! This is SUCH A VERY important part - IKILLYOUIFYOUDONTREAD

And so on and so forth.

!!!! Bold

To set a piece of text as being **bold**, use {{**}}:

I am a string with **bold words**.

!!!! Italic

To set a portion of text as //italic//, use {{//}}:

I am a string with //italic words//.

!!!! Strike-through

To set a portion of text as --strike-through--, use {{--}}:

I am --striken-- with guilt.

!!!! Underline

To set a portion of text as __underlined__, use {{__}}:

I am a string with __underlined words__.

!!!! Link

To link to something, use {{(Label:link/path)}} (the label is optional):

You will find more information (here:http://www.example.com) and on (http://www.google.com).

!!!! Image

To insert an image, use {{[Alt text:image/path.jpg]}} (the alt text is optional):


!!!! Lists

Unordered lists are defined as follows:

* My item
* My second item
* My third item,
  that can span multiple lines if I wish

Ordered lists are defined as follows (note that when using the HTML output, the numbers are not actually relevant):

1. First item on the list
2. Second item on the list
3. Third item on the list, which
   can span multiple lines

Definition lists are defined as follows:

- Definition title:
  Definition body comes here. It can
  span multiple lines.
- Definition title 2:
  Definition body 2

!!!! Code

Inline code snippets are defined using {{\{{\}}}}:

This is a snippet: \{\{git init\}\}

Blocks of code are defined using {{\{{\{\}\}}}}:

This is a block of code   

!!!! HTML

Any HTML code will just be output as is, but this is still dodgy if a tag contains complex attributes or styles. Use with caution.