'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var bluebird = require('bluebird'), Promise = bluebird;
var crypto = require('crypto');
module.exports = function(adapter, middleware, opts) {
var users = adapter.users;
var attrs = adapter.attrs;
* Extraction middleware
* Extract the user based on information submitted in the HTTP header,
* `Authorization`. The header must match the format `Token value` where
* `value` is the token previously given by authentication. If unsuccessful,
* this middleware does not cause the request to fail.
* When authorization is successful, this middleware sets the following:
* - `req.auth.user` is set to information about the authenticated user that
* is safe to send back to the client.
* - `req.auth.db.user` is set to the authenticated user.
* - `req.auth.token` is set to the value of the token used to authenticate
* the user.
* @function
return function(req, res, next) {
.then(function() {
var authorization = req.get('Authorization');
var match = authorization && authorization.match(/^token\s+(\w+)$/i);
var token = this.token = match && match[1];
var user;
if (token) {
var digest = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(token).digest('hex');
user = users.findByToken(digest);
return user;
.then(function(user) {
req.auth = req.auth || {};
req.auth.token = this.token;
if (user) {
req.auth.user = _.omit(attrs.all(user), opts.passwordDigest);
req.auth.db = { user: user };