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package keygen

import (
    cli "github.com/urfave/cli/v2"

// Options contain the settings used for generating a key file
var Options GenerateKeyOptions

var (
    // KeyFile is a flag that contains the path where the node key will be written
    KeyFile = altsrc.NewPathFlag(&cli.PathFlag{
        Name:        "key-file",
        Value:       "./nodekey",
        Usage:       "Path to a file containing the private key for the P2P node",
        Destination: &Options.KeyFile,
        EnvVars:     []string{"WAKUNODE2_KEY_FILE"},
    // KeyPassword is a flag to set the password used to encrypt the file
    KeyPassword = altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{
        Name:        "key-password",
        Value:       "secret",
        Usage:       "Password used for the private key file",
        Destination: &Options.KeyPasswd,
        EnvVars:     []string{"WAKUNODE2_KEY_PASSWORD"},
    // Overwrite is a flag used to overwrite an existing key file
    Overwrite = altsrc.NewBoolFlag(&cli.BoolFlag{
        Name:        "overwrite",
        Value:       false,
        Usage:       "Overwrite the nodekey file if it already exists",
        Destination: &Options.Overwrite,