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package history

import (



const maxTopicsPerRequest int = 10
const mailserverRequestTimeout = 30 * time.Second

type work struct {
    criteria store.FilterCriteria
    cursor   []byte
    limit    uint64

type HistoryRetriever struct {
    store            common.StorenodeRequestor
    logger           *zap.Logger
    historyProcessor HistoryProcessor

type HistoryProcessor interface {
    OnEnvelope(env *protocol.Envelope, processEnvelopes bool) error
    OnRequestFailed(requestID []byte, peerID peer.ID, err error)

func NewHistoryRetriever(store common.StorenodeRequestor, historyProcessor HistoryProcessor, logger *zap.Logger) *HistoryRetriever {
    return &HistoryRetriever{
        store:            store,
        logger:           logger.Named("history-retriever"),
        historyProcessor: historyProcessor,

func (hr *HistoryRetriever) Query(
    ctx context.Context,
    criteria store.FilterCriteria,
    storenodeID peer.ID,
    pageLimit uint64,
    shouldProcessNextPage func(int) (bool, uint64),
    processEnvelopes bool,
) error {
    logger := hr.logger.With(
        logging.Timep("fromString", criteria.TimeStart),
        logging.Timep("toString", criteria.TimeEnd),
        zap.String("pubsubTopic", criteria.PubsubTopic),
        zap.Strings("contentTopics", criteria.ContentTopicsList()),
        zap.Int64p("from", criteria.TimeStart),
        zap.Int64p("to", criteria.TimeEnd),


    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    workWg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    workCh := make(chan work, 1000)       // each batch item is split in 10 topics bunch and sent to this channel
    workCompleteCh := make(chan struct{}) // once all batch items are processed, this channel is triggered
    semaphore := make(chan struct{}, 3)   // limit the number of concurrent queries
    errCh := make(chan error)

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    // TODO: refactor this by extracting the consumer into a separate go routine.

    // Producer
    go func() {
        defer func() {
            logger.Debug("mailserver batch producer complete")

        contentTopicList := criteria.ContentTopics.ToList()

        // TODO: split into 24h batches

        allWorks := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(contentTopicList)) / float64(maxTopicsPerRequest)))

        for i := 0; i < len(contentTopicList); i += maxTopicsPerRequest {
            j := i + maxTopicsPerRequest
            if j > len(contentTopicList) {
                j = len(contentTopicList)

            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                logger.Debug("processBatch producer - context done")
                logger.Debug("processBatch producer - creating work")
                workCh <- work{
                    criteria: store.FilterCriteria{
                        ContentFilter: protocol.NewContentFilter(criteria.PubsubTopic, contentTopicList[i:j]...),
                        TimeStart:     criteria.TimeStart,
                        TimeEnd:       criteria.TimeEnd,
                    limit: pageLimit,

        go func() {
            workCompleteCh <- struct{}{}

        logger.Debug("processBatch producer complete")

    var result error

    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            logger.Debug("processBatch cleanup - context done")
            result = ctx.Err()
            if errors.Is(result, context.Canceled) {
                result = nil
            break loop
        case w, ok := <-workCh:
            if !ok {

            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                return ctx.Err()
                // continue...

            logger.Debug("processBatch - received work")

            semaphore <- struct{}{}
            go func(w work) { // Consumer
                defer func() {

                queryCtx, queryCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, mailserverRequestTimeout)

                // If time range is greater than 24 hours, limit the range: to - (to-24h)
                // TODO: handle cases in which TimeStart/TimeEnd could be nil
                //       (this type of query does not happen in status-go, though, and
                //       nwaku might limit query duration to 24h anyway, so perhaps
                //       it's not worth adding such logic)
                timeStart := w.criteria.TimeStart
                timeEnd := w.criteria.TimeEnd
                exceeds24h := false
                if timeStart != nil && timeEnd != nil && *timeEnd-*timeStart > (24*time.Hour).Nanoseconds() {
                    newTimeStart := *timeEnd - (24 * time.Hour).Nanoseconds()
                    timeStart = &newTimeStart
                    exceeds24h = true

                newCriteria := w.criteria
                newCriteria.TimeStart = timeStart
                newCriteria.TimeEnd = timeEnd

                cursor, envelopesCount, err := hr.createMessagesRequest(queryCtx, storenodeID, newCriteria, w.cursor, w.limit, true, processEnvelopes, logger)

                if err != nil {
                    logger.Debug("failed to send request", zap.Error(err))
                    errCh <- err

