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/* global Fae, FCH, Cookies */

 * Fae tables
 * @namespace tables
 * @memberof Fae
Fae.tables = {

   * Base cookie string for sorting per site per page
   * @type {String}
   * @see {@link tables.defaultSortCookie}
   * @see {@link tables.columnSorting}
   * @see {@link tables.sortColumnsFromCookies}
  sort_cookie_name: 'Fae_table_sort_preferences',

  ready: function() {
    if (FCH.exists('.js-sort-column')) {

    if (FCH.exists('.sortable-handle')) {


    if (FCH.exists('.collapsible')) {


    if (FCH.exists('.js-tooltip')) {

   * Sort columns in tables if applicable
  columnSorting: function() {
    var _this = this;
    var path = window.location.pathname;
    var cookie_value = Cookies.getJSON(_this.sort_cookie_name);

      .on('sortEnd', function(e) {
        var $this = $(this);
        cookie_value = Cookies.getJSON(_this.sort_cookie_name);
        var idx = $this.index() - 1;

        // Create object if the index isn't available at this path
        if (!cookie_value[path].hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
          cookie_value[path][idx] = {};

        // Insert the sort data at the index of the table in the array
        cookie_value[path][idx] = $this.data('tablesorter').sortList;

        // Save it to the cookie as a string
        Cookies.set(_this.sort_cookie_name, cookie_value);

        // Replace sticky table headers w/ newly sorted headers

   * Add smart sorting for dates
   * @has_test {features/date_sort_spec.rb}
  dateColumnSorting: function() {
      id: 'mmddyy',
      is: function(s) {
        // testing for ##-##-#### or ####-##-##, so it's not perfect; time can be included
        return (/(^\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{2})/).test((s || '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/[\-.,]/g, '/'));
      format: function(s, table, cell, cellIndex) {
        if (s) {
          var c = table.config,
            ci = c.$headers.filter('[data-column=' + cellIndex + ']:last'),
            format = ci.length && ci[0].dateFormat || $.tablesorter.getData( ci, $.tablesorter.getColumnData( table, c.headers, cellIndex ), 'dateFormat') || c.dateFormat;
          s = s.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/[\-.,]/g, '/'); // escaped - because JSHint in Firefox was showing it as an error
          if (format === 'mmddyy') {
            s = s.replace(/(\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{2})/, '$3/$1/$2');
        return s ? $.tablesorter.formatFloat( (new Date(s).getTime() || s), table) : s;
      type: 'numeric'

   * Ensure this page has a key in the table sort hash cookie
  defaultSortCookie: function() {
    var path = window.location.pathname;
    var cookie_value = Cookies.getJSON(this.sort_cookie_name);

    // If cookie hasn't been created for this session
    if (!cookie_value || $.isEmptyObject(cookie_value)) {
      cookie_value = {};

    // Create hash object for this path if it hasn't been done yet
    if (!cookie_value.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
      cookie_value[path] = {};

    Cookies.set(this.sort_cookie_name, cookie_value);

   * Sort column by stored cookie
   * @has_test {requests/fae_table_sort_spec.rb}
  sortColumnsFromCookies: function() {
    var path = window.location.pathname;
    var cookie_value = Cookies.getJSON(this.sort_cookie_name);

    // Exit early if sort cookie is nothing or there's no cookie at the present path
    if (!cookie_value || $.isEmptyObject(cookie_value) || !cookie_value[path] || $.isEmptyObject(cookie_value[path])) {

    $('.js-sort-column').each(function(idx) {
      // If this table exists in the cookie hash
      if (cookie_value[path].hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
        // Use array value within another array because of how tablesorter accepts this argument
        $(this).trigger('sorton', [ cookie_value[path][idx] ]);

   * Make table rows draggable by user
  rowSorting: function() {
      items: 'tbody tr',
      opacity: 0.8,
      handle: ('.sortable-handle'),

      //helper function to preserve the width of the table row
      helper: function(e, $tr) {
        var $originals = $tr.children();
        var $helper = $tr.clone();
        var $ths = $tr.closest('table').find('th');

        $helper.children().each(function(index) {
          // Set helper cell sizes to match the original sizes
          //set the THs width so they don't go collapsey

        return $helper;

      // on stop, set the THs back to no inline width for repsonsivity
      stop: function(e, ui) {
        $(ui.item).closest('table').find('th').css('width', '');

      update: function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        var serial = $this.sortable('serialize');
        var object = serial.substr(0, serial.indexOf('['));

          url: Fae.path+'/sort/'+object,
          type: 'post',
          data: serial,
          dataType: 'script',
          complete: function(request){
            // sort complete messaging can go here

