

25 mins
Test Coverage
"use strict";

const debug = require('debug')('waigo_cli'),
  path = require('path'),
  shell = require('shelljs');

const waigo = global.waigo,
  _ = waigo._,
  Q = waigo.load('support/promise');

shell.execAsync = Q.promisify(shell.exec, {
  context: shell

 * Abstract base class for command-line tool commands.
 * This gets used the command-line executable and is not really meant for 
 * use within your web application.
class AbstractCommand {
   * @param  {String} description Description of what it does.
   * @param  {Array} options Command options.
   * @constructor
  constructor (description, options) {
    this.description = description;
    this.options = options || [];

   * Run this command.
   * This function gets passed to [Commander.action]( as the command handler.
  * run () {
    throw new Error('Not yet implemented');

   * Show the user a message.
   * @param {String} msg The log message to write.
  log (msg) {
    console.log(`[waigo-cli] ${msg}`);

   * Copy a folder to given destination if it doesn't already exist at that destination.
   * This checks to see if a folder with the same name exists at the 
   * destination. It doesn't check that it contains the same content as the 
   * source folder.
   * @param {String} src Source folder path.
   * @param {String} dst Destination folder path.
  * copyFolder (src, dst) {
    let fullDstPath = path.join(this._getProjectFolder(), dst);

    if (! (shell.test('-f', fullDstPath)) ) {
      this.log('Creating: ' + dst);

      // create intermediate folders
      debug('Creating intermediate folders for: ' + dst);
      shell.mkdir('-p', path.dirname(fullDstPath));

      debug('Copying ' + src + ' -> ' + dst);

      shell.cp('-R', src, fullDstPath);

    } else {
      this.log('Found: ' + dst);

   * Copy a file to given destination if it doesn't already exist at that destination.
   * This checks to see if a file with the same name exists at the 
   * destination. It doesn't check that it contains the same content as the 
   * source file.
   * @param {String} src Source file path.
   * @param {String} dst Destination file path.
   * @param {Boolean} [overwrite] Whether to overwrite if already exists. Default is `false`.
  * copyFile (src, dst, overwrite) {
    let fullDstPath = path.join(this._getProjectFolder(), dst);

    let fileExistsAlready = !!shell.test('-f', fullDstPath);

    if ( !fileExistsAlready || overwrite ) {
      if (fileExistsAlready) {
        this.log('Overwriting: ' + dst);
      } else {
        this.log('Creating: ' + dst);      

      // create intermediate folders
      debug('Creating intermediate folders for: ' + dst);
      shell.mkdir('-p', path.dirname(fullDstPath));

      debug('Copying ' + src + ' -> ' + dst);
      shell.cp(src, fullDstPath);
    } else {
      this.log('Found: ' + dst);

   * Delete file at given destination if it exists.
   * @param {String} dst Destination file path.
  * deleteFile (dst) {
    let fullDstPath = path.join(this._getProjectFolder(), dst);

    this.log('Deleting: ' + dst);

   * Install one or more NPM packages into the local NPM modules folder.
   * If a package is already present then it does not get installed again.
   * _Note: This does not modify the local package.json (if it exists)._
   * @param {Array} pkgs NPM package names.
   * @param {Object} [options] Options.
   * @param {Boolean} [] Whether to save as dev-dependency.
  * installPkgs (pkgs, options) {
    options = _.extend({
      dev: false,
    }, options);

    let str = pkgs.join(' ');

    if ( {
      str = '--save-dev ' + str;
    } else {
      str = '--save ' + str;

    this.log('npm install ' + str);

    yield shell.execAsync('npm install ' + str, {
      cwd: this._getProjectFolder()

   * Check whether given file exists in project folder.
   * @return {Boolean} true if found, false otherwise.
  fileExists (filePath) {
    let fullPath = path.join(this._getProjectFolder(), filePath);

    return !!(shell.test('-e', fullPath));

   * Find location of NPM node modules folder.
   * @return {String} location if found, null otherwise.
   * @private
  _getNpmFolderLocation () {
    // we're going to assume that the CLI is always run in the root folder
    // of the project, where node_moduels also resides

    let npmFolder = path.join(this._getProjectFolder(), 'node_modules');

    if (shell.test('-d', npmFolder)) {
      return npmFolder;
    } else {
      return null;

   * Get project folder.
   * @return {String} folder for current app we're working on.
   * @protected
  _getProjectFolder () {
    return path.join(waigo.getAppFolder(), '..');


module.exports = AbstractCommand;