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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:        kdetools
# Purpose:
# Author:      pab
# Created:     01.11.2008
# Copyright:   (c) pab 2008
# Licence:     LGPL
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg
import scipy.stats as st
from scipy import interpolate, linalg, special
from numpy import sqrt, atleast_2d, meshgrid
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn
from wafo.misc import nextpow2
from wafo.containers import PlotData
from wafo.testing import test_docstrings
from wafo.kdetools.kernels import iqrange, qlevels, Kernel
from wafo.kdetools.gridding import gridcount

__all__ = ['TKDE', 'KDE', 'test_docstrings', 'KRegression', 'BKRegression']

_TINY = np.finfo(float).tiny
# _REALMIN = np.finfo(float).min
_REALMAX = np.finfo(float).max
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps

def _assert(cond, msg):
    if not cond:
        raise ValueError(msg)

def _assert_warn(cond, msg):
    if not cond:

def _invnorm(q):
    return special.ndtri(q)

def _logit(p):
    pc = p.clip(min=_TINY, max=1-_EPS)  # trick to avoid division by zero in log(pc) and log1p(-pc)
    return np.log(pc) - np.log1p(-pc)

# def _logitinv(x):
#     return 1.0 / (np.exp(-x) + 1)

class _KDE(object):

    def __init__(self, data, kernel=None, xmin=None, xmax=None):
        self.dataset = data
        self.xmin = xmin
        self.xmax = xmax
        self.kernel = kernel if kernel else Kernel('gauss')

        self.args = None

    def inc(self):
        return self._inc

    def inc(self, inc):
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._inc = inc

    def dataset(self):
        return self._dataset

    def dataset(self, data):
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._dataset = atleast_2d(data)

    def n(self):
        return self.dataset.shape[1]

    def d(self):
        return self.dataset.shape[0]

    def sigma(self):
        """minimum(stdev, 0.75 * interquartile-range)"""
        iqr = iqrange(self.dataset, axis=-1)
        sigma = np.minimum(np.std(self.dataset, axis=-1, ddof=1), iqr / 1.34)
        return sigma

    def xmin(self):
        return self._xmin

    def xmin(self, xmin):
        if xmin is None:
            xmin = self.dataset.min(axis=-1) - 2 * self.sigma
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._xmin = self._check_xmin(xmin * np.ones(self.d))

    def _check_xmin(self, xmin):
        return xmin

    def xmax(self):
        return self._xmax

    def xmax(self, xmax):
        if xmax is None:
            xmax = self.dataset.max(axis=-1) + 2 * self.sigma
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._xmax = self._check_xmax(xmax * np.ones(self.d))

    def _check_xmax(self, xmax):
        return xmax

    def eval_grid_fast(self, *args, **kwds):
        """Evaluate the estimated pdf on a grid using fft.

        arg_0,arg_1,... arg_d-1 : vectors
            Alternatively, if no vectors is passed in then
             arg_i = linspace(self.xmin[i], self.xmax[i], self.inc)
        output : string optional
            'value' if value output
            'data' if object output

        values : array-like
            The values evaluated at meshgrid(*args).

        return self.eval_grid_fun(self._eval_grid_fast, *args, **kwds)

    def _eval_grid_fast(self, *args, **kwds):

    def eval_grid(self, *args, **kwds):
        """Evaluate the estimated pdf on a grid.

        arg_0,arg_1,... arg_d-1 : vectors
            Alternatively, if no vectors is passed in then
             arg_i = linspace(self.xmin[i], self.xmax[i], self.inc)
        output : string optional
            'value' if value output
            'data' if object output

        values : array-like
            The values evaluated at meshgrid(*args).

        return self.eval_grid_fun(self._eval_grid, *args, **kwds)

    def _eval_grid(self, *args, **kwds):

    def _add_contour_levels(self, wdata):
        p_levels = np.r_[10:90:20, 95, 99, 99.9]
            c_levels = qlevels(wdata.data, p=p_levels)
            wdata.clevels = c_levels
            wdata.plevels = p_levels
        except ValueError as e:
            msg = "Could not calculate contour levels!. ({})".format(str(e))

    def _make_object(self, f, **kwds):
        titlestr = 'Kernel density estimate ({})'.format(self.kernel.name)
        kwds2 = dict(title=titlestr)
        kwds2['plot_kwds'] = dict(plotflag=1)
        args = self.args
        if self.d == 1:
            args = args[0]
        wdata = PlotData(f, args, **kwds2)
        if self.d > 1:
        return wdata

    def get_args(self, xmin=None, xmax=None):
        sxmin = self.xmin
        if xmin is not None:
            sxmin = np.minimum(xmin, sxmin)

        sxmax = self.xmax
        if xmax is not None:
            sxmax = np.maximum(xmax, sxmax)

        args = []
        inc = self.inc
        for i in range(self.d):
            args.append(np.linspace(sxmin[i], sxmax[i], inc))
        return args

    def eval_grid_fun(self, eval_grd, *args, **kwds):
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = self.get_args()
        self.args = args
        output = kwds.pop('output', 'value')
        f = eval_grd(*args, **kwds)
        if output == 'value':
            return f
        return self._make_object(f, **kwds)

    def _check_shape(self, points):
        points = atleast_2d(points)
        d, m = points.shape
        if d != self.d:
            _assert(d == 1 and m == self.d, "points have dimension {}, "
                    "dataset has dimension {}".format(d, self.d))
            # points was passed in as a row vector
            points = np.reshape(points, (self.d, 1))
        return points

    def eval_points(self, points, **kwds):
        """Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points.