   * Enable collapsible tables by clicking the h3 preceding a table. Also enables open/close all
  collapsibleTable: function() {
    var $collapsible = $('.collapsible');
    var $toggle = $('.collapsible-toggle');

    // If there's only one table, don't bother with collapsing everything
    // Also, remove the open/close all toggle and the table subheaders
    if ($collapsible.length === 1) {


    $toggle.click(function() {
      var $this = $(this);

      if ($this.hasClass('close-all')) {
        $this.text('Open All');

      } else {
        $this.text('Close All');




    $('.collapsible h3').click(function() {
      var $this = $(this);
      /** @type {Boolean} */
      var toggleHasCloseAll = $toggle.hasClass('close-all');


      // Change toggle messaging as appropriate
      // First check if there are open drawers
      if ($('.collapsible.active').length > 1) {

        // Change toggle text if it isn't already close all
        if(!toggleHasCloseAll) {
          $toggle.text('Close All');
      } else {

        // Change toggle text if it isn't already open all
        if(toggleHasCloseAll) {
          $toggle.text('Open All');


   * Add extra space if the last item in a form is a select menu so the dropdown doesn't run off the screen or section
  endingSelectShim: function() {
    $('form .content:last-of-type').each(function() {
      var $last_item = $(this).find('.input:last-of-type');

      if( $last_item.hasClass('select') ) {

   * Fix a table header to the top of the view on scroll
  stickyTableHeader: function() {
    var $sticky_tables = $('.content table:not(.stuck-table)');

    // Add sticky psuedo tables after our main table to hold the fixed header
    $sticky_tables.each(function() {
      var $this = $(this);
      var $header = $this.find('thead').clone();

      var $fixed_header = $('<table />', {
        class: 'sticky-table-header stuck-table'

      $fixed_header.append( $header );

      // Proxy clicks from .sticky-table-header to underlying tablesorter instance
      if ($this.hasClass('tablesorter')) {
        $fixed_header.on('click', 'th', function(e) {
            .find("th[data-column='" + $(e.currentTarget).data('column') + "']")

     * FCH callback for scroll - If the table header is in range, show it, otherwise hide it
     * @private
    function stickyTableHeaderScroll() {
      var offset = FCH.$window.scrollTop();

      $('.sticky-table-header').each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        var top_offset = $this.data('table-top');
        var tableBottom = $this.data('table-bottom');

        if (offset >= top_offset && offset <= tableBottom) {
        } else {

    FCH.load.push( Fae.tables.sizeFixedHeader );
    FCH.resize.push( Fae.tables.sizeFixedHeader );

   * Cache offset and height values to spare expensive calculations on scroll
  sizeFixedHeader: function() {
    var $tables = $('.content table');

    var header_height = $('.js-content-header').outerHeight();
    if(FCH.large_down) {
      header_height = $('#js-main-header').outerHeight();

     * Add offset and height values per each table
     * @private
    function applyOffset() {
      var $this = $(this);

      // If this is a collapsible item and the table is hidden, forget it
      if($this.parent().hasClass('collapsible') && !$this.parent().hasClass('active')) {

      // Content header is not present on mobile but the main header is stuck
      if (FCH.bp.large_down) {
        header_height = $('#js-main-header').outerHeight();

      var top_offset = $this.offset().top - header_height;
      var thead_height = $this.find('thead').outerHeight();
      var bottom_offset = $this.height() + top_offset - thead_height;
      var $fixed_header = $this.next('.sticky-table-header');

      // For whatever reason IE9 does not pickup the .sticky plugin
      if(!FCH.exists('.js-will-be-sticky')) {
        top_offset += header_height;
        header_height = 0;

      // Force offsets to be greater than the header_height
      top_offset = Math.max(header_height, top_offset);
      bottom_offset = Math.max(header_height, bottom_offset);

        'table-top' : top_offset,
        'table-bottom' : bottom_offset

        width: $this.outerWidth(),
        height: thead_height,
        top: header_height

    $tables.each( applyOffset );


   * Generate a tooltip for all .js-tooltip elements using their title attribute
  tooltip: function() {
    // Generate tooltip
    $('.js-tooltip').each(function() {
      var $this = $(this);
      var $tooltip_element = $('<span />', {
        class: 'tooltip',
        text: $this.attr('title')


      $this.prepend( $tooltip_element );