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// using C3 (be sure to include it before, same with D3, which C3 requires)
;(function(c3) {
    'use strict';

    // module definition, this has to be included in your app
    angular.module('angular-c3-simple', [])

    // service definition, if you want to use itm you have to include it in controller
    // this service allows you to access every chart by it's ID and thanks to this,
    // you can perform any API call available in C3.js http://c3js.org/examples.html#api
    .service('c3SimpleService', [function() {
        return {};

    // directive definition, if you want to use itm you have to include it in controller
    .directive('c3Simple', ['c3SimpleService', function(c3SimpleService) {
        return {
          // this directive can be used as an Element or an Attribute
          restrict: 'EA',
          scope: {
            // setting config attribute to isolated scope
            // config object is 1:1 configuration C3.js object, for avaiable options see: http://c3js.org/examples.html
            config: '='
          template: '<div></div>',
          replace: true,
          controller: ['$scope','$element', function($scope, $element) {
            // Wait until id is set before binding chart to this id
            $scope.$watch($element, function() {
              if ('' === $element[0].id) {
              // binding chart to element with provided ID
              $scope.config.bindto = '#' + $element[0].id;

              //Generating the chart on every data change
              $scope.$watch('config', function(newConfig, oldConfig) {
                // adding (or overwriting) chart to service c3SimpleService
                // we are regenerating chart on each change - this might seem slow and unefficient
                // but works pretty well and allows us to have more controll
                c3SimpleService[$scope.config.bindto] = c3.generate(newConfig);
                // if there is no size specified, we are assuming, that chart will have width
                // of its container (proportional of course) - great for responsive design
                if (!newConfig.size) {
                // only updating data (enables i.e. animations)
                $scope.$watch('config.data', function(newData, oldData) {
                  if ($scope.config.bindto) {
                }, true);
              }, true);