

Test Coverage
import haxe.Timer;
import js.html.HTMLDocument;
import js.html.AudioElement;
import js.Browser;

* Web Audio Library with HTML5 audio fallback.
* @class Waud
@:expose @:keep class Waud {

    static inline var PROBABLY:String = "probably";
    static inline var MAYBE:String = "maybe";

    * Version number.
    * @property version
    * @static
    * @type {String}
    public static var version:String = "1.0.3";

    * Tells whether to use web audio api or not.
    * You can use this to enable/disable web audio globally for all sounds.
    * Note that you can also enable/disable web audio individually for each sound instance.
    * @property useWebAudio
    * @static
    * @type {Bool}
    * @default true
    * @example
     *     Waud.useWebAudio = false;
    public static var useWebAudio:Bool = true;

    * Tells whether web audio api is supported or not.
    * @property isWebAudioSupported
    * @static
    * @type {Bool}
    * @readOnly
    * @example
     *     Waud.isWebAudioSupported;
    public static var isWebAudioSupported(default, null):Bool;

    * Tells whether html5 audio is supported or not.
    * @property isHTML5AudioSupported
    * @static
    * @type {Bool}
    * @readOnly
    * @example
     *     Waud.isHTML5AudioSupported;
    public static var isHTML5AudioSupported(default, null):Bool;

    * Defaults properties used on sound.
    * @property defaults
    * @static
    * @type {WaudSoundOptions}
    * @default { autoplay: false, loop: false, preload: true, webaudio: true, volume: 1 }
    * @example
     *     Waud.defaults = { volume: 0.5, autoplay: true, preload: false };
    public static var defaults:WaudSoundOptions = {
        autoplay: false,
        autostop: true,
        loop: false,
        preload: true,
        webaudio: true,
        volume: 1,
        playbackRate: 1

    * Holds all the sounds that are loaded.
    * @property sounds
    * @static
    * @type {Map<String, IWaudSound>}
    * @readOnly
    * @example
     *     Waud.sounds.get("url");
    public static var sounds(default, null):Map<String, IWaudSound>;

    * Preferred sample rate used when creating buffer on audio context.
    * It is recommended to use audio files with same sample rate and set the value used here.
    * @property preferredSampleRate
    * @static
    * @type {Int}
    * @default 44100
    * @example
     *     Waud.preferredSampleRate = 22050;
    public static var preferredSampleRate:Int = 44100;

    * Audio Manager instance.
    * @property audioManager
    * @static
    * @type {AudioManager}
    * @readOnly
    public static var audioManager(default, null):AudioManager;

    * Audio Context reference.
    * @property audioContext
    * @static
    * @type {AudioContext}
    * @readOnly
    public static var audioContext:Dynamic;

    * Document dom element used for appending sounds and touch events.
    * @property dom
    * @static
    * @type {document}
    public static var dom(default, null):HTMLDocument;

    * State of audio, muted or not.
    * @property isMuted
    * @static
    * @type {Bool}
    * @readOnly
    * @default false
    * @example
     *     Waud.isMuted;
    public static var isMuted(default, null):Bool = false;

    * Touch unlock callback reference.
    * @property __touchUnlockCallback
    * @static
    * @protected
    * @type {Function}
    public static var __touchUnlockCallback:Void -> Void;

    * Audio element used to check audio support.
    * @property __audioElement
    * @static
    * @private
    * @type {AudioElement}
    * @readOnly
    static var __audioElement:AudioElement;

    * Global playback rate.
    * @property _playbackRate
    * @static
    * @private
    * @type {Float}
    public static var _playbackRate:Float = 1;

    * Focus Manager reference used for `autoMute` functionality.
    * @property _focusManager
    * @static
    * @private
    * @type {WaudFocusManager}
    * @readOnly
    static var _focusManager:WaudFocusManager;

    * Current global volume.
    * @property _volume
    * @static
    * @private
    * @type {Float}
    * @readOnly
    static var _volume:Float;

