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Test Coverage
/* eslint no-nested-ternary: 0 */

const wrap = require('word-wrap');
const map = require('lodash.map');
const longest = require('longest');
const rightPad = require('right-pad');
const chalk = require('chalk');

const helpers = require('./lib/helpers');
const config = require('./config/default.json');

module.exports = (options) => {
  const types = options.types;

  const length = longest(Object.keys(types)).length + 1;
  const choices = map(types, (type, key) => ({
    name: `${config.emojis[key]}  ${rightPad(`${key}`, length)} ${type.description}`,
    value: key,

  return {
    prompter(cz, commit) {
          type: 'list',
          name: 'type',
          message: 'Type of change that you\'re committing:',
          default: options.defaultType,
        }, {
          type: 'input',
          name: 'scope',
          message: 'Scope of this change, component or folder name: (enter to skip)',
          default: options.defaultScope,
          filter(value) {
            return value.trim().toLowerCase();
        }, {
          type: 'input',
          name: 'subject',
          message(answers) {
            return (
              `Short, imperative tense description of the change (max ${
                helpers.maxSummaryLength(options, answers)
              } chars):`
          default: options.defaultSubject,
          validate(subject, answers) {
            const filteredSubject = helpers.filterSubject(subject);
            return filteredSubject.length === 0 ? 'subject is required' : filteredSubject.length <= helpers.maxSummaryLength(options, answers) ? true
              : `Subject length must be less than or equal to ${
                helpers.maxSummaryLength(options, answers)
              } characters. Current length is ${
              } characters.`;
          transformer(subject, answers) {
            const filteredSubject = helpers.filterSubject(subject);
            const color = filteredSubject.length <= helpers.maxSummaryLength(options, answers)
              ? chalk.green
              : chalk.red;
            return color(`(${filteredSubject.length}) ${subject}`);
          filter(subject) {
            return helpers.filterSubject(subject);
          type: 'input',
          name: 'body',
            'Longer description of the change: (enter to skip):',
          default: options.defaultBody,
          type: 'confirm',
          name: 'isBreaking',
          message: 'Breaking changes?',
          default: false,
          type: 'input',
          name: 'breakingBody',
          default: '-',
            'Breaking change requires a body :',
          when(answers) {
            return answers.isBreaking && !answers.body;
          validate(breakingBody) {
            return (
              breakingBody.trim().length > 0
              || 'Body is required for BREAKING CHANGE'
          type: 'input',
          name: 'breaking',
          message: 'Describe the breaking changes:',
          when(answers) {
            return answers.isBreaking;

          type: 'confirm',
          name: 'isIssueAffected',
          message: 'Affect any open issues?',
          default: !!options.defaultIssues,
          type: 'input',
          name: 'issuesBody',
          default: '-',
            'If issues are closed, the commit requires a body:',
          when(answers) {
            return (
              answers.isIssueAffected && !answers.body && !answers.breakingBody
          type: 'input',
          name: 'issues',
          message: 'Issue references, "fix #123", "close #123":',
          when(answers) {
            return answers.isIssueAffected;
          default: options.defaultIssues ? options.defaultIssues : undefined,
      ]).then((answers) => {
        const wrapOptions = {
          trim: true,
          cut: false,
          newline: '\n',
          indent: '',
          width: options.maxLineWidth,

        // parentheses are only needed when a scope is present
        const scope = answers.scope ? `(${answers.scope})` : '';

        // add emoji
        let emoji = ` ${config.emojis[answers.type]}`;

        // Hard limit this line in the validate
        const head = `${answers.type + scope}: ${answers.subject}${emoji}`;

        // Wrap these lines at options.maxLineWidth characters
        const body = answers.body ? wrap(answers.body, wrapOptions) : false;

        // Apply breaking change prefix, removing it if already present
        let breaking = answers.breaking ? answers.breaking.trim() : '';
        breaking = breaking
          ? `BREAKING CHANGE: ${breaking.replace(/^BREAKING CHANGE: /, '')}`
          : '';
        breaking = breaking ? wrap(breaking, wrapOptions) : false;

        const issues = answers.issues ? wrap(answers.issues, wrapOptions) : false;

        commit(helpers.filter([head, body, breaking, issues]).join('\n\n'));