#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# This script is for building dependencies in the application with
# Bundler and Yarn. It also precompiles assets (and compiles Webpacker
# packs) for production usage if +$RAILS_ENV+ is set to "production",
# like it is in the production Docker image.
require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils
APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('..', __dir__)
RAILS_ENV = ENV.fetch('RAILS_ENV', 'development')
YARN_MODULE_PATH = ENV.fetch('YARN_MODULE_PATH', 'node_modules')
BUNDLE_PATH = ENV.fetch('BUNDLE_PATH', 'vendor/bundle')
def system!(*args)
system(*args) || abort("\n== Command #{args} failed ==")
chdir APP_ROOT do
puts '== Installing dependencies =='
system! 'gem install bundler --conservative'
system('bundle check') || system!("bundle install --path #{BUNDLE_PATH}")
system! "bin/yarn --module-path=#{YARN_MODULE_PATH}"
if RAILS_ENV == 'production'
puts "\n== Precompiling assets =="
system! 'bin/rails assets:precompile'