    * To initialise the library, make sure you call this first.
    * You can also pass an optional parent DOM element to it where all the HTML5 sounds will be appended
    * and also used for touch events to unlock audio on iOS devices.
    * @static
    * @method init
    * @param {HTMLDocument} [d = document]
    * @example
     *     Waud.init();
    public static function init(?d:HTMLDocument) {
        if (__audioElement == null) {
            if (d == null) d = Browser.document;
            dom = d;
            __audioElement = dom.createAudioElement();
            if (Waud.audioManager == null) Waud.audioManager = new AudioManager();
            isWebAudioSupported = Waud.audioManager.checkWebAudioAPISupport();
            isHTML5AudioSupported = (Reflect.field(Browser.window, "Audio") != null);

            if (isWebAudioSupported) audioContext = Waud.audioManager.createAudioContext();

            sounds = new Map();
            _volume = 1;


    static inline function _sayHello() {
        var support = isWebAudioSupported ? "Web Audio" : "HTML5 Audio";
        if (Browser.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") > 1) {
            var e = [
                "\n %c %c %c WAUD%c.%cJS%c v" + version + " - " + support + " %c  %c %c %c %c 📢 \n\n",
                "background: #32BEA6; padding:5px 0;",
                "background: #32BEA6; padding:5px 0;",
                "color: #E70000; background: #29162B; padding:5px 0;",
                "color: #F3B607; background: #29162B; padding:5px 0;",
                "color: #32BEA6; background: #29162B; padding:5px 0;",
                "color: #999999; background: #29162B; padding:5px 0;",
                "background: #32BEA6; padding:5px 0;",
                "background: #B8FCEF; padding:5px 0;",
                "background: #32BEA6; padding:5px 0;",
                "color: #E70000; background: #32BEA6; padding:5px 0;",
                "color: #FF2424; background: #FFFFFF; padding:5px 0;"
            untyped __js__("window.console.log").apply(Browser.window.console, e);
        else Browser.window.console.log("WAUD.JS v" + version + " - " + support + " -");

    * Helper function to automatically mute audio when the browser window is not in focus.
    * Will un-mute when the window gains focus.
    * @static
    * @method autoMute
    * @example
     *     Waud.autoMute();
    public static function autoMute() {
        _focusManager = new WaudFocusManager(dom);
        _focusManager.focus = function() {
        _focusManager.blur = function() {

    * Helper function to unlock audio on iOS devices.
    * You can pass an optional callback which will be triggered after unlocking audio.
    * @static
    * @method enableTouchUnlock
    * @param {Function} [callback] - Optional callback that triggers after unlocking audio.
    * @example
     *     Waud.enableTouchUnlock(callback);
    public static function enableTouchUnlock(?callback:Void -> Void) {
        __touchUnlockCallback = callback;
        dom.ontouchend = Waud.audioManager.unlockAudio;

    * Function to set global volume.
    * @static
    * @method setVolume
    * @param {Float} val - Should be between 0 and 1.
    * @example
    *     Waud.setVolume(0.5);
    public static function setVolume(val:Float) {
        if ((, Int) ||, Float)) && val >= 0 && val <= 1) {
            _volume = val;
            if (sounds != null) for (sound in sounds) sound.setVolume(val);
        else Browser.console.warn("Volume should be a number between 0 and 1. Received: " + val);

    * Function to get global volume.
    * @static
    * @method getVolume
    * @return {Float} between 0 and 1
    * @example
    *     Waud.getVolume();
    public static function getVolume():Float {
        return _volume;

    * Helper function to mute all the sounds.
    * @static
    * @method mute
    * @param {Bool} [val = true]
    * @example
    *     Waud.mute();
     *     Waud.mute(true);
     *     Waud.mute(false);
    public static function mute(?val:Bool = true) {
        isMuted = val;
        if (sounds != null) for (sound in sounds) sound.mute(val);
        if (val) audioManager.suspendContext();
        else audioManager.resumeContext();

    * Helper function to set playback rate of all the sounds.
    * @static
    * @method playbackRate
    * @param {Float} [val]
    * @return {Float} current playback rate.
    * @example
    *     Waud.playbackRate();
     *     Waud.playbackRate(1.25);
    public static function playbackRate(?val:Float):Float {
        if (val == null) return _playbackRate;
        else if (sounds != null) for (sound in sounds) sound.playbackRate(val);
        return _playbackRate = val;

    * Helper function to stop all the sounds.
    * @static
    * @method stop
    * @example
    *     Waud.stop();
    public static function stop() {
        if (sounds != null) for (sound in sounds) sound.stop();

    * Helper function to pause all the sounds.
    * @static
    * @method pause
    * @example
    *     Waud.pause();
    public static function pause() {
        if (sounds != null) for (sound in sounds) sound.pause();

    * Helper function to play sounds sequentially. This function assumes sounds are already initialised and loaded.
    * @static
    * @method playSequence
    * @param {Array<String>} snds - Array of sounds to play sequentially
    * @param {Function} [onComplete] - Optional callback that triggers after playing all sounds in the sequence.
    * @param {Function} [onSoundComplete] - Optional callback that triggers after playing each sounds in the sequence.
    * @param {Int} [interval] - Optional interval in milliseconds to play sequence. Use this to play sounds in
    *                             set interval instead of waiting for the previous sound to finish.
    * @example
    *     Waud.playSequence(["snd1", "snd2", "snd3"]);
    *     Waud.playSequence(["snd1", "snd2", "snd3"], onComplete);
    *     Waud.playSequence(["snd1", "snd2", "snd3"], onComplete, onSoundComplete);
    *     Waud.playSequence(["snd1", "snd2", "snd3"], 500);
    public static function playSequence(snds:Array<String>, ?onComplete:Void -> Void, ?onSoundComplete:String -> Void, ?interval:Int = -1) {
        if (snds == null || snds.length == 0) return;
        for (i in 0 ... snds.length) {
            if (sounds.get(snds[i]) == null) {
                trace("Unable to find \"" + snds[i] + "\" in the sequence, skipping it");
                snds.splice(i, 1);

        var playSound:Void -> Void = null;
        playSound = function() {
            if (snds.length > 0) {
                var sndStr = snds.shift();
                var sndToPlay:IWaudSound = sounds.get(sndStr);
                if (interval > 0) {
                    Timer.delay(function() {
                        if (onSoundComplete != null) onSoundComplete(sndStr);
                else {
                    sndToPlay.onEnd(function(snd:IWaudSound) {
                        if (onSoundComplete != null) onSoundComplete(sndStr);
            else {
                if (onComplete != null) onComplete();

    * Returns a string with all the format support information.
    * @static
    * @method getFormatSupportString
    * @return {String} support string `OGG: probably, WAV: probably, MP3: probably, AAC: probably, M4A: maybe` (example)
    * @example
    *     Waud.getFormatSupportString();
    public static function getFormatSupportString():String {
        var support:String = "OGG: " + __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"');
        support += ", WAV: " + __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"');
        support += ", MP3: " + __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;');
        support += ", AAC: " + __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/aac;');
        support += ", M4A: " + __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;');
        return support;

    * Function to check whether audio is supported or not.
    * @static
    * @method isSupported
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isSupported();
    public static function isSupported():Bool {
        if (isWebAudioSupported == null || isHTML5AudioSupported == null) {
            isWebAudioSupported = Waud.audioManager.checkWebAudioAPISupport();
            isHTML5AudioSupported = (Reflect.field(Browser.window, "Audio") != null);
        return (isWebAudioSupported || isHTML5AudioSupported);

    * Function to check `ogg` format support.
    * @static
    * @method isOGGSupported
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isOGGSupported();
    public static function isOGGSupported():Bool {
        var canPlay = __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"');
        return (isHTML5AudioSupported && canPlay != null && (canPlay == PROBABLY || canPlay == MAYBE));

    * Function to check `wav` format support.
    * @static
    * @method isWAVSupported
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isWAVSupported();
    public static function isWAVSupported():Bool {
        var canPlay = __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"');
        return (isHTML5AudioSupported && canPlay != null && (canPlay == PROBABLY || canPlay == MAYBE));

    * Function to check `mp3` format support.
    * @static
    * @method isMP3Supported
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isMP3Supported();
    public static function isMP3Supported():Bool {
        var canPlay = __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;');
        return (isHTML5AudioSupported && canPlay != null && (canPlay == PROBABLY || canPlay == MAYBE));

    * Function to check `aac` format support.
    * @static
    * @method isAACSupported
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isAACSupported();
    public static function isAACSupported():Bool {
        var canPlay = __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/aac;');
        return (isHTML5AudioSupported && canPlay != null && (canPlay == PROBABLY || canPlay == MAYBE));

    * Function to check `m4a` format support.
    * @static
    * @method isM4ASupported
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isM4ASupported();
    public static function isM4ASupported():Bool {
        var canPlay = __audioElement.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;');
        return (isHTML5AudioSupported && canPlay != null && (canPlay == PROBABLY || canPlay == MAYBE));

    * Function to get current sample rate of audio context.
    * @static
    * @method getSampleRate
    * @return {Float} sample rate
    * @example
    *     Waud.getSampleRate();
    public static function getSampleRate():Float {
        return audioContext != null ? audioContext.sampleRate : 0;

    * Function to destroy audio context.
    * @static
    * @method destroy
    * @example
    *     Waud.destroy();
    public static function destroy() {
        if (sounds != null) for (sound in sounds) sound.destroy();
        sounds = null;
        if (Waud.audioManager != null) Waud.audioManager.destroy();
        Waud.audioManager = null;
        Waud.audioContext = null;
        __audioElement = null;
        if (_focusManager != null) {
            _focusManager.blur = null;
            _focusManager.focus = null;
            _focusManager = null;