        points : (# of dimensions, # of points)-array
            Alternatively, a (# of dimensions,) vector can be passed in and
            treated as a single point.

        values : (# of points,)-array
            The values at each point.

        ValueError if the dimensionality of the input points is different than
        the dimensionality of the KDE.


        points = self._check_shape(points)
        return self._eval_points(points, **kwds)

    def _eval_points(self, points, **kwds):

    __call__ = eval_grid

class TKDE(_KDE):

    """ Transformation Kernel-Density Estimator.

    dataset : (# of dims, # of data)-array
        datapoints to estimate from
    hs : array-like (optional)
        smooting parameter vector/matrix.
        (default compute from data using kernel.get_smoothing function)
    kernel :  kernel function object.
        kernel must have get_smoothing method
    alpha : real scalar (optional)
        sensitivity parameter               (default 0 regular KDE)
        A good choice might be alpha = 0.5 ( or 1/D)
        alpha = 0      Regular  KDE (hs is constant)
        0 < alpha <= 1 Adaptive KDE (Make hs change)
    xmin, xmax  : vectors
        specifying the default argument range for the kde.eval_grid methods.
        For the kde.eval_grid_fast methods the values must cover the range of
        the data. (default min(data)-range(data)/4, max(data)-range(data)/4)
        If a single value of xmin or xmax is given then the boundary is the is
        the same for all dimensions.
    inc :  scalar integer
        defining the default dimension of the output from kde.eval_grid methods
        (default 512)
        (For kde.eval_grid_fast: A value below 50 is very fast to compute but
        may give some inaccuracies. Values between 100 and 500 give very
        accurate results)
    L2 : array-like
        vector of transformation parameters (default 1 no transformation)
        t(xi;L2) = xi^L2*sign(L2)   for L2(i) ~= 0
        t(xi;L2) = log(xi)          for L2(i) == 0
        If single value of L2 is given then the transformation is the same in
        all directions.

    d : int
        number of dimensions
    n : int
        number of datapoints

    kde.eval_grid_fast(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on meshgrid(x0, x1,..., xd)
    kde.eval_grid(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on meshgrid(x0, x1,..., xd)
    kde.eval_points(points) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on a provided set of points
    kde(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        same as kde.eval_grid(x0, x1,..., xd)

    N = 20
    data = np.random.rayleigh(1, size=(N,))
    >>> data = np.array([
    ...        0.75355792,  0.72779194,  0.94149169,  0.07841119,2.32291887,
    ...        1.10419995,  0.77055114,  0.60288273,  1.36883635,  1.74754326,
    ...        1.09547561,  1.01671133,  0.73211143,  0.61891719,  0.75903487,
    ...        1.8919469 ,  0.72433808,  1.92973094,  0.44749838,  1.36508452])

    >>> import wafo.kdetools as wk
    >>> x = np.linspace(0.01, max(data.ravel()) + 1, 10)
    >>> kde = wk.TKDE(data, hs=0.5, L2=0.5)
    >>> f = kde(x)
    >>> np.allclose(f,
    ...    [ 1.03982714,  0.45839018,  0.39514782,  0.32860602,  0.26433318,
    ...     0.20717946,  0.15907684,  0.1201074 ,  0.08941027,  0.06574882])
    >>> np.allclose(kde.eval_grid(x),
    ...    [ 1.03982714,  0.45839018,  0.39514782,  0.32860602,  0.26433318,
    ...         0.20717946,  0.15907684,  0.1201074 ,  0.08941027,  0.06574882])
    >>> np.allclose(kde.eval_grid_fast(x),
    ...    [ 1.04018924,  0.45838973,  0.39514689,  0.32860532,  0.26433301,
    ...     0.20717976,  0.15907697,  0.1201077 ,  0.08941129,  0.06574899])

