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Test Coverage
## v2.0.0

### Break Change

- The option `log: Boolean` was replaced by `logger: Hash` wher you can configure the `level` and the `output` path.

### Update

- Adds support to Ruby 3;

## v1.2.0

### Update

- Avoids deprecated Selenium `:options`;

## v1.1.2

### Bugfix

- Avoid apply blank bin path;
- Avoid apply blank version;

## v1.1.1

### Bugfix

- Removes default args that was avoiding screen render.

## v1.1.0

### Bugfix

- S3 config activation;

### Update

- Adds more default arguments;

## v1.0.1

### Bugfix

- Registers driver name as symbol;

## v1.0.0

### Update

- Updated default arguments;
- Spec files now is excluded from gem pack;

### Features

- Capybara `load_selenium` is called before startup;
- Screenshot S3 feature now is configure only via ENV;
- Using new gem `webdrivers`;

### Bugfix

- Fix screenshot upload;

## v0.4.0

### Update

- Selenium WebDriver deprecated message;

## v0.3.0

### Update

- Drops Rack Session Access internal require;
- Makes `chromedriver-helper` optional.

## v0.2.1

### Bugfix

- `chrome_headless` was being registered with wrong name.

## v0.2.0

### Features

- Add log feature for Chrome and Chrome Headless.

## v0.1.0

- First release.