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2 days
Test Coverage
 * Fryr v1.2.2
 * Command location.hash like a cook in the kitchen
 * MIT License

(function (window, factory) {
  'use strict';

  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    define([], factory(window));
  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    module.exports = factory(window);
  } else {
    window.Fryr = factory(window);

})(window, function factory(window) {
  'use strict';

   * Private variable used to hold the callback function
   * Necessary for the destory method when we decouple the event listener
   * @type {Function}
  var hashCallback;

   * Remove all traces of a hash if it's blank
   * @private
   * @param {String} hash - The existing hash
   * @see {@link http://stackoverflow.com/a/5298684}
   * @fires history.pushState OR window.onhashchange
  function removeHashIfBlank(hash) {
    if(hash === '#') {
      // Prevent scrolling by storing the page's current scroll offset
      var scrollV = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
      var scrollH = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;

      window.location.hash = '';

      // Restore the scroll offset
      document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollV;
      document.documentElement.scrollLeft = scrollH;

    } else {
      // If the hash isn't blank, fire onhashchange
      window.location.hash = hash;


   * Delete value based on key
   * @private
   * @param {String} key - Param to target
   * @param {String|Number} value - Value to delete from param
  function removeValue(key, value) {
    var hash = window.location.hash;
    // check for key, anything between key and value, the value itself, and optionally the trailing comma
    var regex_for_value = new RegExp('(' + key + '=.*)(' + value + ',?)');
    // results come back [<search through value>, <search before value>, <value>]
    var regex_match = hash.match(regex_for_value);
    // replace <search through value> with everything before <value>
    // Key is included in search in case multiple keys have the same value
    hash = hash.replace(regex_match[0], regex_match[1]);

    // Remove trailing commas, ,&, and =,
    hash = hash.replace(/,$|(,(?=&))|((?==),)/, '')


   * Add value based on key
   * @private
   * @param {String} key - Param to target
   * @param {String|Number} value - Value to add to param
   * @param {Boolean} should_replace_value - if false, value will be appended to the param
   * @fires window.onhashchange
  function addValue(key, value, should_replace_value) {
    var hash = window.location.hash;

    var old_value = param(key);
    var new_value;

    // If it's blank or is the value of the next param
    if(old_value.charAt(0) === '&' || old_value === '') {
      old_value = key + '=';
      new_value = old_value + value;

    } else {
      old_value = key + '=' + old_value;

      // If the value of the param should be replaced, don't append it to the existing value
      new_value = should_replace_value ? (key + '=' + value) : (old_value + ',' + value);

    hash = hash.replace(old_value, new_value);

    window.location.hash = hash;

   * Remove key from hash. Key's value must be removed prior to executing this function
   * @private
   * @param {String} key - Key to search and destroy
  function removeKey(key) {
    var hash = window.location.hash;
    var key_search = new RegExp('[?&]' + key + '=', 'g');

    hash = hash.replace(key_search, '');
    // if initial key removed, replace ampersand with question
    hash = hash.replace('#&', '#?');


   * @private
   * @see {@link Fryr#param documentation in the public `param` function}
  function param(key) {
    if(!window.location.hash) {
      return '';

    var hash = window.location.hash;
    var search = new RegExp('#.*[?&]' + key + '=([^&]+)(&|$)');
    var key_value = hash.match(search);

    return (key_value ? key_value[1] : '');

   * Apply value to variable if it has none
   * @private
   * @param {*} variable Variable to set default to
   * @param {*} value - Default value to attribute to variable
   * @return {*} Existing value or passed value argument
  function setDefault(variable, value){
    return (typeof variable === 'undefined') ? value : variable;

   * Remove key/value if present in hash; add key/value if not present in hash
   * @private
   * @param {String} key - Param key to query against
   * @param {String|Number} value - Value for param key
   * @param {Boolean} key_is_required - If the key is not required, it will be removed from the hash
   * @param {Boolean} should_replace_value - If false, value will be appended to the key
   * @see {@link Fryr#update}
   * @see {@link Fryr#append}
   * @fires window.onhashchange
  function update(key, value, key_is_required, should_replace_value) {
    var hash = window.location.hash;

    // Ensure key exists in the hash
    if(hash.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
      var key_value = param(key);

      // If the key is required or value isn't blank and is not in key_value
      var value_not_in_key_value = key_value.split(',').indexOf(value) === -1;
      if (key_is_required || (value_not_in_key_value && value !== '')) {

        // add the value, replacing it if necessary
        addValue(key, value, should_replace_value);

      } else {

        // If the value is blank, remove the original value from the key
        if(value === '') {
          removeValue(key, key_value);

        // Otherwise remove the vanilla value if it's different than the original value
        // or value should not be replaced (appended)
        } else {
          if(key_value !== value || !should_replace_value) {
            removeValue(key, value);


        // If key's value is blank, remove it from hash
        if(param(key) === '') {


    // Add key if it doesn't exist
    } else {

      if(window.location.hash && window.location.hash !== '#') {
        window.location.hash += '&' + key + '=' + value;
      } else {
        // Use a question mark if first key
        window.location.hash = '?' + key + '=' + value;