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    h1 = plt.plot(x, f) #  1D probability density plot
    t = np.trapz(f, x)

    def __init__(self, data, hs=None, kernel=None, alpha=0.0,
                 xmin=None, xmax=None, inc=512, L2=None):
        self.L2 = L2
        super(TKDE, self).__init__(data, kernel, xmin, xmax)

        tdataset = self._transform(self.dataset)
        txmin = np.ravel(self._transform(np.reshape(self.xmin, (-1, 1))))
        txmax = np.ravel(self._transform(np.reshape(self.xmax, (-1, 1))))
        self.tkde = KDE(tdataset, hs, self.kernel, alpha, txmin, txmax, inc)

    def _check_xmin(self, xmin):
        if self.L2 is not None:
            amin = self.dataset.min(axis=-1)
            L2 = np.atleast_1d(self.L2) * np.ones(self.d)
            xmin = np.where(L2 != 1, np.maximum(xmin, amin / 100.0), xmin)
        return xmin

    def inc(self):
        return self.tkde.inc

    def inc(self, inc):
        self.tkde.inc = inc

    def hs(self):
        return self.tkde.hs

    def hs(self, hs):
        self.tkde.hs = hs

    def _transform(self, points):
        if self.L2 is None:
            return points  # default no transformation

        L2 = np.atleast_1d(self.L2) * np.ones(self.d)

        tpoints = copy.copy(points)
        for i, v2 in enumerate(L2.tolist()):
            tpoints[i] = np.log(points[i]) if v2 == 0 else points[i] ** v2
        return tpoints

    def _inverse_transform(self, tpoints):
        if self.L2 is None:
            return tpoints  # default no transformation

        L2 = np.atleast_1d(self.L2) * np.ones(self.d)

        points = copy.copy(tpoints)
        for i, v2 in enumerate(L2.tolist()):
            points[i] = np.exp(
                tpoints[i]) if v2 == 0 else tpoints[i] ** (1.0 / v2)
        return points

    def _scale_pdf(self, pdf, points):
        if self.L2 is None:
            return pdf
        # default no transformation
        L2 = np.atleast_1d(self.L2) * np.ones(self.d)
        for i, v2 in enumerate(L2.tolist()):
            factor = v2 * np.sign(v2) if v2 else 1
            pdf *= np.where(v2 == 1, 1, points[i] ** (v2 - 1) * factor)

        _assert_warn((np.abs(np.diff(pdf)).max() < 10).all(), '''
        Numerical problems may have occured due to the power transformation.
        Check the KDE for spurious spikes''')
        return pdf

    def _interpolate(self, points, f, *args, **kwds):
        ipoints = meshgrid(*args)  # if self.d > 1 else args
        for i in range(self.d):
            points[i].shape = -1,
        points = np.asarray(points).T

        fi = interpolate.griddata(points, np.ravel(f), tuple(ipoints),
                                  method='linear', fill_value=0.0)
        self.args = args
        r = kwds.get('r', 0)
        if r == 0:
            return fi * (fi > 0)
        return fi

    def _get_targs(self, args):
        targs = []
        if len(args):
            targs0 = self._transform(list(args))
            xmin = [min(t) for t in targs0]
            xmax = [max(t) for t in targs0]
            targs = self.tkde.get_args(xmin, xmax)
        return targs

    def _eval_grid_fast(self, *args, **kwds):
        if self.L2 is None:
            f = self.tkde.eval_grid_fast(*args, **kwds)
            self.args = self.tkde.args
            return f
        targs = self._get_targs(args)
        tf = self.tkde.eval_grid_fast(*targs)

        self.args = self._inverse_transform(list(self.tkde.args))
        points = meshgrid(*self.args)
        f = self._scale_pdf(tf, points)
        if len(args):
            return self._interpolate(points, f, *args, **kwds)
        return f

    def _eval_grid(self, *args, **kwds):
        if self.L2 is None:
            return self.tkde.eval_grid(*args, **kwds)
        targs = self._transform(list(args))
        tf = self.tkde.eval_grid(*targs, **kwds)
        points = meshgrid(*args)
        f = self._scale_pdf(tf, points)
        return f

    def _eval_points(self, points, **kwds):
        """Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points.

        points : (# of dimensions, # of points)-array
            Alternatively, a (# of dimensions,) vector can be passed in and
            treated as a single point.

        values : (# of points,)-array
            The values at each point.

        ValueError if the dimensionality of the input points is different than
        the dimensionality of the KDE.

        if self.L2 is None:
            return self.tkde.eval_points(points)

        tpoints = self._transform(points)
        tf = self.tkde.eval_points(tpoints)
        f = self._scale_pdf(tf, points)
        return f

class KDE(_KDE):

    """ Kernel-Density Estimator.

