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# Fryr

Fryr is the fry cook you never knew you needed to turn that ugly, frozen hash into pretty, delectably digestable params. Not only does it make params accessible for use on the client-side, it also adds, removes, and updates them.

// visit mysite.com/#?tankhood=gill,deb,bloat

// define new instance of Fryr with callback
var fry = new Fryr(callback);

// callback is called on hashchange
function callback() {
  // do something with this.params, like refreshing content
// or access params outside of the callback
// => { 'tankhood' : 'gill,deb,bloat' }

// then update params at will
fry.update('home', 'reef');
// => ...com/#?tankhood=gill,deb,bloat&home=reef
fry.append('tankhood', 'nemo');
// => ...com/#?tankhood=gill,deb,bloat,nemo&home=reef

## Initialization

var fry = new Fryr(hashChangeCallback, defaults, call_on_init);

| Arg | Type | Default | Description |
| `hashChangeCallback` | function | | Called on every hashchange (first argument is the updated params) |
| `defaults` | object | `{}` | Key/value pairs for values that should be added on init. Pass `{}` to skip to next argument |
| `call_on_init` | boolean | `true` | Execute callback on initialization. Always true if defaults is supplied |

The `hashChangeCallback` executes everytime the hash is changed. Commonly, this function updates the view and regenerates filtered items, uncommonly, it is used to print frustrated messages to the console, and very rarely it is used to sort the recyclables. It accepts one argument - the new params (as an object) that have been parsed.


function myFilteringCallbackFunction(params) {
var fry = new Fryr(myFilteringCallbackFunction);

## Functions

### `.update`

| Arg | Type | Default | Description |
| `key` | string |  | param key to query against |
| `value` | mixed |  | value for param key |
| `key_is_required` | boolean | `false` | if the key is not required, it will be removed from the hash |

The meat and potatoes of Fryr, this modifies the hash to your explicit purposes.

#### Examples

**Add a key**

fry.update('character', 'marlin');
// => ...com/#?character=marlin

**Add a different key**

// /#?character=marlin
fry.update('home', 'reef');
// => /#?character=marlin&home=reef

**Replace key's value**

// /#?character=marlin
fry.update('character', 'nemo', false, true);
// => /#?character=nemo

**Remove key**

// /#?character=marlin
fry.update('character', '');
// => /#

**Remove value but keep key**

// /#?character=marlin
fry.update('character', '', true);
// => /#?character=

### `.append`

| Arg | Type | Default | Description |
| `key` | string |  | param key to query against |
| `value` | mixed |  | value for param key |

Near identical to `.update`, this function is designed to add values as a list and not be a uniform replace-value.

#### Example

// /#?character=marlin
fry.append('character', 'nemo');
// => /#?character=marlin,nemo

### `.param`

| Arg | Type | Description |
| `key` | string | the param to query |

Query a key in the hash directly, and don't even bother re-parsing it. In just about every instance, accessing `.params.<key>` **is the better decision here**. Returns string.

#### Example

// #?can_speak_whale=dory
// => 'dory'

### `.paramPresent`

| Arg | Type | Description |
| `key` | string | the param to query |

Determine if a param exists or has a blank value.

#### Examples

// #?boat=touched
// => true

// #?boat=
// => false

// #?bomb=touched
// => false

### `.parse`

Update Fryr's `Fryr.params` object with a fresh batch of updated key/values. This occurs on every `hashChange` event anyway, but sometimes you just want to be *that guy*. Returns object.

### `.convert`

Turn a JSON object into a string. Returns a string (without leading `#`) or false if the param is not an object or a string.

| Arg | Type | Description |
| `obj` | object OR string | object to convert |

#### Example

var obj = { 'support_group' : ['bruce', 'anchor', 'chum'], 'location' : 'submarine' };

// => '?support_group=bruce,anchor,chum&location=submarine'

### `.merge`

Wipe out or selectively replace keys and values. Returns a string but also updates the hash.

| Arg | Type | Default | Description |
| `obj` | object OR string |  | query to replace |
| `replace_all` | boolean | `false` | blast existing params away or replace only changed keys

#### Examples


// /#?destination=sydney&directions=over_the_trench
var obj = { 'directions' : 'through_the_trench' };
// => /#?destination=sydney&directions=through_the_trench

**With `replace_all`**

// /#?destination=sydney
var obj = { 'directions' : 'through_the_trench' };
fry.merge(obj, true);
// => /#?directions=through_the_trench

### `.destroy`

Destroy current initialization, unbind `hashchange` listener, and reset the hash to an empty state.

| Arg | Type | Default | Description |
| `retain_hash` | boolean | `false` | preserve hash state |

#### Examples

// /#?destination=sydney&directions=over_the_trench
// => /

// /#?destination=sydney&directions=over_the_trench
// => /#?destination=sydney&directions=over_the_trench

## Access

### `.params`

Grab the key/value hash of the parsed version of `window.location.hash`. Returns object.

## Testing

Install all dependencies:

npm install --save-dev

* `npm test` provides a quick, one-run test as defined in [test/karma.conf.js](test/karma.conf.js)
* `npm run test:dev` opens a Karma instance that watches for file changes, as defined in [test/karma.conf.js](test/local.karma.conf.js)