'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var Class = require('corazon/class');
var property = require('corazon/property');
var Mixin = require('corazon/mixin');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var Statement = require('../../types/statement');
* @class PseudoReturn
* @classdesc
* The pseudo-return class. This is used as a marker to allow embedding of a
* pseudo-return item & extraction of that item by using type checking.
* It's really just a wrapper around a field name (string) that can be type
* checked.
var PseudoReturn = Class.extend(/** @lends PseudoReturn# */ {
* Create a pseudo return object.
* @protected
* @constructor PseudoReturn
* @param {String} field The field name that's requested to be returned.
init: function(field) {
this._field = field;
* The field name for this pseudo-return.
* @public
* @type {String}
field: property(),
* This is intended to be mixed into the {@link Phrasing} class for any
* adapters that do not natively support `returning` for
* {@link Phrasing#insert}. It embeds the `returning` value into the statement
* arguments. Together with {@link ExtractPseudoReturn}, it allows adapters to
* more easily add support for insert queries that use `returning`.
* @protected
* @mixin EmbedPseudoReturn
var EmbedPseudoReturn = Mixin.create(/** @lends EmbedPseudoReturn# */ {
* Override of {@link Phrasing#insert}.
* @method
* @public
* @see {@link Phrasing#insert}
insert: function(data) {
var returning = data.returning;
var result = this._super(_.extend(data, { returning: undefined }));
var value = result.value;
var args = result.args;
if (returning) {
args = [].concat(args, [PseudoReturn.create(returning)]);
return Statement.create(value, args);
* This is a callback function that allows specifying the result value for a
* pseudo-return and also has a few properties defined on it.
* @function PseudoReturn~Capture
* @param {Object} value The value that was captured for the requested field.
* @property {Boolean} enabled Whether or not capture is enabled.
* @property {String} field The name of the field to capture.
* This is intended to be mixed into an {@link Adapter} class for any adapters
* that do not natively support `returning` for {@link Phrasing#insert}.
* Together with {@link EmbedPseudoReturn}, it allows adapters to more easily
* add support for insert queries that use `returning`.
* This must be mixed in after the adapter overrides {@link Adapter#_execute}.
* The adapter should also define the {@link Adapter#_execute} method to take
* one additional argument, an {@link PseudoReturn~Capture} function that it
* should call when the query has completed and the value for the field is
* known.
* @protected
* @mixin ExtractPseudoReturn
var ExtractPseudoReturn = Mixin.create(/** @lends ExtractPseudoReturn# */ {
* Override of {@link Adapter#_execute}. This will call the super class
* implementation with an additional argument of a
* {@link PseudoReturn~Capture} function/object that can be used to set the
* value that will be used for `returning` base insert queries.
* @method
* @private
* @see {@link Adapter#_execute}
_execute: Promise.method(function(client, sql, args) {
var captured;
var capture = _.noop;
args = args.filter(function(arg) {
var pseudo = arg instanceof PseudoReturn.__class__;
if (pseudo) {
capture = function(value) { // jscs:ignore jsDoc
captured = value || null;
capture.enabled = true;
capture.field = arg.field;
return !pseudo;
return this._super(client, sql, args, capture).then(function(result) {
if (captured !== undefined) {
var row = _.object([capture.field], [captured]);
_.merge(result.rows, [row]);
_.merge(result.fields, [capture.field]);
return result;
module.exports = {
PseudoReturn: PseudoReturn,
ExtractPseudoReturn: ExtractPseudoReturn,
EmbedPseudoReturn: EmbedPseudoReturn,