    data : (# of dims, # of data)-array
        datapoints to estimate from
    hs : array-like (optional)
        smooting parameter vector/matrix.
        (default compute from data using kernel.get_smoothing function)
    kernel :  kernel function object.
        kernel must have get_smoothing method
    alpha : real scalar (optional)
        sensitivity parameter               (default 0 regular KDE)
        A good choice might be alpha = 0.5 ( or 1/D)
        alpha = 0      Regular  KDE (hs is constant)
        0 < alpha <= 1 Adaptive KDE (Make hs change)
    xmin, xmax  : vectors
        specifying the default argument range for the kde.eval_grid methods.
        For the kde.eval_grid_fast methods the values must cover the range of
        the data.
        (default min(data)-range(data)/4, max(data)-range(data)/4)
        If a single value of xmin or xmax is given then the boundary is the is
        the same for all dimensions.
    inc :  scalar integer (default 512)
        defining the default dimension of the output from kde.eval_grid methods
        (For kde.eval_grid_fast: A value below 50 is very fast to compute but
        may give some inaccuracies. Values between 100 and 500 give very
        accurate results)

    d : int
        number of dimensions
    n : int
        number of datapoints

    kde.eval_grid_fast(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on meshgrid(x0, x1,..., xd)
    kde.eval_grid(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on meshgrid(x0, x1,..., xd)
    kde.eval_points(points) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on a provided set of points
    kde(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        same as kde.eval_grid(x0, x1,..., xd)

    N = 20
    data = np.random.rayleigh(1, size=(N,))
    >>> data = np.array([
    ...        0.75355792,  0.72779194,  0.94149169,  0.07841119,  2.32291887,
    ...        1.10419995,  0.77055114,  0.60288273,  1.36883635,  1.74754326,
    ...        1.09547561,  1.01671133,  0.73211143,  0.61891719,  0.75903487,
    ...        1.8919469 ,  0.72433808,  1.92973094,  0.44749838,  1.36508452])

    >>> x = np.linspace(0, max(data.ravel()) + 1, 10)
    >>> import wafo.kdetools as wk
    >>> kde = wk.KDE(data, hs=0.5, alpha=0.5)
    >>> f = kde(x)
    >>> np.allclose(f,
    ...    [ 0.17252055,  0.41014271,  0.61349072,  0.57023834,  0.37198073,
    ...        0.21409279,  0.12738463,  0.07460326,  0.03956191,  0.01887164])

    >>> np.allclose(kde.eval_grid(x),
    ...    [ 0.17252055,  0.41014271,  0.61349072,  0.57023834,  0.37198073,
    ...        0.21409279,  0.12738463,  0.07460326,  0.03956191,  0.01887164])
    >>> np.allclose(kde.eval_grid_fast(x),
    ...     [ 0.20729484,  0.39865044,  0.53716945,  0.5169322 ,  0.39060223,
    ...       0.26441126,  0.16388801,  0.08388527,  0.03227164,  0.00883579])
    >>> kde0 = wk.KDE(data, hs=0.5, alpha=0.0)
    >>> np.allclose(kde0.eval_points(x),
    ...    [ 0.2039735 ,  0.40252503,  0.54595078,  0.52219649,  0.3906213 ,
    ...     0.26381501,  0.16407362,  0.08270612,  0.02991145,  0.00720821])
    >>> np.allclose(kde0.eval_grid(x),
    ...    [ 0.2039735 ,  0.40252503,  0.54595078,  0.52219649,  0.3906213 ,
    ...     0.26381501,  0.16407362,  0.08270612,  0.02991145,  0.00720821])
    >>> f = kde0.eval_grid(x, output='plotobj')
    >>> np.allclose(f.data,
    ...    [ 0.2039735 ,  0.40252503,  0.54595078,  0.52219649,  0.3906213 ,
    ...     0.26381501,  0.16407362,  0.08270612,  0.02991145,  0.00720821])
    >>> f = kde0.eval_grid_fast()
    >>> np.allclose(np.interp(x, kde0.args[0], f),
    ...    [ 0.20398034,  0.40252166,  0.54593292,  0.52218993,  0.39062245,
    ...     0.26381651,  0.16407487,  0.08270847,  0.02991439,  0.00882095])
    >>> f1 = kde0.eval_grid_fast(output='plot')
    >>> np.allclose(np.interp(x, f1.args, f1.data),
    ...   [ 0.20398034,  0.40252166,  0.54593292,  0.52218993,  0.39062245,
    ...     0.26381651,  0.16407487,  0.08270847,  0.02991439,  0.00882095])

    h = f1.plot()
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    h1 = plt.plot(x, f) #  1D probability density plot
    t = np.trapz(f, x)

    def __init__(self, data, hs=None, kernel=None, alpha=0.0, xmin=None,
                 xmax=None, inc=512):
        super(KDE, self).__init__(data, kernel, xmin, xmax)
        self.hs = hs
        self.inc = inc
        self.alpha = alpha

    def _replace_negatives_with_default_hs(self, h):
        get_default_hs = self.kernel.get_smoothing
        ind, = np.where(h <= 0)
        for i in ind.tolist():
            h[i] = get_default_hs(self.dataset[i])

    def _check_hs(self, h):
        """make sure it has the correct dimension and replace negative vals"""
        h = np.atleast_1d(h)
        if (len(h.shape) == 1) or (self.d == 1):
            h = h * np.ones(self.d) if max(h.shape) == 1 else h.reshape(self.d)
        return h