                processNextPage := true
                nextPageLimit := pageLimit
                if shouldProcessNextPage != nil {
                    processNextPage, nextPageLimit = shouldProcessNextPage(envelopesCount)

                if !processNextPage {

                // Check the cursor after calling `shouldProcessNextPage`.
                // The app might use process the fetched envelopes in the callback for own needs.
                // If from/to does not exceed 24h and no cursor was returned, we have already
                // requested the entire time range
                if cursor == nil && !exceeds24h {

                logger.Debug("processBatch producer - creating work (cursor)")

                newWork := work{
                    criteria: w.criteria,
                    cursor:   cursor,
                    limit:    nextPageLimit,

                // If from/to has exceeded the 24h, but there are no more records within the current
                // 24h range, then we update the `to` for the new work to not include it.
                if cursor == nil && exceeds24h {
                    newWork.criteria.TimeEnd = timeStart

                workCh <- newWork
        case err := <-errCh:
            logger.Debug("processBatch - received error", zap.Error(err))
            cancel() // Kill go routines
            return err
        case <-workCompleteCh:
            logger.Debug("processBatch - all jobs complete")
            cancel() // Kill go routines


    logger.Info("synced topic", zap.NamedError("hasError", result))

    return result

func (hr *HistoryRetriever) createMessagesRequest(
    ctx context.Context,
    peerID peer.ID,
    criteria store.FilterCriteria,
    cursor []byte,
    limit uint64,
    waitForResponse bool,
    processEnvelopes bool,
    logger *zap.Logger,
) (storeCursor []byte, envelopesCount int, err error) {
    if waitForResponse {
        resultCh := make(chan struct {
            storeCursor    []byte
            envelopesCount int
            err            error

        go func() {
            storeCursor, envelopesCount, err = hr.requestStoreMessages(ctx, peerID, criteria, cursor, limit, processEnvelopes)
            resultCh <- struct {
                storeCursor    []byte
                envelopesCount int
                err            error
            }{storeCursor, envelopesCount, err}

        select {
        case result := <-resultCh:
            return result.storeCursor, result.envelopesCount, result.err
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil, 0, ctx.Err()
    } else {
        go func() {
            _, _, err = hr.requestStoreMessages(ctx, peerID, criteria, cursor, limit, false)
            if err != nil {
                logger.Error("failed to request store messages", zap.Error(err))


func (hr *HistoryRetriever) requestStoreMessages(ctx context.Context, peerID peer.ID, criteria store.FilterCriteria, cursor []byte, limit uint64, processEnvelopes bool) ([]byte, int, error) {
    requestID := protocol.GenerateRequestID()
    logger := hr.logger.With(zap.String("requestID", hexutil.Encode(requestID)), zap.Stringer("peerID", peerID))

        logging.Timep("startTime", criteria.TimeStart),
        logging.Timep("endTime", criteria.TimeEnd),
        zap.Strings("contentTopics", criteria.ContentTopics.ToList()),
        zap.String("pubsubTopic", criteria.PubsubTopic),
        zap.String("cursor", hexutil.Encode(cursor)),

    storeQueryRequest := &pb.StoreQueryRequest{
        RequestId:        hex.EncodeToString(requestID),
        IncludeData:      true,
        PubsubTopic:      &criteria.PubsubTopic,
        ContentTopics:    criteria.ContentTopicsList(),
        TimeStart:        criteria.TimeStart,
        TimeEnd:          criteria.TimeEnd,
        PaginationCursor: cursor,
        PaginationLimit:  proto.Uint64(limit),

    queryStart := time.Now()
    result, err := hr.store.Query(ctx, peerID, storeQueryRequest)
    queryDuration := time.Since(queryStart)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("error querying storenode", zap.Error(err))

        hr.historyProcessor.OnRequestFailed(requestID, peerID, err)

        return nil, 0, err

    messages := result.Messages()
    envelopesCount := len(messages)
    logger.Debug("store.query response", zap.Duration("queryDuration", queryDuration), zap.Int("numMessages", envelopesCount), zap.Bool("hasCursor", result.IsComplete() && result.Cursor() != nil))
    for _, mkv := range messages {
        envelope := protocol.NewEnvelope(mkv.Message, mkv.Message.GetTimestamp(), mkv.GetPubsubTopic())
        err := hr.historyProcessor.OnEnvelope(envelope, processEnvelopes)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, 0, err
    return result.Cursor(), envelopesCount, nil