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# <a href=""><img class="logo" width="280" height="60" src="" alt="Waud"/></a>
Web Audio Library with HTML5 audio fallback.

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Waud is a simple and powerful web audio library that allows you to go beyond HTML5's `<audio>` tag and easily take advantage of [Web Audio API]( It abstracts Web Audio API making it consistent and reliable across multiple platforms and browsers. It also falls back to HTML5 Audio on non-modern browsers where Web Audio API is not supported.

### Features

- Base64 Pack
- Audio Sprites
- iOS Audio Unlock<sup>1</sup>
- Auto Mute<sup>2</sup>
- Simple API
- Zero Dependencies

<sup>1</sup> Automatically unlocks audio on iOS devices on first touch.

<sup>2</sup> Automatically mutes audio when the window is not in focus (switching tab, minimising window, etc).

### Installation

Available via npm, cdn and haxelib (for haxe users).

- NPM: [](
- CDN: [](
- Haxelib: [](


### [API Documentation](

### Example

var snd = new WaudSound("assets/loop.mp3", { autoplay: false, loop: true, volume: 0.5, onload: playBgSound });

### Base64 Data URI

Waud supports base64 decoding across all browsers including IE 9 and I recommend using this over audio sprites.

Use [waudbase64]( to generate base64 encoded JSON file.

`npm install -g waudbase64`

var base64pack = new WaudBase64Pack("assets/sounds.json", _onLoad);

function _onLoad(snds) {

Waud also supports passing data URI string to `WaudSound`.

//Note that the data URI used below is a sample string and not a valid sound
var base64Snd = new WaudSound("data:audio/mpeg;base64,//uQxAAAAAAAAAAAAASW5mbwAAAA8AAABEAABwpgADBwsLDxISF");

### Audio Sprite

Use [waudsprite]( to generate audio sprite.

`npm install -g waudsprite`

var audSprite = new WaudSound("assets/sprite.json");"glass");

### Live Audio Stream

[Waud Radio](

Waud supports live audio streams, but make sure to disable web audio as live streams can only be played through HTML5 Audio.

var snd = new WaudSound("", { autoplay:true, webaudio:false });

### Browser Support

Tested on all major browsers.

| <img src="" alt="Safari"> | <img src="" alt="Chrome"> | <img src="" alt="Firefox"> | <img src="" alt="Edge"> | <img src="" alt="IE"> | <img src="" alt="Opera"> |
| Latest ✓ | Latest ✓ | Latest ✓ | Latest ✓ | 9-11 ✓ | Latest ✓ |

Browser & Device Testing provided by:


### Issues

Found any bug? Please create a new [issue](

### Demo

- [JavaScript](
- [Haxe](
- [Base64](

### Usage

// Initialize Waud. Make sure to call this before loading sounds.

// To automatically unlock audio on iOS devices by playing a blank sound.
// The parameter is a callback function that can be used to start playing sounds like background music.

// Use if you want to mute audio when the window is not in focus like switching tabs, minimising window, 
// etc in desktop and pressing home button, getting a call, etc on devices.

// Load and play looping background sound with autoPlay and loop set to true.
// Note that this will not play automatically on iOS devices without touching the screen.
var bgSnd = new WaudSound("loop.mp3", {
    "autoplay": true,
    "loop": true

// Touch unlock callback for iOS devices to start playing bgSnd if it's not already playing
function touchUnlock() {
    if (!bgSnd.isPlaying());

### Sample Rate

- It is recommended to use same **sample rate** for all the audio files. Playing different **sample rate** files can cause issues on some devices.
- By default, **Waud** uses **44100** sample rate. If your audio files have a different sample rate then specify it using [**`Waud.preferredSampleRate`**]( property.

### Licensing Information

<a rel="license" href="">
<img alt="MIT license" height="40" src="" /></a>

This content is released under the [MIT]( License.

### Contributor Code of Conduct ###

[Code of Conduct]( is adapted from [Contributor Covenant, version 1.4](