    def _invert_hs(self, h):
        if (len(h.shape) == 1) or (self.d == 1):
            determinant = h.prod()
            inv_hs = np.diag(1.0 / h)
        else:  # fully general smoothing matrix
            determinant = linalg.det(h)
            _assert(0 < determinant,
                    'bandwidth matrix h must be positive definit!')
            inv_hs = linalg.inv(h)
        return inv_hs, determinant

    def hs(self):
        return self._hs

    def hs(self, h):
        if h is None:
            h = self.kernel.get_smoothing(self.dataset)
        h = self._check_hs(h)
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._inv_hs, deth = self._invert_hs(h)
        self._norm_factor = deth * self.n
        self._hs = h

    def inc(self):
        return self._inc

    def inc(self, inc):
        if inc is None:
            _tau, tau = self.kernel.effective_support()
            xyzrange = 8 * self.sigma
            L1 = 10
            inc = max(48, (L1 * xyzrange / (tau * self.hs)).max())
            inc = 2 ** nextpow2(inc)
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._inc = inc

    def alpha(self):
        return self._alpha

    def alpha(self, alpha):
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._lambda = np.ones(self.n)
        if alpha > 0:
            f = self.eval_points(self.dataset)  # pilot estimate
            g = np.exp(np.mean(np.log(f)))
            self._lambda = (f / g) ** (-alpha)

    def _make_flat_grid(dx, d, inc):
        Xn = []
        x0 = np.linspace(-inc, inc, 2 * inc + 1)
        for i in range(d):
            Xn.append(x0[:-1] * dx[i])

        Xnc = meshgrid(*Xn)

        for i in range(d):
            Xnc[i].shape = (-1,)
        return np.vstack(Xnc)

    def _kernel_weights(self, Xn, dx, d, inc):
        kw = self.kernel(Xn)
        norm_fact0 = (kw.sum() * dx.prod() * self.n)
        norm_fact = (self._norm_factor * self.kernel.norm_factor(d, self.n))
        if np.abs(norm_fact0 - norm_fact) > 0.05 * norm_fact:
                'Numerical inaccuracy due to too low discretization. ' +
                'Increase the discretization of the evaluation grid ' +
            norm_fact = norm_fact0

        kw = kw / norm_fact
        return kw

    def _eval_grid_fast(self, *args, **kwds):
        X = np.vstack(args)
        d, inc = X.shape
        dx = X[:, 1] - X[:, 0]

        Xnc = self._make_flat_grid(dx, d, inc)

        Xn = np.dot(self._inv_hs, Xnc)
        kw = self._kernel_weights(Xn, dx, d, inc)

        r = kwds.get('r', 0)
        if r != 0:
            fun = self._moment_fun(r)
            kw *= fun(np.vstack(Xnc))
        kw.shape = (2 * inc, ) * d
        kw = np.fft.ifftshift(kw)

        y = kwds.get('y', 1.0)
        if self.alpha > 0:
            warnings.warn('alpha parameter is not used for binned kde!')

        # Find the binned kernel weights, c.
        c = gridcount(self.dataset, X, y=y)
        # Perform the convolution.
        z = np.real(ifftn(fftn(c, s=kw.shape) * fftn(kw)))

        ix = (slice(0, inc),) * d
        if r == 0:
            return z[ix] * (z[ix] > 0.0)
        return z[ix]

    def _eval_grid(self, *args, **kwds):

        grd = meshgrid(*args)
        shape0 = grd[0].shape
        d = len(grd)
        for i in range(d):
            grd[i] = grd[i].ravel()
        f = self.eval_points(np.vstack(grd), **kwds)
        return f.reshape(shape0)

    def _moment_fun(self, r):
        if r == 0:
            return lambda x: 1
        return lambda x: (x ** r).sum(axis=0)

    def norm_factor(self):
        return self._norm_factor * self.kernel.norm_factor(self.d, self.n)

    def _loop_over_data(self, data, points, y, r):
        fun = self._moment_fun(r)
        d, m = points.shape
        inv_hs, lambda_ = self._inv_hs, self._lambda
        kernel = self.kernel

        y_d_lambda = y / lambda_ ** d
        result = np.zeros((m,))
        for i in range(self.n):
            dxi = points - data[:, i, np.newaxis]
            tdiff = np.dot(inv_hs / lambda_[i], dxi)
            result += fun(dxi) * kernel(tdiff) * y_d_lambda[i]
        return result / self.norm_factor

    def _loop_over_points(self, data, points, y, r):
        fun = self._moment_fun(r)
        d, m = points.shape
        inv_hs, lambda_ = self._inv_hs, self._lambda
        kernel = self.kernel

        y_d_lambda = y / lambda_ ** d
        result = np.zeros((m,))
        for i in range(m):
            dxi = points[:, i, np.newaxis] - data
            tdiff = np.dot(inv_hs, dxi / lambda_[np.newaxis, :])
            result[i] = np.sum(fun(dxi) * kernel(tdiff) * y_d_lambda, axis=-1)
        return result / self.norm_factor

    def _eval_points(self, points, **kwds):
        """Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points.

        points : (# of dimensions, # of points)-array
            Alternatively, a (# of dimensions,) vector can be passed in and
            treated as a single point.

        values : (# of points,)-array
            The values at each point.

