'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var util = require('util');
var date = require('../util/date');
var Class = require('corazon/class');
var PredicateRule = require('../types/predicate_rule');
* The translator is responsible for simple translations of very individual
* pieces of a query. It does not deal with ordering of the components within
* a query in any way.
* It has two major items that it's concerned with: predicates and types.
* The translator is responsible for taking a named predicate, and transforming
* it into something that the database backed will be able to work with. Many
* predicates will simply work out of the box for a specific adapter, but many
* will need to be customized in order to be supported by the backend.
* Subclasses should override {@link Translator#predicates} to handle this.
* @public
* @constructor
var Translator = Class.extend();
Translator.reopen(/** @lends Translator# */ {
* Translate a predicate and the corresponding args into a format string and
* arguments that can be used while creating expressions.
* @method
* @public
* @param {String} predicate The predicate to translate.
* @return {{ format: String, args: Array }} A translated value.
predicate: function(predicate, args) {
var match = _.find(this._allPredicates(), function(item) {
return item.test(predicate);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(util.format('Unsupported predicate: %s', predicate));
return match.expand(args);
* Get an array of all the predicate rules by calling
* {@link Translator#predicates} with a predicate rule building function.
* @method
* @private
* @return {Array.<PredicateRule>} The predicates.
_allPredicates: function() {
if (this._calculatedPredicates) { return this._calculatedPredicates; }
// call the predicates function to actually build the list as the creator
// function gets invoked.
var all = {};
var creator = function(name) { // jscs:ignore jsDoc
return (all[name] = all[name] || PredicateRule.create());
this._calculatedPredicates = _.values(all);
return this._calculatedPredicates;
* @callback Translator~PredicateCreator
* @param {String} name The official name of the predicate.
* @return {PredicateRule} The predicate rule to customize.
* Define predicates. Call _p_ with the official name for each predicate
* definition you want to create. Subsequent calls will return the originally
* created predicate rule allowing subclasses to customize/alter the rule.
* Standard predicate names are: `exact`, `iExact`, `contains`, `iContains`,
* `startsWith`, `iStartsWith`, `endsWith`, `iEndsWith`, `regex`, `iRegex`,
* `between`, `in`, `gt`, `gte`, `lt`, `lte`, `isNull`, `year`, `month`,
* `day`, `hour`, `minute`, and `second`.
* Subclasses can also customize/alter the rule by overriding the specific
* method for any of the standard predicates, but will have to override this
* method in order to add additional predicates.
* @method
* @public
* @param {Translator~PredicateCreator} p The predicate creator.
predicates: function(p) {
var list = [
'exact', 'iExact',
'contains', 'iContains',
'startsWith', 'iStartsWith',
'endsWith', 'iEndsWith',
'regex', 'iRegex',
'between', 'in',
'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte',
'year', 'month', 'day', 'weekday',
'hour', 'minute', 'second',
list.forEach(function(name) {
var method = 'predicateFor' + _.capitalize(name);
var obj = p(name);
}, this);
* Predicate configuration for `exact`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForExact: function(p) {
return p.match(/^(?:exact|eql)$/i).using('%s = %s');
* Predicate configuration for `iExact`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForIExact: function(p) {
return p.match(/^i(?:exact|eql)$/i).using('UPPER(%s) = UPPER(%s)');
* Predicate configuration for `in`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForIn: function(p) {
return p.match(/^in$/i).using('%s IN (%@)').expands();
* Predicate configuration for `between`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForBetween: function(p) {
return p.match(/^between$/i)
.using('%s BETWEEN %s AND %s')
* Predicate configuration for `isNull`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForIsNull: function(p) {
return p.match(/^(?:is)null$/i)
.using('%s IS %s')
.value('isNull', 'literal');
* Predicate configuration for `gt`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForGt: function(p) {
return p.match(/^gt$/i).using('%s > %s');
* Predicate configuration for `gte`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForGte: function(p) {
return p.match(/^gte$/i).using('%s >= %s');
* Predicate configuration for `lt`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForLt: function(p) {
return p.match(/^lt$/i).using('%s < %s');
* Predicate configuration for `lte`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForLte: function(p) {
return p.match(/^lte$/i).using('%s <= %s');
* Predicate configuration for `contains`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForContains: function(p) {
return p.match(/^contains$/i).using('%s LIKE %s')
.value('like', 'contains');
* Predicate configuration for `iContains`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForIContains: function(p) {
return p.match(/^icontains$/i).using('UPPER(%s) LIKE UPPER(%s)')
.value('like', 'contains');
* Predicate configuration for `regex`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForRegex: function(p) {
return p.match(/^regex$/i).using('%s ~ %s')
* Predicate configuration for `iRegex`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForIRegex: function(p) {