   * Call once to initialize filtering
   * @param {Function} hashChangeCallback - Called on every hashchange
   *   @param {Object} Updated params
   * @param {Object} [defaults={}] - Key/value pairs for values that should be added on init. Pass {} to skip defaults
   * @param {Boolean} [call_on_init=true] - Execute callback on initialization. Always true if defaults is supplied
   * @return {Fryr}
  function Fryr(hashChangeCallback, defaults, call_on_init) {
    defaults = setDefault(defaults, {});
    call_on_init = setDefault(call_on_init, true);

    // Set for the privateHashChange
    var _this = this;

     * Very important object holder
     * @type {Object}
    this.params = {};

     * Callback with new params. Callback defined in initialization
     * @private
     * @fires hashChangeCallback
    function privateHashChange() {
      var params = _this.parse();
      hashChangeCallback.call(_this, params);

    hashCallback = privateHashChange;

    window.addEventListener('hashchange', hashCallback);

    // Apply defaults (if present) to hash, which will file window.onhashchange
    if( Object.keys(defaults).length && window.location.hash === '' ) {
      this.merge(defaults, true);

    // Execute the callback on load
    } else if(call_on_init) {


    return this;

  Fryr.prototype = {

     * Replace key/value if present in hash; add key/value if not present in hash
     * @param {String} key - Param key to query against
     * @param {String|Number} value - Value for param key
     * @param {Boolean} [key_is_required=false] - if the key is not required, it will be removed from the hash
     * @see {@link Fryr#append}
    update: function(key, value, key_is_required) {
      key_is_required = setDefault(key_is_required, false);
      update(key, value, key_is_required, true);

     * Add value to key's value in a comma-delineated list if it's not present in hash
     * @param {String} key - Param key to query against
     * @param {String|Number} value - Value for param key
     * @see {@link Fryr#update}
    append: function(key, value) {
      update(key, value, false, false);

     * Evaluate the hash
     * @return {Object} Key/value hash of the hash broken down by params
    parse: function() {
      var hash = window.location.hash;
      var params;

      // clear zombie keys and values
      this.params = {};

      if(window.location.hash && /\?/g.test(hash)) {
        params = hash.split('?')[1];
        params = params.split('&');

        // Separate params into key values
        for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
          var key_value = params[i].split('=');
          var key = key_value[0];
          var value = key_value[1];

          this.params[key] = value;

      return this.params;

     * Change a JSON object into a string for the hash
     * @param {Object|String} obj - object to convert
     * @return {String|Boolean} For use in window.location.hash. Returns false if param is not object or string
    convert: function(obj) {
      if( obj.constructor === String ) {
        obj = JSON.parse(obj);

      // Escape if we're not dealing with an object
      if( obj.constructor !== Object ) {
        return false;

      var keys = Object.keys(obj);
      // Set start with a ?
      var new_hash = '?';

      // Loop through all keys in the obj
      for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        var key = keys[i];
        var value = obj[ key ];

        if (value === '') {

        if( value.constructor === Array ) {
          value = value.join(',');

        // On next key, if it isn't the first, precede with an ampersand
        if(new_hash !== '?') {
          new_hash += '&';

        // Append key/value to new_hash
        new_hash += key + '=' + value;

      if (new_hash === '?') {
        new_hash = '';

      return new_hash;

     * Wipe out or selectively replace keys in params
     * @param {Object|String} obj - Query to replace
     * @param {Boolean} [replace_all=false] - Whether or not to blast existing params away or replace only changed keys
     * @fires window.onhashchange
     * @return {String} The new hash
    merge: function(obj, replace_all) {
      replace_all = setDefault(replace_all, false);

      // If it's a string, convert to an object
      if( obj.constructor === String ) {
        obj = JSON.parse(obj);

      // Override or add key values from existing params and put them into the object
      if( !replace_all ) {
        var new_params = this.parse();

        var keys = Object.keys(new_params);

        for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          var key = keys[i];
          var value = new_params[ key ];

          if(!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            obj[key] = value;

      // Change hash to string; if replace_all is false, original value is used
      var new_hash = this.convert(obj);

      window.location.hash = '#' + new_hash;

      return new_hash;

     * Retrieve a key's value
     * @param {String} key - Param to target
     * @example
     * window.location.hash = '?color=blue'
     * fryr.param('color') // => 'blue'
     * @return {String} The value of the key
    param: function(key) {
      return param(key);

     * Determine if param is blank or undefined
     * @param {String} key - Param to target
     * @return {Boolean}
    paramPresent: function(key) {
      var value = this.params[key];
      return (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== '');

     * Destroy current initialization, unbind hashchange listener, and reset the hash to an empty state
     * @param {Boolean} [retain_hash=false] - Keep items in hash
    destroy: function(retain_hash){
      retain_hash = setDefault(retain_hash, false);

      window.removeEventListener('hashchange', hashCallback);

      if(!retain_hash) {
        window.location.hash = '';

  return Fryr;