        ValueError if the dimensionality of the input points is different than
        the dimensionality of the KDE.

        d, m = points.shape
        _assert(d == self.d, "d={} expected, got {}".format(self.d, d))

        y = kwds.get('y', 1)
        r = kwds.get('r', 0)

        more_points_than_data = m >= self.n
        if more_points_than_data:
            return self._loop_over_data(self.dataset, points, y, r)
        return self._loop_over_points(self.dataset, points, y, r)

class KRegression(object):

    """ Kernel-Regression

    data : (# of dims, # of data)-array
        datapoints to estimate from
    y : # of data - array
        response variable
    p : scalar integer (0 or 1)
        Nadaraya-Watson estimator if p=0,
        local linear estimator if p=1.
    hs : array-like (optional)
        smooting parameter vector/matrix.
        (default compute from data using kernel.get_smoothing function)
    kernel :  kernel function object.
        kernel must have get_smoothing method
    alpha : real scalar (optional)
        sensitivity parameter               (default 0 regular KDE)
        A good choice might be alpha = 0.5 ( or 1/D)
        alpha = 0      Regular  KDE (hs is constant)
        0 < alpha <= 1 Adaptive KDE (Make hs change)
    xmin, xmax  : vectors
        specifying the default argument range for the kde.eval_grid methods.
        For the kde.eval_grid_fast methods the values must cover the range of
        the data. (default min(data)-range(data)/4, max(data)-range(data)/4)
        If a single value of xmin or xmax is given then the boundary is the is
        the same for all dimensions.
    inc :  scalar integer   (default 128)
        defining the default dimension of the output from kde.eval_grid methods
        (For kde.eval_grid_fast: A value below 50 is very fast to compute but
        may give some inaccuracies. Values between 100 and 500 give very
        accurate results)

    d : int
        number of dimensions
    n : int
        number of datapoints

    kde.eval_grid_fast(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on meshgrid(x0, x1,..., xd)
    kde.eval_grid(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on meshgrid(x0, x1,..., xd)
    kde.eval_points(points) : array
        evaluate the estimated pdf on a provided set of points
    kde(x0, x1,..., xd) : array
        same as kde.eval_grid(x0, x1,..., xd)

    M.P. Wand and M.C. Jones (1995)
    Kernel smoothing, Eq. 5.4, pp. 119 and appendix D4 pp 189

    >>> import wafo.kdetools as wk
    >>> N = 100
    >>> x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
    >>> ei = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.075, size=(N,))
    >>> ei = np.sqrt(0.075) * np.sin(100*x)

    >>> y = 2*np.exp(-x**2/(2*0.3**2))+3*np.exp(-(x-1)**2/(2*0.7**2)) + ei
    >>> kreg = wk.KRegression(x, y)
    >>> f = kreg(output='plotobj', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
    >>> np.allclose(f.data[:5],
    ...     [ 3.18670593,  3.18678088,  3.18682196,  3.18682932,  3.18680337])

    h = f.plot(label='p=0')

    def __init__(self, data, y, p=0, hs=None, kernel=None, alpha=0.0,
                 xmin=None, xmax=None, inc=128, L2=None):

        self.tkde = TKDE(data, hs=hs, kernel=kernel,
                         alpha=alpha, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, inc=inc, L2=L2)
        self.y = np.atleast_1d(y)
        self.p = p

        self._grdfun = None

    def eval_grid_fast(self, *args, **kwds):
        self._grdfun = self.tkde.eval_grid_fast
        return self.tkde.eval_grid_fun(self._eval_gridfun, *args, **kwds)

    def eval_grid(self, *args, **kwds):
        self._grdfun = self.tkde.eval_grid
        return self.tkde.eval_grid_fun(self._eval_gridfun, *args, **kwds)

    def _eval_gridfun(self, *args, **kwds):
        M.P. Wand and M.C. Jones (1995)
        Kernel smoothing, Eq. 5.4, pp. 119 and appendix D4 pp 189

        grdfun = self._grdfun
        s0 = grdfun(*args, r=0)
        t0 = grdfun(*args, r=0, y=self.y)  # TODO: Check accuracy. Culprit fft/ifft?
        if self.p == 0:
            return (t0 / (s0 + _TINY)).clip(min=-_REALMAX, max=_REALMAX)
        elif self.p == 1:
            s1 = grdfun(*args, r=1)
            s2 = grdfun(*args, r=2)
            t1 = grdfun(*args, r=1, y=self.y)
            return ((s2 * t0 - s1 * t1) /
                    (s2 * s0 - s1 ** 2)).clip(min=-_REALMAX, max=_REALMAX)
    __call__ = eval_grid_fast

class BKRegression(object):

