

Test Coverage
import js.Browser;

* Collection of Browser Utility Functions.
* @class WaudUtils
@:expose @:keep class WaudUtils {

    * Function to check if the device is **Android** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isAndroid
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isAndroid();
    public static function isAndroid(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/Android/i.match(ua);

    * Function to check if the device is **iOS** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isiOS
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isiOS();
    public static function isiOS(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/i.match(ua);

    * Function to check if the device is **Windows Phone** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isWindowsPhone
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isWindowsPhone();
    public static function isWindowsPhone(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/(IEMobile|Windows Phone)/i.match(ua);

    * Function to check if the device is **Firefox** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isFirefox
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isFirefox();
    public static function isFirefox(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/Firefox/i.match(ua);

    * Function to check if the device is **Opera** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isOpera
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isOpera();
    public static function isOpera(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/Opera/i.match(ua) || Reflect.field(Browser.window, "opera") != null;

    * Function to check if the device is **Chrome** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isChrome
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isChrome();
    public static function isChrome(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/Chrome/i.match(ua);

    * Function to check if the device is **Safari** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isSafari
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isSafari();
    public static function isSafari(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/Safari/i.match(ua);

    * Function to check if the device is **mobile** or not.
    * @static
    * @method isMobile
    * @return {Bool} true or false
    * @example
    *     Waud.isMobile();
    public static function isMobile(?ua:String):Bool {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        return ~/(iPad|iPhone|iPod|Android|webOS|BlackBerry|Windows Phone|IEMobile)/i.match(ua);

    * Function to get the **iOS** version.
    * @static
    * @method getiOSVersion
    * @return {Array<Int>} [9,0,1]
    * @example
    *     Waud.getiOSVersion();
    public static function getiOSVersion(?ua:String):Array<Int> {
        if (ua == null) ua = Browser.navigator.userAgent;
        var v:EReg = ~/[0-9_]+?[0-9_]+?[0-9_]+/i;
        var matched:Array<Int> = [];
        if (v.match(ua)) {
            var match:Array<String> = v.matched(0).split("_");
            matched = [for (i in match) Std.parseInt(i)];
        return matched;

    * Function to set default audio options.
    * @static
    * @method setDefaultOptions
    * @return {WaudSoundOptions}
    * @example
    *     Waud.setDefaultOptions(options);
    public static function setDefaultOptions(options:WaudSoundOptions):WaudSoundOptions {
        if (options == null) options = {};
        options.autoplay = (options.autoplay != null) ? options.autoplay : Waud.defaults.autoplay;
        options.autostop = (options.autostop != null) ? options.autostop : Waud.defaults.autostop;
        options.webaudio = (options.webaudio != null) ? options.webaudio : Waud.defaults.webaudio;
        options.preload = (options.preload != null) ? options.preload : Waud.defaults.preload;
        options.loop = (options.loop != null) ? options.loop : Waud.defaults.loop;
        options.onload = (options.onload != null) ? options.onload : Waud.defaults.onload;
        options.onend = (options.onend != null) ? options.onend : Waud.defaults.onend;
        options.onerror = (options.onerror != null) ? options.onerror : Waud.defaults.onerror;
        if (options.volume == null || options.volume < 0 || options.volume > 1) options.volume = Waud.defaults.volume;
        if (options.playbackRate == null || options.playbackRate <= 0 || options.playbackRate >= 4) options.playbackRate = Waud.defaults.playbackRate;
        return options;