'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var util = require('util');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var Class = require('corazon/class');
var Transform = require('./mixins/transform');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var property = require('corazon/property');
* An indication that this is a new query that matches the specific type of
* query that this was chained from. This is used throughout the documentation
* as a return value when the specific type of query that is returned is not
* able to be specified (for instance, in mixins).
* @typedef {BaseQuery} ChainedQuery
* @class BaseQuery
* @classdesc
* Queries are the building block of Azul's database abstraction layer. They
* are immutable, chainable objects. Each operation that you perform on a query
* will return a duplicated query rather than the original. The duplicated
* query will be configured as requested.
* Generally, you will not create queries directly. Instead, you will receive
* a query object via one of many convenience methods.
var BaseQuery = Class.extend(/** @lends BaseQuery# */ {
* Create a base query.
* @protected
* @constructor BaseQuery
* @mixes Transform
* @param {Adapter} adapter The adapter to use when using the query.
init: function(adapter) {
this._adapter = adapter;
* Construct a new specific type of query and pass off arguments to the
* `_create` method of that query.
* This method does a bit of work to try to ensure that the newly created
* query is set up properly. It first creates a new instance of the given
* type. Then it determines any mixins that the new type uses that the old
* type did not & calls the `init` function on each of those. It then
* performs a `_take` to copy anything from the existing query to the spawned
* version. Finally, the new object's `_create` method is called to complete
* the spawn.
* The `_take` implementation is that of the original object & not of the
* spawned object, so some extra properties may end up on the resulting
* object that do not apply to it.
* Note that during the process of calling mixin `init` methods, the method
* is intentionally called in a way where `_super` calls will have no effect.
* It will simply perform the initialization for that individual mixin.
* @method
* @private
* @param {Class} type The query type to use.
* @param {Arguments} args The arguments to pass off.
* @return {ChainedQuery} A new query of the given type.
_spawn: function(type, args) {
var currentMixins = this.__identity__.__mixins__;
var newMixins = _.difference(type.__mixins__, currentMixins);
var query =;
newMixins.forEach(function(mixin) {
if (mixin.hasOwnProperty('init')) {;
});, this);
type.__class__.prototype._create.apply(query, args);
this.emit('spawn', query);
return query;
* Override point for initializing spawned queries.
* @method
* @private
_create: function() {},
* This method duplicates a query. Queries are immutable objects. All query
* methods should return copies of the query rather than mutating any internal
* state.
* This method is implemented by subclasses to complete duplication of an
* object. Be sure to call `_super()`. Subclasses should duplicate and
* reassign all properties that are considered mutable.
* @method
* @protected
* @return {BaseQuery} The duplicated query.
_dup: function() {
var dup =;
this.emit('dup', dup);
return dup;
* Duplication implementation.
* @method
* @protected
* @see {@link BaseQuery#_take}
_take: function(orig) {
this._adapter = orig._adapter;
* Clone a query.
* In most cases, you will want to take advantage of the fact that queries
* cache their results. In some cases, however, you may want to re-execute
* the exact same query. You can clone the query and use
* {@link BaseQuery#then} or {@link BaseQuery#execute} to re-execute the
* query:
* query.clone().then(\/*...*\/);
* @return {BaseQuery} The duplicated query.
clone: function() {
return this._dup();
* Get the statement (SQL & args) for a query.
* This method simply returns the statement for the query, but can be
* overridden in sub-classes to provide a statement that is customized on a
* per-adapter basis when possible.
* @public
* @type {Statement}
* @readonly
statement: property(function() {
return this._statement();
* Override point for statement generation.
* @method
* @protected
* @see {@link BaseQuery#statement}
_statement: function() {
throw new Error('BaseQuery cannot be used directly.');
* The SQL of the query's statement. A shortcut for `statement.sql`.
* @public
* @type {String}
* @readonly
* @see {@link BaseQuery#statement}
sql: property(function() {
return this.statement.sql;
* The args of the query's statement. A shortcut for `statement.args`.
* @public
* @type {Array}
* @readonly
* @see {@link BaseQuery#statement}
args: property(function() {
return this.statement.args;
* Override point for query execution.
* Subclasses should not change the result value.
* @method
* @public
* @param {Object} client The client with which to execute.
* @return {Promise}
_execute: function(client) {
var statement = this.statement;
return this._adapter.execute(statement.sql, statement.args, {
client: client,
.catch(function(e) {
throw _.extend(e, {
message: util.format('%s on "%s"', e.message, statement.sql),
sql: statement.sql,
args: statement.args,
query: this,
* Override point for getting client.
* @method
* @public
* @return {Promise}
_client: Promise.method(function() {
* Override point for processing of query execution result.
* If a subclass changes the resolved value here, it will change the
* query's final result as well. The values emitted & cached will be taken
* from the override.
* @method
* @public
* @return {Promise}
_process: Promise.method(function(result) {
return result;
* Execute the query.
* @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve when execution is complete.
execute: Promise.method(function() {
if (!this._promise) {
var client = this._client.bind(this);
var execute = this._execute.bind(this);
var process = this._process.bind(this);
var emitRaw = this.emit.bind(this, 'rawResult');
var emitResult = this.emit.bind(this, 'result');
var emitError = function(e) {
this.emit('error', e); throw e;
this._promise = Promise.resolve()
return this._promise;
* {@link BaseQuery} is a _thenable_ object.
* @param {Function} fulfilledHandler
* @param {Function} rejectedHandler
* @return {Promise}
then: function(fulfilledHandler, rejectedHandler) {
return this.execute().then(fulfilledHandler, rejectedHandler);
BaseQuery.reopen(Transform); // transform methods override base query methods
module.exports = BaseQuery.reopenClass({ __name__: 'BaseQuery' });