    Kernel-Regression on binomial data

    method : {'beta', 'wilson'}
        method is one of the following
        'beta', return Bayesian Credible interval using beta-distribution.
        'wilson', return Wilson score interval
    a, b : scalars
        parameters of the beta distribution defining the apriori distribution
        of p, i.e., the Bayes estimator for p: p = (y+a)/(n+a+b).
        Setting a=b=0.5 gives Jeffreys interval.

    def __init__(self, data, y, method='beta', a=0.05, b=0.05, p=0, hs_e=None,
                 hs=None, kernel=None, alpha=0.0, xmin=None, xmax=None,
                 inc=128, L2=None):
        self.method = method
        self.a = max(a, _TINY)
        self.b = max(b, _TINY)
        self.kreg = KRegression(data, y, p=p, hs=hs, kernel=kernel,
                                alpha=alpha, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, inc=inc,
        # defines bin width (i.e. smoothing) in empirical estimate
        self.hs_e = hs_e

    def hs_e(self):
        return self._hs_e

    def hs_e(self, hs_e):
        if hs_e is None:
            hs1 = self._get_max_smoothing('hste')[0]
            hs2 = self._get_max_smoothing('hos')[0]
            hs_e = sqrt(hs1 * hs2)
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._hs_e = hs_e

    def _set_smoothing(self, hs):
        self.kreg.tkde.hs = hs

    x = property(fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.tkde.dataset.squeeze())
    y = property(fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.y)
    kernel = property(fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.tkde.kernel)
    hs = property(fset=_set_smoothing, fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.tkde.hs)

    def _get_max_smoothing(self, fun=None):
        """Return maximum value for smoothing parameter."""
        x = self.x
        y = self.y
        if fun is None:
            get_smoothing = self.kernel.get_smoothing
            get_smoothing = getattr(self.kernel, fun)

        hs1 = get_smoothing(x)
        # hx = np.median(np.abs(x-np.median(x)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
        if (y == 1).any():
            hs2 = get_smoothing(x[y == 1])
            # hy = np.median(np.abs(y-np.mean(y)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
            hs2 = 4 * hs1
            # hy = 4*hx

        hopt = sqrt(hs1 * hs2)
        return hopt, hs1, hs2

    def get_grid(self, hs_e=None):
        if hs_e is None:
            hs_e = self.hs_e
        x = self.x
        xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
        ni = max(2 * int((xmax - xmin) / hs_e) + 3, 5)
        sml = hs_e  # *0.1
        xi = np.linspace(xmin - sml, xmax + sml, ni).T
        return xi

    def _wilson_score(self, n, p, alpha):
        """The Wilson score interval is an improvement over the normal approximation
        interval in that the actual coverage probability is closer to the nominal value
        for the Binomial proportion confidence interval.

        See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_proportion_confidence_interval
        z0 = -_invnorm(alpha / 2)
        # xc = (p + 0.5 * z0 ** 2. / n) / (1+z0 ** 2. / n)
        # halfwidth = (z0 * sqrt((p * (1 - p) / n) + (z0 ** 2 / (4 * (n ** 2))))) / (1+z0 ** 2. / n)
        # or alteratively the numerically more stable solution:
        # xc = (p*n/z0**2 + 0.5 ) / (1+n/z0 ** 2.)
        # halfwidth = sqrt(n/z0**2*p * (1 - p) + 0.25) / (1+n/z0 ** 2.)
        nz02 = n / z0 ** 2.
        xc = (p*nz02 + 0.5 ) / (1+nz02)
        halfwidth = sqrt(nz02 * p * (1 - p) + 0.25) / (1+nz02)
        plo = xc - halfwidth.clip(max=1.0)
        pup = xc + halfwidth.clip(max=1.0)  # wilson score
        return plo, pup

    def _credible_interval(self, n, p, alpha):
        Bayesian credible interval.

        In particular if a=b=0.5 it returns the Jeffreys intervall.
        The Jeffreys interval is the Bayesian credible interval obtained when
        using the non-informative Jeffreys prior for the binomial proportion p.
        The Jeffreys prior for this problem is a Beta distribution with
        parameters (1/2, 1/2), it is a conjugate prior.

        Here the prior is
            beta.isf(alpha/2, y+a, n-y+b)

        where y = n*p and n-y = n*(1-p)
        a, b = self.a, self.b
        pup = np.where(p == 1, 1,
                       st.beta.isf(alpha / 2, n * p + a, n * (1 - p) + b))
        plo = np.where(p == 0, 0,
                       st.beta.isf(1 - alpha / 2, n * p + a, n * (1 - p) + b))
        return plo, pup

    def prb_ci(self, n, p, alpha=0.05):
        """Return Confidence Interval for the binomial probability p.