return p.match(/^iregex$/i).using('%s ~* %s')
* Predicate configuration for `startsWith`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForStartsWith: function(p) {
return p.match(/^startsWith$/i).using('%s LIKE %s')
.value('like', 'startsWith');
* Predicate configuration for `iStartsWith`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForIStartsWith: function(p) {
return p.match(/^istartsWith$/i).using('UPPER(%s) LIKE UPPER(%s)')
.value('like', 'startsWith');
* Predicate configuration for `endsWith`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForEndsWith: function(p) {
return p.match(/^endsWith$/i).using('%s LIKE %s')
.value('like', 'endsWith');
* Predicate configuration for `iEndsWith`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForIEndsWith: function(p) {
return p.match(/^iendsWith$/i).using('UPPER(%s) LIKE UPPER(%s)')
.value('like', 'endsWith');
* Predicate configuration for `year`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForYear: function(p) {
return p.match(/^year$/i).using('YEAR(%s) = %s');
* Predicate configuration for `month`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForMonth: function(p) {
return p.match(/^month$/i).using('MONTH(%s) = %s');
* Predicate configuration for `day`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForDay: function(p) {
return p.match(/^day$/i).using('DAY(%s) = %s');
* Predicate configuration for `weekday`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForWeekday: function(p) {
return p.match(/^weekday$/i).using('WEEKDAY(%s) = %s')
* Predicate configuration for `hour`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForHour: function(p) {
return p.match(/^hour$/i).using('HOUR(%s) = %s');
* Predicate configuration for `minute`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForMinute: function(p) {
return p.match(/^minute$/i).using('MINUTE(%s) = %s');
* Predicate configuration for `second`.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {PredicateRule} p The predicate rule to configure.
* @see {@link Translator#predicates}
predicateForSecond: function(p) {
return p.match(/^second$/i).using('SECOND(%s) = %s');
Translator.reopen(/** @lends Translator# */ {
* Get the actual type that the adapter supports for one of the following
* pre-defined types: `serial`, `integer`, `integer64`, `string`, `text`,
* `binary`, `bool`, `date`, `time`, `dateTime`, or `float`.
* This method will call to convenience methods, `typeFor...` to determine
* the type, so subclasses can override those to more easily customize types.
* @method
* @public
* @param {String} type The type to translate.
* @param {Object} [options] The options associated with the type.
* @return {String} A translated value.
type: function(type, options) {
var method = 'typeFor' + _.capitalize(type);
if (!this[method]) {
throw new Error('Unhandled type ' + type);
return this[method](options);
* Serial type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForSerial: function() {
return 'serial';
* Integer type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForInteger: function() {
return 'integer';
* 64 bit integer type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForInteger64: function() {
return 'bigint';
* String type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {Object} [options] The options for the type.
* @param {Number} [options.length] The maximum number of characters for the
* string. Defaults to 255.
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForString: function(options) {
var opts = options || {};
return util.format('varchar(%d)', opts.length || 255);
* Text type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForText: function() {
return 'text';
* Binary type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForBinary: function() {
return 'blob';
* Boolean type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForBool: function() {
return 'bool';
* Date type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForDate: function() {
return 'date';
* Time type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForTime: function() {
return 'time';
* Date-time type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForDateTime: function() {
return 'datetime';
* Float type for database backend.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForFloat: function() {
return 'double precision';
* Decimal type for database backend.
* If using options, you must specify at least the precision. Different
* adapters will handle options slightly differently. It is recommended
* to either omit both the `precision` and the `scale` or provide both.
* @method
* @protected
* @param {Object} [options] The options for the type.
* @param {Number} [options.precision] The precision for the decimal.
* @param {Number} [options.scale] The scale for the decimal.
* @return {String} The database supported type.
* @see {@link Translator#type}
typeForDecimal: function(options) {
var opts = options || {};
var precision = opts.precision; // total number of digits
var scale = opts.scale; // total number of decimal places
var result = 'numeric';
if (precision !== undefined && scale !== undefined) {
result = util.format('numeric(%d, %d)', precision, scale);
else if (precision !== undefined) {
result = util.format('numeric(%d)', precision);
else if (scale !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Must specify precision if specifying scale.');
return result;
module.exports = Translator.reopenClass({ __name__: 'Translator' });