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# redux-local-storage

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LocalStorage management wrapper for [reduxables](https://github.com/weavedev/reduxable/) like [redux-async](https://github.com/weavedev/redux-async/).

## Install

npm i @weavedev/redux-local-storage

## API documentation

We generate API documentation with [TypeDoc](https://typedoc.org).

[![API Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/API-Documentation-blue?style=for-the-badge&logo=typescript)](https://weavedev.github.io/redux-local-storage/)

## Usage

### Creating

In this example we wrap a [ReduxAsync](https://github.com/weavedev/redux-async/) object in a ReduxLocalStorage object to save state changes to localStorage and load existing state from localStorage on init.

import { ReduxAsync } from '@weavedev/redux-async';
import { ReduxLocalStorage } from '@weavedev/redux-local-storage';

export const storedResource = new ReduxLocalStorage(new ReduxAsync( ... ), 'localStorageKey');

// If you are also using our store package (@weavedev/store)
window.storeReducers.storedResource = storedResource.reducer;
window.storeSagas.storedResource = storedResource.saga;

declare global {
    interface StoreReducersMap {
        storedResource: typeof storedResource.reducer;

    interface StoreActionsMap {
        storedResource: typeof storedResource.actions;

### Options

You can change the saving behaviour by providing an options object.

export const storedResource = new ReduxLocalStorage(
    new ReduxAsync( ... ),

#### Options object

     * Add a custom transformer between localStorage and the runtime state.
     * Usefull for objects that can not be serialized.
    transform: {
        // Convert saved state to runtime state
        read: (s: string): MyAsyncState => ({ data: s }),

        // Convert runtime state to saved state
        write: (s: MyAsyncState): string => s.data,

     * By default ReduxLocalStorage saves to localStorage whenever the state changed.
     * If you only want to save on specific action types you can provide an array.

## License


Made by [Paul Gerarts](https://github.com/gerarts) and [Weave](https://weave.nl)