        n : array-like
            number of Bernoulli trials
        p : array-like
            estimated probability of success in each trial
        alpha : scalar
            confidence level
        if self.method.startswith('w'):
            return self._wilson_score(n, p, alpha)
        return self._credible_interval(n, p, alpha)

    def prb_empirical(self, xi=None, hs_e=None, alpha=0.05, color='r', **kwds):
        """Returns empirical binomial probabiltity.

        x : ndarray
            position vector
        y : ndarray
            binomial response variable (zeros and ones)
        alpha : scalar
            confidence level
            used in plot

        P(x) : PlotData object
            empirical probability

        if xi is None:
            xi = self.get_grid(hs_e)

        x = self.x
        y = self.y

        c = gridcount(x, xi)  # + self.a + self.b # count data
        if np.any(y == 1):
            c0 = gridcount(x[y == 1], xi)  # + self.a # count success
            c0 = np.zeros(np.shape(xi))
        prb = np.where(c == 0, 0, c0 / (c + _TINY))  # assume prb==0 for c==0
        CI = np.vstack(self.prb_ci(c, prb, alpha))

        prb_e = PlotData(prb, xi, plotmethod='plot', plot_args=['.'],
                         plot_kwds=dict(markersize=6, color=color, picker=5))
        prb_e.dataCI = CI.T
        prb_e.count = c
        return prb_e

    def prb_smoothed(self, prb_e, hs, alpha=0.05, color='r', label=''):
        """Return smoothed binomial probability.

        prb_e : PlotData object with empirical binomial probabilites
        hs : smoothing parameter
        alpha : confidence level
        color : color of plot object
        label : label for plot object


        x_e = prb_e.args
        n_e = len(x_e)
        dx_e = x_e[1] - x_e[0]
        n = self.x.size

        x_s = np.linspace(x_e[0], x_e[-1], 10 * n_e + 1).ravel()
        self.hs = hs

        prb_s = self.kreg(x_s, output='plotobj', title='', plot_kwds=dict(
            color=color, linewidth=2))  # dict(plotflag=7))
        m_nan = np.isnan(prb_s.data)
        if m_nan.any():  # assume 0/0 division
            prb_s.data[m_nan] = 0.0
        prb_s.data = prb_s.data.clip(min=0, max=1.0)
        # prb_s.data[np.isnan(prb_s.data)] = 0
        # expected number of data in each bin
        c_s = self.kreg.tkde.eval_grid_fast(x_s) * dx_e * n
        plo, pup = self.prb_ci(c_s, prb_s.data, alpha)

        prb_s.dataCI = np.vstack((plo, pup)).T
        prb_s.prediction_error_avg = (np.trapz(pup - plo, x_s) /
                                      (x_s[-1] - x_s[0]))

        if label:
            prb_s.plot_kwds['label'] = label
        prb_s.children = [PlotData([plo, pup], x_s,
                                   plot_kwds=dict(alpha=0.2, color=color)),

        p_e = prb_e.eval_points(x_s)
        p_s = prb_s.data
        dp_s = np.sign(np.diff(p_s))
        k = (dp_s[:-1] != dp_s[1:]).sum()  # numpeaks

        logit_pup = _logit(pup)
        logit_plo = _logit(plo)
        logit_p_e = _logit(p_e)
        s1, s2 = 1, 1
        sigmai = logit_pup - logit_plo + _EPS
        aicc = (linalg.norm((logit_p_e - _logit(p_s)) / sigmai, ord=s1) +
                2 * k * (k + 1) / np.maximum(n_e - k + 1, 1) +  # numpeaks**2
                linalg.norm(((logit_p_e - logit_pup).clip(min=0) -
                             (logit_p_e - logit_plo).clip(max=0))/sigmai, ord=s2))  # empirical p_e outside of [plo, pup]

        prb_s.aicc = aicc
        return prb_s

    def prb_search_best(self, prb_e=None, hsvec=None, hsfun='hste',
                        alpha=0.05, color='r', label=''):
        """Return best smoothed binomial probability.

        prb_e : PlotData object with empirical binomial probabilites
        hsvec : arraylike  (default np.linspace(hsmax*0.1, hsmax, 55))
            vector smoothing parameters
        hsfun :
            method for calculating hsmax

        if prb_e is None:
            prb_e = self.prb_empirical(alpha=alpha, color=color)
        if hsvec is None:
            hsmax = max(self._get_max_smoothing(hsfun)[0], self.hs_e)
            hsvec = np.linspace(hsmax * 0.1, hsmax, 55).ravel()

        hs_best = hsvec[-1] + 0.1
        prb_best = self.prb_smoothed(prb_e, hs_best, alpha, color, label)
        aicc = np.zeros(np.size(hsvec))
        for i, hi in enumerate(hsvec):
            f = self.prb_smoothed(prb_e, hi, alpha, color, label)
            aicc[i] = f.aicc
            if f.aicc <= prb_best.aicc:
                prb_best = f
                hs_best = hi
        prb_best.score = PlotData(aicc, hsvec)
        prb_best.hs = hs_best
        return prb_best

if __name__ == '__main__':