

Test Coverage
# Installation

## NPM

The recommended way to get started with Waigo is to install it as a global NPM module:

$ npm install -g waigo

This will make the `waigo` command-line executable available for use. As we will see in the next section this executable helps you quickly setup a Waigo skeleton app.

Alternatively, if you wish to add Waigo to an existing project then install it as you normally would any other dependency:

$ npm install --save waigo

*NOTE: You may see one or more warnings from NPM when installing Waigo. These are minor issues and can be ignored.*

### Beta releases

Occasionally beta releases will be published to NPM under the `next` tag, which you can grab using:

$ npm install waigo@next

## Github

If you are brave and prefer to develop against a moving target then you can install Waigo from its repository:
